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ITU 150

Regional E-waste Monitor for the Western Balkans

Project No 2RER21029
Title Regional E-waste Monitor for the Western Balkans

E-waste constitutes one of the fastest growing streams of physical waste in today’s global environment and athreat to sustainable development. Data and comparable overviews on e-waste are essential in all stages ofthe policy cycle, to evaluate developments over time, to elaborate national and international policies and tolimit e-waste generation, to prevent illegal dumping, to promote recycling, and to create jobs in the recyclingsectors.

However, only a very limited number of countries collect internationally comparable e-waste statistics andcomparable overviews on e-waste management at the regional and national level. Within the framework ofthe Global E-waste Statistics Partnership, this project aims to make an assessment of e-waste statistics, e-waste management practices and the e-waste legislation landscape in the beneficiary countries to producethe Regional E-waste Monitor report for the Western Balkans.

The project will be jointly implemented by UNEP Europe Office, UNEP Vienna Office and ITU, in close cooperation with UNITAR-SCYCLE1 and with the respective governments and statistical offices of the participating countries.

Area of Action Least Developed Countries & SIDS
ICT Statistics & Indicators
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 8/11/2021 To 31/12/2023
Beneficiary Countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia
Implementing Agency International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Cooperation Agency United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Europe Office and Vienna Office
Financial Scale (CHF) 100'000 - 500'000
Achievements This part is under preparation.