Committed to connecting the world


AliGhazanfar.jpgGhazanfar has been representing ZTE Corporation at various SDOs and is an active researcher, contributor and editor in the development of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) related specifications (e.g. cloud computing platform, service delivery platforms and communication service enablers) at International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) and Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF).

Currently, Ghazanfar represents ZTE as a Chair of DMTF Cloud Management Working Group (CMWG) and works in the area of standardization of cloud computing technologies to promote ZTE cloud strategic interests in international standards organizations. My focus is external primarily in the standardization of the cloud technologies in DMTF and follows related activities in ETSI Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and ITU-T SG13. He attended approx. 50 face-to-face international meetings and delivered about 400 proposals and technical editor of several standards at DMTF (CIMI, OVF, DNS service management profile), OMA (Converged IP Messaging (CPM) enabler), and ITU-T (Y.2025, Y.2240, Y.2214, Q.3610, Q.3611).

Ghazanfar received his MSc degree in Computer Science in 2003 from Quad-e-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad (Pakistan).His MSc thesis was on the design and implementation of an Internet Protocol-Private Branch eXchange (IP-PBX).