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ITU 150

Accelerating SDG achievement through digital transformation to strengthen community resilience in Micronesia

Project No 9FSM22001
Title Accelerating SDG achievement through digital transformation to strengthen community resilience in Micronesia

Digital technology, as experienced worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic, serve as a powerful tool to facilitate the much needed social and economic transformations towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Pacific Islands countries. An integrated approach embracing digital transformation across multiple sectors and customized to local needs and priorities can address multiple high priority challenges expressed by the citizens. 

This Joint Programme (JP) aims to leverage digital transformation to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs in the Micronesian countries and strengthen community resilience in the countries. Digital transformation is not just about the technology adoption, but on how digital connectivity, services and applications will change and "transform" citizen's experience and way of day-to-day business in a way that will lead to improvement in quality of life and wellbeing. It will accelerate the path to SDG attainment while leaving no one behind.

While digital technology contributes towards all the six UN Pacific Strategy (UNPS) outcomes (Climate Change, Disaster Resilience and Environmental Protection, Gender Equality, Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Empowerment, Equitable Basic Services, Governance and Community Engagement and Human Rights), the primary UNPS outcomes targeted include: 

- Outcome 3: By 2022, people in the Pacific in particular youth, women, and vulnerable groups, benefit from inclusive and sustainable economic development that creates decent jobs, reduces multi–dimensional poverty and inequalities, and promotes economic empowerment. 

- Outcome 4: By 2022, more people in the Pacific, particularly the most vulnerable, have increased equitable access to and utilization of inclusive, resilient, and quality basic services. 

Area of Action Digital Inclusion
Least Developed Countries & SIDS
Status Ongoing
Time Frame From 1/9/2022 To 28/2/2025
Beneficiary Countries Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau
Implementing Agency International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Cooperation Agency Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Financial Scale (CHF) More than 1'000'000
At the end of the programme, it is envisioned that: 

a) the sectoral policy and strategy frameworks in early childhood development, nutrition and food-based diets, employment, shock responsive social protection and safety nets for children and vulnerable groups are enhanced to embrace digital solutions, 

b) There will be greater coherence amongst digital policy, legislative and strategy frameworks supportive of cross-sectoral digital transformation, and 

c) the target population in each of the five villages/islands will have the necessary knowledge of, access to, and skills for use of digital services in a safe and meaningful manner that improves quality of life and livelihood. 

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