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What is a TIES account?

TIES (Telecommunication Information Exchange Service) is a set of networked information resources and services offered by ITU without any charge to ITU Members (Member States, Sector Members, Associates, and Academia) to support their participation in the activities of the Union.

In the context of the ITU-D Study Groups, an account to TIES services (a TIES account) allows access to all meeting documents and to the Case Study Library. Anybody wishing to participate in a meeting should hold a TIES account to be able to access the documents that will be discussed.

For more information on how to obtain a TIES account and manage it, please refer to the page

How are documents for ITU-D Study Groups organized and how can I access them?

Documents for ITU-D Study Groups in the 2010-2014 study period are organized in the following series:

  • Contributions for information (Information documents - INF)
  • Contributions for action (Contributions - C)
  • Administrative documents (ADM)
  • Agendas (in French "ordre du jour" - OJ)
  • Reports (meeting reports - REP)

At each meeting page, the possibility exists to access only the documents for that particular meeting under the link "meeting documents" or all the documents in a particular series, under the links "Contributions", "Information documents", etc.

At the moment, documents for Rapporteur Group meetings (RGQ) and Study Group documents are in separate series, so, in order to make life easier for participants that need to find documents by Question, regardless of what meeting they were submitted to, the following pages have been created:

  • Documents by Question for SG1
  • Documents by Question for SG2

All documents submitted to a meeting are processed according to Section 12 of WTDC Resolution 1 (Hyderabad, 2010)) and are approved by the Chairman prior to posting.  Documents are first posted in the original language.  If the deadline for translation was met (ยง12.1.1 and 12.1.2 of Resolution 1), the document will then be sent for translation into the remaining languages of the meeting and posted in the various languages as they become available.

All documents for Study Group activities are TIES protected. You may find more information on TIES here.

The Secretariat is working on further improving the way documents are organized for the next study period.

How can I request remote participation to a meeting and how does the remote work?

You can request to participate remote by indicating this on the online registration form (registration for all ITU-D Study Group meetings is done through your Designated Focal Point.

You will initially receive a standard registration confirmation email (some participants attend physically part of a meeting and participate remotely for the remainder of the meeting).  Our staff will then get in touch with you with the details of how to participate.

In order to find out more about this topic, you may want to have a look at the User guide for interactive remote participation.

Here are a few things about remote participation in ITU-D events that are worth bearing in mind:

  • All participants requesting remote access to meetings who register before the meeting are offered a training session so they have time to become familiar with the platform;
  • Given that ITU-D Study Group and Rapporteur Group meetings are interpreted into two or more languages, all interventions by remote participants need to undergo sound testing.  Our technicians will strive to improve sound quality but if it is deemed not to be good enough by the lead interpreter, the intervention may not be interpreted;
  • Remote participants cannot intervene at a meeting using a mobile device;
  • One of our staff is always available on the remote platform for guidance, questions and comments. 

Can I access the e-Forum?

The e-Forum is an interactive platform that allows ITU-D SG participants to share information.  It is accessible here.  The e-Forum is a good way to coordinate input documents to a meeting or to discuss your thoughts on the outputs of a particular Question.

At the moment, to obtain a login, you need to contact the Secretariat at and request it.  In the near future, you should be able to obtain it yourself from the login page.  Once you have received your login, you are ready to go!  Topics are organised by study group and by Question.

When you visit the SG or Question you are interested in, make sure you click "watch this forum" in order to be notified of any posts.  This link appears at the bottom right-hand of the screen in very small print.  You can watch as many forums as you wish. 

Feel free to make comments and share documents you are working on with other participants.

If you have any questions not covered in this section, do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat.