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ITU 150

Boosting digital skills through Digital Transformation Centres (DTCs) - Phase 2

Project No 7GLO23133
Title Boosting digital skills through Digital Transformation Centres (DTCs) - Phase 2

This project supports the activities implemented under the DTC Initiative. In particular, it supports activities aimed at scaling the delivery of digital skills training – and hence digital literacy - in local communities and among marginalized groups. At the end of the project, in the beneficiary countries there will be a substantial increase in the number of people trained on basic and intermediate digital skills equipping them with job-ready skills that help them increase their socio-economic well-being. The project builds upon, and further expands the activities carried out under the first DTC project, which was implemented from January 2021-December 2023.

It will continue to strengthen and further develop the DTC Initiative by supporting DTCs to expand their training activities, strengthening the skills of local instructors and teachers, increasing outreach and growing the DTC network for greater impact. 

Area of Action Digital Inclusion
Least Developed Countries & SIDS
Capacity Building
Status Ongoing
Time Frame From 1/1/2024 To 31/12/2025
Related ITU Webpages
Beneficiary Countries Dominican Rep., Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Ghana, Indonesia, Côte d'Ivoire, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda (Republic of), Senegal, Uganda, Zambia
Implementing Agency International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Cooperation Agency Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)
Financial Scale (CHF) More than 1'000'000
Achievements This part is under preparation.