ITU Newsletter

Hello, ITU Newsletter readers!

The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development is hosting a Special Session at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Meanwhile, here are your other key ICT trends and insights this week: Read about Apple's new original content plans, Ericsson's new CEO and will China have an AI boom?


ITU Newsletter
Top 5 AI trends for 2017: This year's top artificial intelligence (AI) trends will be about far more than technology. We can expect more debate on AI's social and economic impacts - and more action on leveraging AI for social good. [ITU will co-host the first AI for Good Summit in June with IBM Watson AI XPRIZE.]

ICT Trends

Content: Apple's new original content plans highlight growing ICT-media industry convergence, a trend that has important global implications for connectivity in emerging markets.

China's AI boom? Baidu has appointed former Microsoft executive and AI expert Qi Lu as its new chief operating officer. AI is a new focus for Chinese venture capital investments after a record 2016, according to KPMG. And here's why China may have an edge in AI.


Cybersecurity: 2017 will see more IoT-based distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, according to a new warning from global cybersecurity firm Sophos. Meanwhile, Level 3 becomes one of the latest telcos to boost security against botnet DDoS attacks.

SDN/NFV: Amdocs joins forces with the Linux Foundation to accelerate the global adoption of the open source ECOMP platform developed by AT&T in collaboration with Orange



Where's the trust? As security and privacy rise as critical issues in today's ICT landscape, trust is essential. Yet, trust in ICTs is up against a backdrop of a broader 'global implosion' of trust in business, government, NGOs, and the media, according to the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer.

10 key tasks for Ericsson's new CEO, Börje Ekholm, after a tough 2016 for the company. Light Reading's Ray Le Maistre lays out 10 key tasks for Mr. Ekholm on everything from 5G to IoT to cybersecurity to Ericsson's partnership with Cisco.

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