Committed to connecting the world

Joint ITU-GISFI-DS-CTIF Standards Education Workshop
Aalborg, Denmark, 8-9 October 2012 Contact:


Draft Programme


Day 1, Monday, 08 October 2012
Venue: Niels Jernes Vej 14, room 4-111, Aalborg University
​08:30 - 09:00 ​Registration
​09:00 - 09:15 ​Welcome: Inger Askehave, Vice-President, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark
​09:15 - 09:30 ​Introduction: Ramjee Prasad, Center for TeleInFrastruktur (CTIF),  Denmark, and the Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI) [ Presentation ]
​09:30 - 09:45 Inaugural Speech: Ulla Astman, Governor Region NordJylland, Denmark
​09:45 - 10:15 Keynote Speech: Jesper Jerlang, Dansk Standard, Denmark [ Biography | Presentation ]
​10:15 - 10:45 Keynote Speech: Bilel Jamoussi, Chief, Study Groups Department, ITU-T [ Biography | Presentation ]
10:45 - 11:05​ Coffee break
​11:05 - 12:50

Session 1: Panel on Standardization and Education

Moderator: Bilel Jamoussi, Chief, Study Groups Department, ITU-T [ Biography ]

Panelists (7-min. presentation by each panelist prior to panel debate):

  • IEEE: James Irvine, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland
    [ Presentation ]
  • Dansk Standard: Signe Annette Bøgh, Denmark
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
  • Global ICT Standardisation Forum for India (GISFI): Tilak Raj Dua, India
    [ Presentation ]
  • Global ICT Standardisation Forum for India (GISFI): Anand R. Prasad, NEC, Japan
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
  • European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute (ETSI): Hermann Brand, France
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
  • Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC): Yoichi Maeda, Japan
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
  • Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA): James M. McGarrah, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
  • Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF): Vinod Kumar, ALU, France
    [ Presentation ]
  • Mahbubul Alam, CISCO, USA
​12:50 - 13:45 ​Lunch break
​13:45 - 15:25

​Session 2: Best Practices on Education about Standardization

Chair: Neeli R. Prasad, CTIF-USA, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark

​15:25 - 15:45 ​Coffee break
15:45 - 17:45

​Session 2: continued

  • Mqhele Dlodlo, University of Cape Town, South Africa
    [ Presentation ]
  • Young Kyun Kim, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Ethiopia
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
  • Liljana Gavrilovska, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia
    [ Presentation ]
  • Sandeep Inamdar, International Institute for Innovation in ICT (I4CT), India
    [ Presentation ]
  • Newell Hampson-Jones, BSI, UK
    [ Biography | Presentation ]
  • Knud Erik Skouby, CTIF-Copenhagen, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark
    [ Presentation ]


​17:45 ​First meeting of the TSB Director’s Ad hoc Group on Education about Standardization
​19:00 Networking Reception and Dinner at NOVI, Niels Jernes Vej 10 (hosted by NOVI)

Reception Welcome: Jesper Jespersen, Director, NOVI
Day 2, Tuesday, 09 October 2012
Venue: Niels Jernes Vej 10, NOVI Auditorium,  NOVI, Aalborg University
​09:00 - 09:30 Keynote Speech: Henk J. de Vries, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands [ Biography ]
​09:30 - 10:30​
Session 3: Teaching methods and material
Chair: Thomas Ryberg, Faculty of Humanities, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark [ Biography ] 
​10:30 - 10:50 ​Coffee break
​10:50 - 11:50

​Session 3: continued


​11:50 - 13:00 First Meeting of the TSB Director’s Ad Hoc Group on Education about Standardization: continued
​13:00 - 13:45 Lunch break​
​13:45 - 14:00 ​Address: Finn Kjærsdam, President, Aalborg University (AAU) [ Biography ]
​14:00 - 15:00

Session 4: Brainstorming - Academic Course structure on Standardization

Moderator: Kiritkumar Lathia, CTIF
[ Presentation ]

Participants: all

​15:00 - 15:30 ​Coffee break
​15:30 - 17:00 ​Session 4: continued
​17:00 - 17:15 ​Closing remarks: Albena Mihovska, CTIF, Alborg University (AAU), Denmark
[ Presentation ]