Episode #20: A one-of-a-kind platform for digital transformation: the U4SSC Austrian Country Hub


This episode forms part of ITU’s webinar series on Digital transformation for cities and communities​. The episode was co-organized by ITU and the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC​) Country Hub in Austria.

Digital transformation is here to stay and will help make cities and communities smarter, more competitive and efficient. Digital transformation offers a unique opportunity to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and it is increasingly being embraced to drive urban governance, address socio-spatial disparities, and promote integrated sustainable development. With the right guidance, tools and resources, digital transformation can help cities serve its inhabitants better, enable and empower them in their day-to-day lives, and build inclusive and resilient communities that enhance the human urban experience for all.

To provide a space for cities and communities to leverage digital transformation, the concept of the U4SSC National Austrian Hub was established in Vienna by the Austrian Economic Center. This session presented the many activities of the hub in promoting the U4SSC Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Smart Sustainable Cities. It also highlighted the benefits and advantage of implementing the U4SSC KPIs in Austrian cities.

Target Audience

Participation is open to the ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates, ITU Academia, and to any individual from a country that is a member of the ITU and who wishes to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations. Participation to the webinar is free of charge.

Note: The views and opinions expressed by the presenters during this event are solely those of the individual speakers and do not necessarily represent, reflect, or constitute the official stance, policy, or position of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or its secretariat.


14:30 – 14:40

Welcome R​emarks

14:40 – 15:25

Session 1: Overview of the U4SSC Austrian Country Hub

Moderator: Victoria Papp​, Smart City Consultant, ITU

Questions & Ans​wers​

15:25 – 15:30

Concluding R​emarks

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