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Knud Erik Skouby

keskouby.pngKnud Erik Skouby is professor and director of center for Communication, Media and Information technologies, Aalborg University-Copenhagen. Has a career as a university teacher and within consultancy since 1972. The working areas have for the last 25 years been within the telecom area focusing on mobile/ wireless: Techno-economic Analyses; Development of mobile/ wireless applications and services: Regulation of telecommunications.

Project manager and partner in a number of international, European and Danish research projects. He has served on a number of public committees within telecom, IT and broadcasting; as a member of boards of professional societies; as a member of organizing boards, evaluation committees and as invited speaker on international conferences; published a number of Danish and international articles, books and conference proceedings in the areas of convergence, mobile/ wireless development, telecommunications regulation, technology assessment (information technology and telecommunications), demand forecasting and political economy. Co-director of CTIF-International; Chair of WG1 in Wireless World Research Forum; Special Advisor to GISFI (The Global ICT Standardization Forum for India).