Committed to connecting the world

m-Powering Advisory Board Members

​The m-Powering Development Initiative Advisory Board is designed to provide strategic guidance to the leadership of the Telecommunication Development Bureau. The Advisory Board is composed of eminent personalities from diverse backgrounds. Members of the Board serve in their individual capacity. 


 H.E. Mr  Jean Philbert Nsengimana, Special Advisor, Smart Africa
Mr David Atchoarena, Director, of the Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, UNESCO
Mr Bocar Ba, CEO, Samena Telecommunications Council
Mr Evgeny Bondarenko, Deputy Director General, Intervale, CJSC
Mr Andrew Beard, Chief Operating Officer, Vanu Inc.
Dr Beate Degen 
Ms Jessica Federer
Dr Sayave Gnoumou, CEO & President, Nazounki Global Medical Network
Ms Anne-Rachel Inné, Executive Director Government Affairs and Public Policy, ARIN
Mr Abdoulie Janneh, Executive Director (African Governments/Institutions Liaison), Mo Ibrahim Foundation
Mr Navin Kapila, ICT International Consultant
Ms Marie-Paule Kieny, Research Director, International Institutional Relationships, INSERM
Mr Eric Loeb, Executive Vice President, Government Affairs, Salesforce
Mr Leslie Maasdorp, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, New Development Bank
Mr Patrick Masambu, Director General, International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO)
Mr Philipp Metzger, Director General, OFCOM, Switzerland
Mr Mokhtar Mnakri, Advisor to the Ministry of Communication Technology and Digital Economy, Tunisia
Mr Robert Pepper, Global Connectivity and Technology Policy at Facebook, Fellow at the Aspen Institute
Mr Sam Pitroda, C-Sam Inc.
Mr Ram Sewak Sharma, Chairman, TRAI, India
Mr Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, Senior Advisor, ASEAN Advisory
Mr Tim Unwin, Emeritus Professor of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London and UNESCO Chair in ICT4D
Eng J. Waweru, Executive Chairman, Geda Ltd.
Mr Lawrence Yanovitch, President, GSMA Foundation
Mr Abdoulkarim Soumaila​ 

Mr Vanu Bose, President & CEO, Vanu Inc (in memory)



Dr. Sam Pitroda, Chairman of the Board
H.E. Dr. Omobola Johnson
H.E. Mr. Binali Yıldırım
H.E. Mr. Diego Molano Vega
Ms. Anne Bouverot Vice-Chairman of the Board
Mr. Iñigo Arenillas
Mr. David Atchoarena
Mr. Housseynou Ba
Mr. Anthony Bloome
Mr. Evgeny Bondarenko
Ms. Kathryn C. Brown
Mr. Robert Collymore
Mr. John Davies
Ms. Gabrielle Gauthey
Dr. Sayave Gnoumou
Mr. Navin Kapila
Mr. Rahul Khullar
Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny
Mr. Sipho Maseko
Mr. Mokhtar Mnakri
Dr. Veena Rawat
Mr. Mohamed Sharil Mohamed Tarmizi
Prof. Tim Unwin
Ing. Carolina Cosse