Thank you Mr. Chairman.

I would like to start by highlighting why Switzerland initiated the idea of organizing Multi-stakeholder Summit Events. For the host country, the main objectives were to:

· Offer a platform of communication
· Support active networking amongst all stakeholders
· Create a space for informal discussions that can nurture the official debates and
· Foster collaboration, leading to concrete partnerships that may reach far beyond this first Phase of WSIS in Geneva.

Our partners in making this concept a success were all the stakeholders involved in the WSIS process: governments, international organizations, NGOs, civil society, the private sector, the media and many more from countries all around the world.

More than 280 Summit Events were organized. It is important to note the high quality and diversity of the various Summit Events. From panel discussions to workshops, exhibitions to forums, and symposia to conferences, including live performances and cultural opportunities, these events truly enhanced the experience of this Summit for all of us.

The Summit Events also cover a broad range of themes including ICT for development, media, connectivity, human rights, knowledge and education, cultural diversity, gender, science, local government, disability, as well as investment and infrastructure, youth and entrepreneurship, indigenous peoples, volunteering, technology and open source and small and medium size enterprises. This diversity of themes has enriched the Geneva phase of the Summit.

In closing, Mr. Chairman, on behalf of Switzerland, I would like to thank the organizers of these many events, for their significant contributions to this Summit.