Committed to connecting the world

Pacific Radiocommunication Workshop 2019

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​​International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organized “Pacific Radiocommunication Workshop 2019 (PRW-19)” held at Shangri La Fijian Resort Spa, Coral Coast , Fiji from 11-12 April 2019. The workshop would be conducted during the 23rd PITA AGM and Annual Conference​ taking place from 08-12 April 2019.

The workshop is supported by Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) and Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT)-Republic of Korea.

​Objectives and Target:

The workshop aimed to bring together senior level staff from policy makers, regulators, Industry and academia for discussions on key radiocommunication issues for the Pacific including but not limited to:

  • Inter-communicating things  - IoTs​
  • IMT-Advanced (5G) as enabler of digital services
  • International Radio Regulations: ITU Structure, study groups and preparation on WRC-19 Agenda items 
  • Smart sustainable cities and its KPIs​

Event pro​gram​me & Presen​tations 

Notes on Participation:​

  1. Registration of the event would strictly be done online through the registration link HERE.

  2. To facilitate participation, ITU is pleases to provide one full fellowship per eligible country, within the Pacific only, subject to availability of funds, with preference to those related applicants who would be able to share the experiences in relevant sessions of the workshop. Applicants requesting fellowships are required to submit their fellowship request forms (attached as Annex B) duly signed by their respective Administrations together with their registration no later than 10th March 2019. Member​ States are encouraged to consider gender balance and the inclusion of delegates with disabilities and with specific needs when proposing candidates for fellowships.​

​Organized By​​

Supported By