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CWG-Internet: Online Open Consultation (Jun-Aug 2015)

The Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 instructed the ITU Council to revise its Resolution 1344 to direct the Council Working Group on international Internet-related public policy issues (CWG-Internet), limited to Member States, with open consultation to all stakeholders, and to conduct such open consultation according to specific guidelines. As a result the ITU Council in its 2015 session resolved that the CWG-Internet should hold both open online consultation and physical open consultation meetings, with remote participation, within a defined period prior to each CWG-Internet meeting.

ITU Council also resolved that all relevant inputs received in the open consultation will be available to the CWG-Internet and all other stakeholders on a dedicated publicly accessible webpage of the CWG-Internet website. Relevant inputs from the open online consultation on the topic(s) decided by the CWG-Internet will form the basis of discussion at the physical open consultation meetings and all relevant responses will be submitted to the CWG-Internet for consideration of the issues chosen for its next meeting. 

On 3 February 2015 the Council Working Group decided that Open Consultations would be convened on the following issue:    

"With a view to discussing the establishment of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) to advance connectivity, improve service quality and increase network stability and resilience, fostering competition and reducing interconnection costs, as proposed by Opinion 1 of WTPF-13 and consistent with PP-14 Resolutions 101 and 102, stakeholders are invited to elaborate and exemplify on the challenges faced and identify widely accepted best practices for the design, installation and operation of IXPs."

The physical open consultation meeting took place on 28 September 2015  (See archive for meeting documents) 

ALVAREZ, María  WaleskaNAP del Caribe
NAP del Caribe, Study Case- Successful IXP Initiative in the Dominican Republic- Please view attachm ...
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9/1/2015 2:59 AM
TENCHEVA, JulietaMinistry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications
Dear Madam/Sir, Please find attached the Contribution by the Republic of Bulgaria on the ITU CWG-In ...
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8/31/2015 12:55 PM
The cloud of things technology can addresses all 17 Sustainable Development Goals and holds the prom ...
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8/30/2015 12:51 PM
Comment on Behalf of LACNIC --- LACNIC, the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Addresses Re ...
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8/28/2015 11:13 PM
WENTWORTH, SallyInternet Society
The Internet Society is pleased to contribute to this Open Consultation and thanks the ITU for the o ...
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8/28/2015 10:11 PM
ALQURASHI, MansourCommunications and Information Technology Commission (CITC)
Attached is CITC input to the CWG-Internet Online Open Consultation.
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8/28/2015 9:41 PM
KURAMOCHI, KenjiComisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones
En adjunto la contribución de la Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de la República del Paragua ...
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8/28/2015 8:15 PM
This is a submission on behalf of the RIPE NCC, which serves as Regional Internet Registry for Europ ...
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8/28/2015 4:01 PM
PIECZERAK, JanuszOrange Polska S.A.
Please see the attachment.
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8/28/2015 3:57 PM
HUTTY, MalcolmInternet Exchange Federation (IX-F)
Please find attached the submission of the Internet Exchange Federation.
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8/28/2015 3:17 PM
TOYAMA, KatsuyasuInternet Multifeed Co.
Internet Exchange Providers in Japan made some comments on ITU Consultation on Best Practices for IX ...
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8/28/2015 12:56 PM
MUSEMINALI, VincentRwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority
Please find herewith attached Rwanda Contribution to the open consultation.
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8/28/2015 12:10 PM
MASOOD, Ahmed BakhatPakistan Telecom Authority
In Pakistan some of the operators are peering with each other in major cities of Pakistan and PTCL t ...
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8/28/2015 11:23 AM
JENSEN, MichaelAssociation for Progressive Communications (APC)
Please accept APC's submission for the CWG-Internet Online Open Consultation on IXPs. Thank you ...
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8/28/2015 11:19 AM
TATEISHI, ToshiakiJapan Internet Providers Association
TO CWG-Internet: Online Open Consultation Japan Internet Providers Association Vice Chair ...
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8/28/2015 10:36 AM
LI, YuanChina Academy of Information and Communications Technology
With the fast development of Internet in China, the demand of traffic exchange between small and mid ...
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8/28/2015 10:12 AM
WANGUSI, FrancisCommunications Authority of Kenya (CA)
Attached please find Kenya's response to the online open consultations of CWG-Internet.
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8/27/2015 11:08 AM
EL-BASHIR, MohammedCommunications Regulatory Authority and Ministry of ICT
The attached submission is a joint position statement from the Communications Regulatory Authority “ ...
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8/27/2015 7:27 AM
In Bolivia we have faced a very difficult environment in order to create our first IXP node. Since t ...
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8/7/2015 10:46 PM
MWENISONGOLE, NehemiaTanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)
Please find the attached document
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7/24/2015 11:26 AM
ALMADA, SilvioAngola ISP Assotiation  "AAPSI"
Our Internet Association is owner of Angola-IXP, ...
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6/8/2015 5:58 PM
Bonjour La politique des points d'échange Internet est une très bonne idée. Mais nous nous sommes ...
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6/8/2015 4:26 PM
HILL, RichardAssociation for Proper Internet Governance
Please find attached our contribution to this consultation. R. Hill
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6/5/2015 11:46 AM