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Question 6/9

Question 6/9 - Digital programme delivery controls for multiplexing, switching and insertion in compressed bit streams

(Continuation of Question 6/9)


Television distribution operators such as cable television operators, video distributors and broadcasters normally receive several programme signals from different local or remote sources, and they switch the appropriate signal at the appointed time, on each output channel of their television transmission system to accommodate local advertisements, local programming, emergency messages, etc.

Several programme signals are often multiplexed with each other for multicast distribution purposes, which utilize distribution network resources effectively. And the multiplexing may dynamically vary due to a condition of programme requests from viewers namely in VoD service. A targeted service such as a programme promotion and an advertisement, which provides different content1 to each viewer based on his programme preference, also needs a delivery control based on this dynamic multiplexing.

NOTE 1 – The ITU Terminology database defines "content" as "program material and related information of any variety".

With the advent of digital television transmission systems, programme signals take the form of compressed audio-video signals such as MPEG-2 bit streams, and they would be delivered with a multiplexing mechanism, i.e. MPEG transport stream (MPEG-TS). Television distribution operators such as cable operators will be confronted with the task to switch or multiplexing among the bit streams without causing disruptive disturbances to home decoders, and preferably without incurring the artefacts attendant to multiple cascaded encoding and decoding.

The problem is compounded by the fact that the various programme bit streams at the input of a digital programme delivery function will likely be out of synchronization with each other; they may use different bit rates, different resolutions different picture formats and different types of packet and possibly conform to various different profiles or levels of each compression coding standard.

The problem is further compounded by the fact that programme distributers may wish to edit among compressed bit streams using some simple visual transitions, such as cross-fades, wipes, etc.

Television distribution systems have been moved to digital operation. It is important and urgent to study the operating requirements for programme delivery controls such as multiplexing, switching and insertion of compressed programme bit streams into different programme streams at content distribution functions such as cable television head-ends. Cost effective and operationally efficient solutions should be found to meet those requirements, and they should be reflected in any international standardization that may be required in order that those solutions may be readily and uniformly implemented.

Another important consideration is the replication or reuse of existing analogue functionality in the digital programme insertion system. All the attendant monitoring, auditing and control functions in widespread use today should be accommodated in any digital system that supports equivalent applications such as local advertising, local programme insertions, or emergency message insertion in the analogue domain.


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