Committed to connecting the world

Switzerland 10 to 12 December 2007

Global Forum on Effective Use of Telecommunications/ICT for Disaster Management: Saving Lives, Geneva International Conference Center (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland 10 -12 December 2007

The purpose of this event is to bring together the main stakeholders active in developing, deploying and using telecommunications/ICT for disaster mitigation, and to serve as a forum in which they can map out concrete strategies and adopt practical measures aimed at giving telecommunications/ICT a central role in disaster management, i.e. early warning, preparedness, relief and response. The discussions will focus on policy, regulation, technology, finance and the deployment of last-mile communications systems. The debate will take a multi-hazard approach, as the role of telecommunications/ICT remains the same irrespective of the nature or type of disaster at hand. Attention will also be focused on the ways in which last-mile solutions can be integrated into existing and future early warning systems. For this, cooperation among organizations involved in disaster prevention and management is an essential element.
Dates: 10 December (Monday) – 12 December (Wednesday) 2007
Venue: Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland

This Forum will take place at Aggies Hotel in Apia
Documents in English