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Question 2/16

Question 2/16 - Packet-based conversational multimedia systems and functions

(Continuation of Questions 2/16, 4/16 and 12/16)


As the lead study group on multimedia coding, systems and applications, Study Group 16 strives to make advances in multimedia communication systems that take advantage of emerging technologies, as well as advances in and deeper understanding of existing technologies, in an effort to enable new and better forms of communication capabilities for end users such as ubiquitous services and applications such as any devices, anytime and anywhere.

To that end, Study Group 16 developed Recommendation ITU T H.323, one of the most widely used packet-switched communication systems supporting audio, video, and data collaboration. Typical applications of ITU T H.323 include "Voice over IP", audio and video conferencing and telepresence, which improve communication quality and efficiency and lower greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the need for travel. It can be used inter alia over the Internet, private global networks, corporate LANs, and corporate WANs.

In line with its objective to improve the lives of users through improved multimedia communications capabilities, Study Group 16 continues its study of newer multimedia communications systems and functions. Central to that is the next generation multimedia system referred to as the advanced multimedia system (AMS), which is targeted for future networks, NGN and other packet-based networks. AMS is focused on enabling users to utilize a plurality of devices in concert in order to provide highly converged media applications involving multiple personal and public devices, enterprise systems and network services in support of communications, collaboration and entertainment.

In addition to the core multimedia system specifications, various supporting protocols and functions are essential to successful deployment of terminals, gateways, gatekeepers, service nodes, multipoint control units, and other elements that comprise a system. This Question explores advanced multimedia functions that will enable videoconferencing, data conferencing, telepresence, distance learning, e-health, interactive multimedia information distribution, real-time multimedia collaboration in future networks environment and existing packet-based networks. Aspects include multimedia directory services, quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE), multimedia security, and multimedia mobility. These aspects are studied together in an integrated way for next generation multimedia systems.

Study items

Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to: Tasks

Tasks include, but are not limited to: An up-to-date status of work under this Question is found in the SG 16 work programme (
