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ITU 150

Advancing the SDGs by Improving livelihoods and resilience via economic diversification and digital transformation

Project No 9RAS22071
Title Advancing the SDGs by Improving livelihoods and resilience via economic diversification and digital transformation

The Joint Programme (JP) aims to simultaneously advance the development of foundations for digital economy in the South Pacific Small Islands Developing States (PSIDS), support economic diversification and build greater community resilience across the three dimensions of sustainable development (social, environmental, and economic). It recognizes that in order to enhance community resilience of the PSIDS, integrated strategies for development focusing on strengthening economic resilience, promoting decent work, improving social protection, protecting human rights, supporting digital connectivity and environmental sustainability go hand in hand.

The JP will support SDG acceleration by combining transformational upstream policy and regulatory interventions and downstream catalytic capacity-building programmes. Particularly, it strives to strengthen resilience of communities through economic diversification in key sectors by creating an enabling environment for communities to adapt to the digital era. 

Area of Action Technology & Network Development
Digital Inclusion
Least Developed Countries & SIDS
Status Ongoing
Time Frame From 1/9/2022 To 31/8/2024
Beneficiary Countries Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
Implementing Agency International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Cooperation Agency UNESCO, UNODC, UNOPS, OHCHR and other National Coordinating Authorities in South Pacific (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Tuvalu)
Financial Scale (CHF) 500'000 - 1'000'000
Achievements This part is under preparation.