Committed to connecting the world

ITU 150

Connect a School, Connect a Community in Niger

Project No 9RAF10084-03
Title Connect a School, Connect a Community in Niger

This project aims to encourage broadband connectivity of schools in remote, rural and underserved areas of Niger and use these schools as community ICT centers. This project aims to improve access to and use of ICT by students and members of the local community, including disadvantaged and vulnerable groups such as women and girls, indigenous people, rural residents, people elderly or disabled.

To promote school connectivity, this project will apply the best practices in terms of policies, regulations, applications, services and practical experiences, which are in practice kit "Connect a School, Connect a Community" of ITU ( ). The  cash contribution to this Project is funded by a donation of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.


Area of Action Technology & Network Development
Digital Inclusion
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 1/7/2011 To 31/12/2013
Beneficiary Countries Niger
Implementing Agency ITU
Cooperation Agency Ministère de la Communication et des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, chargé des Relations avec les Institutions, Niger
Project Document  Open Document
Financial Scale (CHF) 100'000 - 500'000

This Project provided connectivity for the selected schools to broadband Internet services, provided individual or shared computing devices to school children, and established, in the connected schools, ICT community centers that can be used both for the socio-economic development of community members while fee-paying services enabled sustainability for the community ICT centers. Furthermore, this Project also provided relevant training for teachers, managers of the ICT centers and the trainers who will provide socio-economic relevant training for community members to enable use of ICTs in their day-to- day social and economic activities.

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