Episode #34: What is a citiverse ? And how can it contribute to sustainable city development?


If there’s more than one metaverse, there will obviously be more than one citiverse. How can we anticipate which might be the most useful one for Local and Regional Governments (LRGs)?

Digital transformation, smart city development, emerging technologies like the metaverse and citiverses are crucial areas for LRGs. Strategically assembled, properly regulated and efficiently managed people-centered citiverses have the potential to answer the challenges of rapid urbanization and can contribute to the development of cities as agents of solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Digital transformation, smart city development, emerging technologies like the metaverse and citiverses are crucial areas for LRGs. Strategically assembled, properly regulated and efficiently managed people-centered citiverses have the potential to answer the challenges of rapid urbanization and can contribute to the development of cities as agents of solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The event aimed to discuss the potential role of citiverses – taking into account different social and economic aspects – and identify areas of collaboration between relevant International Organizations and LRGs. It provided an insight into the necessity of an inclusive multistakeholder approach to actively listen to the needs of LRGs and share views, insights, and guidance on the very principles to follow when shaping a citiverse. It elaborated its potential contribution to LRGs’ delivering sustainable services, thus achieving 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Experts elaborated on the concept, revealed their suggestions on necessary technical standards, as well as relevant policies and regulations in developing open, interoperable, secure, and inclusive citiverses.

Target Audience

Participation is open to the ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates, ITU Academia, and to any individual from a country that is a member of the ITU and who wishes to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations. Participation to the webinar is free of charge.

See programme details here

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