Committed to connecting the world

MIS 2014 Report Charts

​MIS 2014 Report Charts and Images 

Chart 1.3 : Percentage of households with Internet access, by level of development, 2005-2014 (left) and and by region, 2014* (right)







Chart 1.4 : Proportion of post offices providing public Internet access and post offices with broadband Internet access, 2012, by level of development


Chart 1.6 : Individuals using the Internet, by level of development, 2005-2014 (left) and by region, 2014* (right)








 Table 2.1 : ICT Development Index(IDI), 2012 and 2013 (double-click on the image to see the enlarged view)


 Table 2.2 : Most dynamic countries - changes between IDI 2013 and 2012


Figure 2.2 : Least connected countries(LCCs), 2013


Box 5.1: Poverty mapping in Côte d'Ivoire using mobile network data (communication patterns + airtime credit purchase records)