21st Century Financing Models for Bridging Broadband Connectivity GapsWorking Group Report on 21st Century Financing Models for Sustainable Broadband Development
     Working Group Members
Table of contents
1 Introduction
     1.1 Overview of this study
     1.2 Structure of the report
2 Key issues and methodology
     2.1 Key issues and expectations
          2.1.1 Project stakeholders’ contribution and involvement
          2.1.2 Operational hurdles
          2.1.3 Demand-side issues
          2.1.4 Other project risks
          2.1.5 Summary of identified key issues and expectations
     2.2 Conducting a comprehensive study of financing models
3 Broadening the contribution base to support sustainable broadband development
     3.1 Types of contribution
     3.2 Broadening the existing contribution base to include new contributors
     3.3 Retaining contributions from the ICT players
     3.4 Reforming existing USAFs to ensure efficient collection and disbursement of funds
4 Ensuring efficient disbursement of funds to sustain broadband development
     4.1 Areas of contribution
     4.2 Innovating in the disbursement of available funds
5 Investment, financing, and funding models
     5.1 Investing, financing, and funding model framework
     5.2 Identified traditional and innovative models
          5.2.1 Identified elements of investing, financing, and funding models
          5.2.2 Investing, financing, and funding models
6 Ensuring efficiency in the use of contributions through the implementation of an optimal policy and regulatory environment
     6.1 Key regulatory areas
     6.2 Policy and regulatory guidelines that enable infrastructure project set-up
7 A new international structure to foster new and optimal contribution models
     7.1 Combining the right contribution elements to design a contribution model
     7.2 Optimal design of an internationally managed contribution fund
     7.3 Examples of internationally managed contribution schemes
8 Conclusion
Annex A. Connectivity funding gap
     A.1 Definition of broadband
     A.2 Unconnected population
     A.3 Estimation of the funding gap
     A.4 Estimates of funding gaps from the literature review
     A.5 Estimation of the connectivity gaps
Annex B. Examples of digital taxes already implemented or under review by governments
Annex C. Details of innovative and traditional contribution models
     C.1 Detailed analysis of updated traditional contribution models
     C.2 Detailed analysis of innovative contribution models
Annex D. Requirements of an internationally managed contribution model
     D.1 Financial objectives and capabilities
          D.1.1 Financial objective #1: Maximize contributions by using blended financing schemes to ensure the return expected by each category of investors
          D.1.2 Financial objective #2: Make use of appropriate risk-reduction mechanisms to reduce the overall risk of investing in the fund
          D.1.3 Financial objective #3: Maximize the reduction in the broadband connectivity gap, while achieving the returns needed to ensure objective #1 is met
          D.1.4 Financial objective #4: While aiming to reduce the broadband connectivity gap, the international fund will seek to leverage existing or new national- and international-level contribution mechanisms
     D.2 Operational capabilities
          D.2.1 Operational objective #1: Provide operational support to assess and select broadband projects and ensure the most effective outcomes
          D.2.2 Operational objective #2: Provide operational support to governments and to the management of projects supported by the international fund
          D.2.3 Operational objective #3: Make use of traditional and innovative operational solutions to increase efficiency
          D.2.4 Operational objective #4: Leverage existing national- and international-level contribution mechanisms, from an operational and knowledge-sharing point of view
          D.2.5 Operational objective #5: Focus on large-scale projects, while ensuring smaller projects can also benefit from the international fund
     D.3 Proposed organization of the fund management
     D.4 Implementation and management of the target projects
Annex E. Management models
     E.1 Community management
     E.2 PPP (public-private partnership)
     E.3 Private management model
Annex F. Demand-support measures
     F.1 Limited affordability
     F.2 Limited digital literacy and awareness
     F.3 Lack of relevance and attractiveness (of content)
Annex G. Details of recommendations for an optimal policy and regulatory environment
     G.1 Infrastructure investment outlook
     G.2 Licensing framework
     G.3 Network access regimes
     G.4 Infrastructure deployment
          G.4.1 Summary of key issues and expectations addressed by policy and regulatory measures
Annex H. Assessing project impact
     H.1 Measuring the project impact
          H.1.1 Effectiveness in connecting the unconnected
          H.1.2 Financial impact
          H.1.3 Social and environmental impact
          H.1.4 Economic impact
     H.2 Impact of contribution models
          H.2.1 Effectiveness of contribution models in connecting the unconnected
          H.2.2 Financial impact of contribution models
          H.2.3 Social, environmental, and economic impact of contribution models
Annex I. Sources for this study