Committed to connecting the world

ITU 150

CIS Branch of the Centre of Excellence for CIS

Project No 7RER07018
Title CIS Branch of the Centre of Excellence for CIS
Description In the CIS region, the Project aims at bringing into operation a network of excellence amongst potential content providers, like universities, technological institutions, training centres, etc., as well as service and technology providers who will provide on-line solutions together with face-to-face seminars. As well, the realization of the Project results in the implementation of a priority CIS regional initiative on Future Development and Establishment of "Centres of Excellence" and Creation of a Learning Space, which was adopted by the WTDC-06 (Resolution 17, Rev. Doha, 2006).
The experience learnt in Phase I as well as during previous ITU Distance Learning Projects has shown that there is a growing interest from the participating countries. However, this needs to be consolidated to achieve a long-term sustainability in the project.
Area of Action Capacity Building
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 29/3/2007 To 31/12/2014
Implementing Agency ITU
Project Document Open Document
Report Open Document
Financial Scale (CHF) 100'000 - 500'000

The project objective was to provide capacity building for decision-makers and senior officials in the region telecommunication sectors in the CIS region. The Project brought into operation a network of excellence amongst potential content providers, universities, technological institutions, training centres, etc., as well as service and technology providers who provided on-line solutions together with face-to-face seminars.
The project achieved the following main results:
• 50 Training workshops were conducted.
• 3500 trainees were trained during the project duration.