Committed to connecting the world

Asia-Pacific Digital Societies Policy Forum 2016


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and GSM Association (GSMA) are jointly organizing the “Asia-Pacific Digital Societies Policy Forum 2016”, which will take place on 27-28 April 2016 at Centara Grand at Central World, Bangkok, Thailand. The Forum is hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand (MICT) with support from the Australian Government and partners.

The forum is seeking to convene policy makers, regulators, industry and other stakeholders from the ICT sector to deliberate challenges and potential opportunities through cross sectoral collaboration offered by digital societies in countries from the Asia-Pacific Region. The content will focus on digital economy and society policies, cybersecurity, digital financial services, technology trends, innovations and tech-startups, among other emerging issues. This event is targeted towards senior officials from government ministries, national regulators, industry, academia and international organizations who are involved in developing and implementing policies and regulations, and other associated ICT development activities in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Please note that the Forum will be preceded by the “The 2nd Asia-Pacific Spectrum Management Conference” which will be organised by ITU in collaboration with Forum Global and the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) on 25-26 April 2016 at the same venue.

ITU is pleased to provide one full fellowship for each eligible country from Asia-Pacific Region, subject to availability of funds, with preference for those eligible applicants who could share and present the national spectrum management practices during the Forum. Applicants requesting fellowships are required to submit the Fellowship Request form duly endorsed by their respective administrationno later than 11th April 2016. It is important to note that registration must be done online only at,

The GSMA will also be offering short introductory regulatory training sessions as part of its global capacity building programme. Spots in these sessions will be limited, and offered on a first-come-first-served basis. 

H.E. Dr. Uttama Savanayana
Minister of ICT, Thailand
​R S Sharma
Chairman, TRAI, India
​Dr. Pansak Siriruchatapong
Vice Minister of ICT, Thailand
Alasdair Grant
Head of Asia, GSMA
Sameer Sharma
Seniro Advisor
Marc Vancoppenolle
Global Head of Government Relations, Nokia​
H.E. Saida Muna Tasneem
Ambassador of Bangladesh to Thailand
Dr. Natthakrit Sanguandikul,
BD Manager, Truecorp IoT/M2M
Kim, Yunil
Director General for New Growth Engine Industry, Busan City
Rajiv Bawa
Acting CCAO of dtac, Thailand
​​Ricardo Estrada
Policy Manager,
Digital Financial Services, AFI
​​Rajnesh Singh
Director of the Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau, ISOC
Zdravka Newman
Manager Smart and Connected Communities, Cisco
Philipp Dupuis
Minister-Counsellor, European Union
Håkan Ohlsén
Director, Spectrum & Radio Technology Strategy, Ericsson
​​Hajime Miyazaki
Vice President & COO
NTT Communications
​​Worapat Patram
Director of Corporate Affairs, Intel
​​Brad Jones,
CEO, Wave Money
Andrew Kvalseth
Shiny Yoo
Martin Venzky-Stalling
Senior Advisor, Chiang Mai University Science & Technology Park
Hiroshi Tominaga
Managing Director
Japan Battery Regeneration Inc.
Taro Amornched
General Manager,
Startup Alliance Korea​
Lim, Jungwook
Managing Director
Startup Alliance Korea
Austin Menyasz
Government and Regulatory Affairs
​​Dominic Arena
Group Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer
Axiata Group Berhad
Bonifasius Pudjianto
Director of Indonesian Agency for Creative Industry
Yin New Cho
CEO and Founder, U.M.S. “Queen”
Wisit Atipayakoon
Programme Officer,
Michael Yeo
Senior Market Analyst, IDC Financial Insights


Day 1: Wednesday 27 April 2016



​Opening Session

• Welcome Remarks by Sameer Sharma, Senior Adviser, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [Bio] [Speech]
• Welcome Remarks by Alasdair Grant, Head of Asia, GSMA [Bio] [Speech]
• Opening Remarks by H.E. Dr. Uttama Savanayana, Minister of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand [Bio] [Speech]

Group Photo


• Special address on 'Digital India' by R S Sharma, Chairman of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) [Bio] [Speech]
• Keynote presentation by Alasdair Grant, Head of Asia, GSMA [Presentation]
​10:00-10:20​Coffee Break


​Session 2: Advancing Digital Societies in Asia-Pacific

This session will look at where countries’ digital strategies are going and how best they can get there.

Digital Thailand Strategies           
Dr. Pansak Siriruchatapong, Vice Minister of ICT, Thailand [Bio] [Presentation]
• Realizing Digital Thailand 
Rajiv Bawa, Acting CCAO of dtac, Thailand [Bio] [Presentation]
Digital Bangladesh
H.E. Saida Muna Tasneem, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Thailand [Bio] [Presentation]
The European Union and the Digital Single Market
Philipp Dupuis, Minister-Counsellor, Head of the Economic and Trade Section Delegation of the European Union[Bio] [Presentation]
National Broadband Plans and Spectrum Roadmap
Joe Guan, Spectrum Policy Manager, Government Regulatory Affairs, GSMA
[Bio] [Presentation]


​Session 3: Developing a Smart Sustainable City

For cities wishing to go the Smart Sustainable City way, each city has to start from a different baseline for their transition to a Smart Sustainable City. Realizing that the establishment of Smart Sustainable City is a long term process and cannot be achieved overnight, it is essential that a series of generic steps are defined that would not only allow for comparability but would also promote sustainable development along with each city being able to quantify improvements as time passes.
This session will look into some practical frameworks and models for developing a Smart Sustainable City.

Session Introduction
Wisit Atipayakoon, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [Bio] [Presentation]
Smart Busan City
Kim, Yunil, Director General for New Growth Engine Industry Bureau, Busan City
[Bio] [Presentation]
Rethinking the role of cities in (local) regional economic development (non-capital cities)
Martin Venzky-Stalling, Senior Advisor, Chiang Mai University Science & Technology Park
[Bio] [Presentation]
Smart and Connected Communities in a Global World - Enabling Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability
Zdravka Paskaleva Newman, Manager Smart and Connected Communities, Cisco
[Bio] [Presentation]

Panel Discussion: Developing a Smart Sustainable City
Wisit Atipayakoon, Programme Officer, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
• Kim, Yunil, Director General for New Growth Engine Industry Bureau, Busan City
• Martin Venzky-Stalling, Senior Advisor, Chiang Mai University Science & Technology Park
• Zdravka Paskaleva Newman, Manager Smart and Connected Communities, Cisco
​13:00-14:00​Press Conference at Lotus Suite 14
​13:00-14:20Lunch Break​


​Session 4: Unlocking the Benefits of the Internet of Things for Asia

This session and interactive panel debate provides a unique opportunity for mobile operators, policy makers, ecosystem players and anyone with an interest in the Internet of Things to discuss the IoT opportunity within the Asia Pacific region and beyond.

Session 4 (Part 1): What IoT Can Bring to Citizens, Cities, and Society
​Learn about the benefits the IoT can generate for business and society, as well as learn best practices for policy makers and governments.

Session Introduction
Jeanine Vos, Executive Director, GSMA Connected Living [Bio] [Presentation]
IoT brought to life
Marc Vancoppenolle – Global Head of Government Relations, Nokia [Bio] [Presentation]
True Smart Life with IoT
Natthakrit Sanguandikul, PhD, Business Development Manager, Truecorp IoT/M2M Department [Bio] [Presentation]

Panel Discussion: What IoT Can Bring to Citizens, Cities, and Society
Jeanine Vos, Executive Director, GSMA Connected Living
• Marc Vancoppenolle – Global Head of Government Relations, Nokia
• Natthakrit Sanguandikul, PhD, Business Development Manager, Truecorp IoT/M2M Department

​15:40-16:00​Coffee Break


​Session 4 (Part 2): The Importance of Light Touch Regulation

According to GSMA Intelligence, Asia Pacific’s M2M market totalled 128 million cellular M2M connections in 2015 – a figure expected to rise to 435 million in 2020. However, the IoT is still a nascent industry, composed of a large number of diverse players deploying innovative solutions across a range of devices, technologies and networks. Creating sustainable policy and regulatory environments will help enable operators to unlock the socio-economic benefits of the Internet of Things, transforming everyday life for consumers, businesses and industries.

• Moderator
Jeanine Vos, Executive Director, GSMA Connected Living [Presentation]
Be Healthy Be Mobile
Sameer Sharma, ITU Senior Advisor, ASP Regional Office [Bio] [Presentation]
IoT Policy and Regulation Trends in Asia
Chris Perera, Senior Director, AT&T [Bio] [Presentation]
Transforming to the Networked Society             
Håkan Ohlsén PhD, Director, Spectrum & Radio Technology Strategy, Ericsson Group
[Bio] [Presentation]

Panel Discussion: Incentivising Growth and Innovation in the IoT
Jeanine Vos, Executive Director, GSMA Connected Living
• Sameer Sharma, ITU Senior Advisor, ASP Regional Office
• Hakan Ohlsen PhD, Director, Spectrum & Radio Technology Strategy, Ericsson Group
• Chris Perera, Senior Director, AT&T
​17:00-18:45​C-level Meeting on Advancing Digital Thailand Strategies (closed meeting)


Gala Dinner​


Day 2: Thursday 28 April 2016


​Session 5: Securing Digital Networks of Tomorrow

Improved access and affordability has seen a huge uptake of broadband in Asia Pacific. But as we move towards a hyper-connected society, the vulnerability of individuals and institutions to online attacks increases. Data integrity and trust now play a major role in ensuring increased user engagement in digital services, but how can we safeguard data and the increase of IoT connected devices? Is it the government’s sole responsibility to ensure a secure and trusted cyber space or should it be an obligation shared by all stakeholders? This session aims to create open dialogue to discuss potential challenges and solutions from across the industry.

• Session Introduction
Jake Saunders, Asia Pacific Director, ABI Research
• Rethinking Security in the IoT era
Rajnesh Singh, Director, Asia-Pacific Bureau, Internet Society(ISOC)
[Bio] [Presentation]
• Protecting digital infrastructure: IoT security challenges towards 2020
Worapat Patram, Director of Corporate Affairs, Intel Microelectronics (Thailand)
[Bio] [Presentation]
• Digital Transformation by global ICT infrastructure
Hajime Miyazaki, Vice President & COO, Country Director (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar) NTT Communications [Bio] [Presentation]
• Addressing Cybersecurity in the Age of IoT
Joyce Chen, Senior Manager, GSE Strategy & Development, ICANN [Bio] [Presentation]

Panel Discussion: Building New Security Architecture for a Hyper-Connected Future
Jake Saunders, Asia Pacific Director, ABI Research
• Rajnesh Singh, Director of the Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau, Internet Society (ISOC)
• Worapat Patram, Director of Corporate Affairs, Intel Microelectronics (Thailand)
• Hajime Miyazaki, Vice President & COO, Country Director, NTT Communications
• Joyce Chen, Senior Manager, GSE Strategy & Development, ICANN
​10:20-10:30Coffee Break​


​​Session 6: Digital Financial Services and Mobile Money

Two billion people -- or 38% of adults in the world -- do not use formal financial services, and 73% poor people are unbanked because of costs, travel distances and the often-burdensome requirements involved in opening a financial account. With more than 7 billion mobile cellular subscriptions worldwide, today, access to, and use of, ICTs and other innovative technologies provide a promising way to increase access to financial services to the “unbanked”, particularly in the poor and rural areas, and to allow them to participate in the digital global economy. In this context, digital financial inclusion has become a must.

This will address: • The need for regulators to clarify their roles and collaborate with other regulatory bodies • Developing a regulatory framework to ensure safe and secure payments • Adapting regulatory approaches to fit the proper market contexts; and • Creating an enabling environment for services to grow.

• Session Introduction
Austin Menyasz, Government and Regulatory Affairs, APAC, GSMA [Bio]
• Promoting Financial Inclusion through Mobile and How Policymakers can Help
Dominic P Arena, Group Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer, Axiata Group Berhad
[Bio] [Presentation]             
• Mobile Money: Potential & State of the Industry 2015 in Asia
Sophia Hasnain, Senior Market Engagement Manager, GSMA [Bio] [Presentation]
• Breaking down the barriers for mobile money across Asia
Michael Yeo, Senior Market Analyst, IDC Financial Insights [Bio] [Presentation]
• Enabling a Wave of Change for Financial Services in Myanmar
Brad Jones, CEO, Wave Money [Bio] [Presentation]
• Digital Financial Services and Financial Regulators
Ricardo Estrada, Policy Manager, Digital Financial Services, Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) [Bio] [Presentation]

Panel Discussion: Digital Financial Services and Mobile Money
Austin Menyasz, Government and Regulatory Affairs, APAC, GSMA
• Ricardo Estrada, Policy Manager, Digital Financial Services, Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI)
• Sophia Hasnain, Senior Market Engagement Manager, GSMA
• Michael Yeo, Senior Market Analyst, IDC Financial Insights
• Brad Jones, CEO, Wave Money
​12:30-14:00Lunch Break​
14:00 – 15:20:


Session 7 (Part 1): Startup Ecosystem
• Growing Korean Startup Ecosystem
Jungwook Lim, Managing Director, Startup Alliance Korea
[Bio] [Presentation]
• Empowering nations through creative economic sector 
Bonifasius Wahyu Pudjianto Director of International Marketing Indonesian Agency for Creative Industry [Bio] [Presentation]
• Why Telenor is investing in early stage startups (and how)
Andrew Kvalseth, EVP, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer, DTAC [Bio] [Presentation]
14:00 – 15:20:

Breakout A1: GSMA Capacity Building Taster Session: Mobile Regulation for Socio-economic Development

These short but substantive taster training sessions are excerpts from courses within the GSMA’s full Capacity Building Programme for 2016-17, and will provide insight into key regulatory issues while advising participants on how to further expand their knowledge of each topic:
• Internet of Things
• Mobile for Socio-Economic Development (timings to be added)

Further information about the GSMA Capacity Building Programme is at:
​ ​
​15:20-15:40​Coffee Break​
15:40 – 17:00:


Session 7 (Part 2): Critical Success Factors and Lessons Learned

Panel Discussion
• Hiroshi Tominaga, General Manager, Japan Battery Regeneration Inc. (ITU Telecom World Award Winner 2015)
[Bio] [Presentation]
• Yin New Cho, CEO and Founder, U.M.S. “Queen” (Winner of ITU Young Innovator Competition 2015) [Bio] [Presentation]
• Shiny Yoo, Irience, (ITU Telecom World Entrepreneurship Award Winner 2015) [Bio] [Presentation]
• Taro Amornched, CEO and Co-Founder, TakeMeTour
• Ruangroj "Krating" Poonpol, 500 TukTuks

​​15:40 – 17:00:

Breakout 2: GSMA Capacity Building Taster Session: Internet of Things

led by Jeanine Vos, Executive Director, GSMA Connected Living

These short but substantive taster training sessions are excerpts from courses within the GSMA’s full Capacity Building Programme for 2016-17, and will provide insight into key regulatory issues while advising participants on how to further expand their knowledge of each topic.

Further information about the GSMA Capacity Building Programme is at:
​ ​