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Connect Asia Pacific 2013

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Biography of H.E. Hon. Tuisugaletaua Aliimalemanu Sofara Aveau

  • ​Appointed Director of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology, November 1992, a position held until March 2001 – nine years.
  • Stood for Election 2001 – Was elected Member of Parliament of Samoa from Constituency of Vaimauga East, in March 2001 General Election. Appointed Minister for Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology and Agriculture Store Corporation in March 2001.
  • Appointed Minister for Natural Resources, Environment and Meteorology, Samoa Land Corporation and Samoa Trust Estates Corporation, February, 2005.
  • Re-elected as Member of Parliament representing the Constituency of Vaimauga East, in the General Elections of 2006.   
  • Appointed same year as Minister for Works, Transport and Infrastructure, also Minister for Electric Power Corporation;  Samoa Water Authority;  Samoa Ports Authority;  Samoa Airports Authority; Land Transport Authority; Samoa Shipping Corporation and Government Housing.
  • Re-elected as Member of Parliament representing the Constituency of Vaimauga East, in the General Elections of 2011.
  • Appointed same year as Minister of Communications and Information Technology, also Minister for Office of the Regulator and Samoa Post Limited up to now.