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World Summit on the Information Society Forum and World
Telecommunication & Information Society Day 2011

Harnessing technology to accelerate progress towards the MDGs

Accredit now

Geneva, 14 March 2011 – Media accreditation is now open for the World Summit on the Information Society Forum, which this year also includes the awards ceremony for World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, which is celebrated annually on 17 May.

With the rapid spread of connectivity to information and communication technologies (ICTs) now reaching to even the Least Developed Countries, this year’s WSIS Forum will look at how innovation in ICTs can bridge the development gap in key areas like governance, health, education, women’s empowerment and the environment. The Forum will also address emerging issues like the right to communicate, social media as a tool for development, and cybersecurity.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2011 will focus on the theme of Better life in rural communities with ICTs. See www.itu.int/wtisd/index.html.


World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2011, hosted by ITU and co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP


16-20 May 2011


Conference Centre, ILO headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland


This year’s Forum will offer a diverse range of interactions, including High-level Dialogues, WSIS Action Line Facilitation Meetings, interactive sessions, thematic workshops, country workshops, knowledge exchanges and exhibitions. Full programme details can be found at: www.wsis.org/forum


The Forum will attract some 800 representatives from 140 countries spanning government, the private sector, civil society and UN agencies. More than ten Ministers, five Deputy Ministers and many senior government representatives and Members of Parliament are expected to attend.

Media information:

UN press accreditation is valid, but UN-accredited media must register in order to obtain an event badge at: http://groups.itu.int/wsis-forum2011/Register/MediaAccreditationProcedure.aspx

All other media are invited to apply for accreditation online.

For more information, please visit http://www.wsis.org/forum or contact:

Sarah Parkes
Media Relations
tel +41 22 730 6135
mobile +41 79 599 1439
email sarah.parkes@itu.int
Jaroslaw Ponder
Strategy & Policy Advisor, ITU
tel +41 22 730 6065
mobile +41 79 599 1405
email jaroslaw.ponder@itu.int  

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