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Question 3/2

Question 3/2 - Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definition
(Continuation of Q.3/2)
With the advent of IP-based networks, it will become increasingly important to ensure that users of various voice-based and non-voice-based services, particularly on the PSTN, ISDN and mobile networks, can communicate with other users on other networks. Interworking of existing and new services and capabilities will be ever important to satisfy customers' new and/or changing requirements (e.g. QoS, terminal/personal mobility). In addition, increased awareness of customers' needs by administrations and ROAs, and the continued emergence of competition are likely to increase the pace of new service development. It is especially important that mechanisms, including interworking scenarios, be identified which may be of benefit to developing countries in making the transition from legacy networks (for example, the telex network) and the services that they support to more modern means of telecommunication, possibly supported on IP-based networks, or other data networks.
The Question will deal with the issues detailed under Tasks below.
Project number
Topic and rationale
Target completion date
Maintenance of all existing service-related Recommendations
Rationale: This project reviews and revises, where and when appropriate, the existing service-related ITU-T Recommendations, including international telephone, international telecommunication charge card, international freephone, international premium rate, international shared cost services, ISDN, UPT, and mobility services, e.g. E.105, E.106, E.116, and F.110, F.111, F.115, F.116.
Service and operational aspects of numbering and related service definition issues
Rationale: It is important to ensure that users of various voice-based and non-voice-based services, particularly on the PSTN, ISDN and mobile networks, can communicate with other users on other networks including IP based networks.
Changes in the provision of telecommunication services, including aspects of international roaming across both terrestrial and satellite based mobile networks may give rise to the need for new service requirements and definitions for numbering naming and addressing resources.
This project will assess the impact of introduction of IP-based networks (including NGN) and interworking with IP-based networks (including NGN) to determine what new services, service features, and service principles for interworking need to be defined to take advantage of this technology, including matters related to:
                  Requirements for international emergency preference scheme (IEPS) and related facilitation by telecommunication for disaster relief (TDR) on national level.
                  Requirements for telecommunication on disaster relief/early warning.
                  Requirements for the convergence of telecommunication and others.
                  Quality of service requirements.
                  Security requirements.
                  Any other service definition issues with the emergence of new technologies that have not been previously defined, as necessary.
Specifically in relation to NGN, there may be work within this Project arising from the NGN issues.
Service and Operational Aspects for mobile services (terrestrial cellular radio)
Rationale: Develop service requirements for the broadcast of emergency messages to warn and inform the public over mobile services. The project would take a long-term view to use whatever form of bearer is most appropriate, which will change as technology develops. It will develop a framework for harmonizing logical address space in different bearer services over different service areas and across national boundaries. The focus should be to facilitate multi-language warnings, cross-border roaming, and to prevent spam.
Other projects as they are proposed and approved
Rationale: A significant amount of Q.3/2 work throughout a study period is the result of new issues presented by Q.3/2 Collaborators. These issues typically resulted in numerous new projects defined and approved during the previous study periods.
Q.3/2 will continue to define, study, and resolve new issues through the approval of additional projects.
Within ITU
  • ITU-T SG 3 on tariff and accounting principles, telecommunication economic and policy issues
  • ITU-T SG 17 on Identity Management, security, languages and telecommunications software
  • ITU-T SG 11 on signalling requirements and protocols
  • ITU-T SG 13 on future networks including mobile and NGN
  • ITU-T SG 12 on Quality of Service aspects
  • ITU-D SG 2.
With other groups
  • ETSI
  • IETF
  • 3GPP
  • 3GPP2
  • GSMA
  • ISO
  • Relevant international forums/organizations.