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ICT security standards coordination

SG 17, as the ITU-T Lead Study Group on Telecommunication Security, has established an "ICT security coordination activity", under the SG 17 management team:
      • leader: SG17 Chairman
      • sub-leaders: WP 1/17 Chairman, WP 2/17 Chairman and WP 3/17 Chairman,
      • members: Q1/17 Rapporteur, Q1/17 Associate Rapporteur, Q8/17 Rapporteur.
      This team will engage study group security contacts in ongoing dialogs, including via teleconferences and GotoMeeting with well-prepared and compelling agendas during SG 17 meetings and at other times, as required.

      Security coordination meetings and teleconferences

      SG 17 promotes coordination meetings and teleconferences, trying to engage all the security activities underway in other ITU study groups

      Liaison Activities with ITU SG’s and other SDO’s
      • Questions will coordinate with other bodies, both inside ITU and externally, as appropriate, for its subject area;
      • Each Question shall identify work that is relevant and important to their own activities that is being undertaken in other SGs and external organizations and then propose the appointment of a liaison representative to track and, where possible participate in the activities of these other bodies;
      • For internal or external bodies that are important to a particular Question and where there is a SG 17 liaison representative to that body, the Question should work with that representative to be sure he or she is knowledgeable about the Question’s issues and directions.
      Overview of ITU-T SG 17 security activities