ITU-R Membership News

NEW ITU-R SECTOR MEMBERS (Oct. 2009 - June 2010)
3 Scientific Industrial Organizations (SIO), 7 Recognized Operating Agencies (ROA) and 3 Registered International Orgaizations (REGINTORG) further joined the ITU-R Sector since the last issue of the ITU-R e-Flash, reaching a total of 260 ITU-R Sector Members and 25 Associate Members:
  • Sector Members as from October 2009:

    Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), San José (ROA/Operator)
    Arab Information and Communication Technology Organization (AICTO), Tunis (REGINTORG)
    African Union, Addis Ababa (REGINTORG)
    Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU), Bridgetown, Barbados (REGINTORG)

  • Sector Members 2010:

    SES Sirius AB, Solna (ROA)
    Zain Zambia, Lusaka (ROA)
    TelOne (Pvt) Limited , Harare (ROA)

  • Associate Members as from October 2009:

    Gabonaise des Télécommunications (GABTEL), Libreville, Gabon (ROA) (Study Group 1)

  • Associate Members 2010:

    NXP B.V., Eindhoven, Netherlands (SIO), (Study Group 6)
    TCI International, Inc., Fremont, CA (United States) (SIO), (Study Group 1)
    TES América Andina Ltda. Bogotá, Colombia (ROA) (Study Group 1)
    Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales (AR-SAT S.A.), Buenos aires, Argentina (ROA (Study Group 4)
    Philips International B.V. Eindhoven, Netherlands (SIO) (Study Group 6)
    Stichting Open Spectrum, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Other Entity), (Study Group 1)

    Total: 260 ITU-R Sector Members and 25 Associate Members

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