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UN Broadband Commission uses power of social networks to urge the world to ‘B more with #Broadband’

On September 24 tweet your support for digital inclusion for all

New York, 23 September, 2012 – To coincide with the launch of the State of Broadband 2012 report, the Broadband Commission for Digital Development is tomorrow conducting an online experiment: How many people can be mobilized to lend their support for the Commission’s key message of broadband inclusion for all?

With just under one third of the world’s population online, a sustained and concerted global effort is needed to extend the benefits of broadband to underserved and marginalized communities everywhere. The Commission, which is co-Chaired by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Carlos Slim of Mexico, and co-Vice Chaired by ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun I. Touré and UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, has been advocating strongly to push broadband to the top of the political agenda since it was established in mid-2010.

In addition to a set of four key advocacy targets for broadband inclusion and a Challenge to global leaders announced in 2011, the Commission, which held its sixth meeting in New York today, has just released a new series of Country Case Studies showcasing national broadband strategies along with specific applications of broadband that are being used to accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Harnessing the power of social networks, today’s ‘B more with #broadband’ campaign coincides with the start of the High-Level Segment of the United Nations General Assembly, which will look at formulation of post-2015, post-MDG international development frameworks. The Broadband Commission believes that information and communication technologies – and specifically broadband – must serve as a lynchpin of these strategies.

Tomorrow, 24 September, the Commission urges everyone who cares about digital inclusion to tweet this message

This 24 September, I’m lending my voice to those offline. B more with #Broadband. #SGSglobal. http://thndr.it/NcVyK2

to show their support for public and private sector actions that will help bring more people online around the world.

There is now a good body of evidence pointing to the economic benefits of broadband. One recent OECD study, for example, indicates that a 10 per cent increase in broadband penetration raises per-capita GDP growth by 0.9-1.5 percentage points. Another study focusing on low and middle income economies indicates that every 10 per cent increase in access to broadband in developing countries results in a commensurate 1.38 per cent increase in GDP.

Lend your voice to the campaign, and find out more at: www.broadbandcommission.org/BMoreCampaign.aspx.

Download the full version of the new State of Broadband report at: www.broadbandcommission.org/Documents/bb-annualreport2012.pdf

View a short motion graphic on the report: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt8x10e3V-A

Download a short ‘highlights’ document at: www.broadbandcommission.org/Documents/bb-annualreport2012-flyer.pdf

Photos from the September 23 meeting of the Commission can be downloaded at: www.flickr.com/photos/itupictures/sets/72157631556083581/

For more information on the Broadband Commission, visit: www.broadbandcommission.org

Follow the Broadband Commission on Facebook: www.facebook.com/broadbandcommission

Follow the Broadband Commission on Twitter: www.itu.int/twitter

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Gary Fowlie

Head, ITU Liaison Office

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tel gary.fowlie@itu.int  

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Head, Communications & Partnership Promotion

tel +41 22 730 5601
tel +41 79 592 5668
tel  paul.conneally@itu.int 

In Geneva:

Sarah Parkes

Chief, Media Relations and Public Information

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tel sarah.parkes@itu.int 
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