Committed to connecting the world

PREPARATORY WORK - Analog to Digital Broadcasting Migration

27-30 August 2012 (Maputo, Mozambique)

Fourth SADC Digital Broadcasting Migration Forum

The SADC Secretariat convened the 4th SADC Digital Broadcasting Migration Forum from the 28th to 30th of August 2012, at the Indy Village Congress Hotel and SPA, in Maputo, Mozambique, which was hosted by the Government of Mozambique, through the National Institute of Communications of Mozambique (INCM).

This meeting was jointly organized by the SADC Secretariat and the ITU, with the ITU-EC Hipssa Project granting two full fellowships per country in the region to enable the participants travel and participate in the Forum in Mozambique. The meeting was facilitated by two Experts recruited by the Hipssa Project who also made presentations on the various aspects of Digital Broadcasting Migration.

The Senior Project Coordinator of the Hipssa Project also represented and gave welcoming remarks on behalf of the Regional Director in the official opening of the meeting, a ceremony presided over by the Honorable Minister Paulo Zucula, Minister for Information and Communication Technology of Mozambique, the country that has now assumed the leadership of the SADC.


