Girls in ICT Day 2020

We are all responsible to inspire future generations to become technology leaders and active participants of the digital world regardless gender, race, background or preference. Girls in ICTs have a positive impact to create a meaningful shift in the gender gap. Join the global celebration and take actions to 'be the change'!

Visuals, Ideas and Toolkit are available on the ITU Website.

Africa Angola 23/04/2020 MENINAS E AS TIC
Africa Cameroon 23/04/2020 #girlsinictafisc2020
Africa Cameroon 21/04/2020 Data Girl "IT 4 All"
Africa Chad 23/04/2020 Activity report
Africa Chad 23/04/2020 International Girls in ICT Day in Chad
Africa Kenya 23/04/2020 MobiGirlz - International Girls in ICT Day
Africa Kenya 23/04/2020 YTF Twitter Chat(Girls in ICT Day)
Africa Mali 23/02/2020 Musodev Girls in ICT DAY 2020
Africa Mauritius 23/04/2020 ''Expand Horizons for African Women, Change attitudes in tech leadership.''
Africa Mauritius 23/04/2020 Expand Horizons for African Women: Change attitudes in tech leadership.
Africa Nigeria 23/04/2020 #WITIN20kGirls - Girls in ICT 2020
Africa Nigeria 27/06/2020 Explore Science: International Girls in ICT Day 2020
Africa Nigeria 28/04/2020 Girls in ICT Day 2020
Africa Nigeria 23/04/2020 Webinar For Girls to Learn and Connect.
Africa Nigeria 23/04/2020 YTF Nigeria Webinar for Educators- "Locked In But Not Locked Out."
Africa South Africa 23/04/2020 Pivoting To Digital Intelligence & Inclusion
Africa Togo 04/04/2020 Salon Africain du Numérique et du Leadership Feminin
Africa Uganda 26/04/2020 GIRLS IN ICT QUIZ CHALLENGE
Africa Zimbabwe 24/04/2020 Girls in ICT E-Mentoring Launch
Arab States Djibouti 24/04/2020 Journée internationale des filles dans les TIC
Arab States Somalia 18/04/2020 Girls in ICT day 2020
Arab States State of Palestine 23/04/2020 Girls in ICT day - Palestine
Arab States State of Palestine 23/04/2020 UCAS Girls in ICT Day
Arab States Sudan 23/04/2020 E-Mentoring Workshop
Arab States United Arab Emirates 23/04/2020 Girls in ICT Day
Asia & Pacific Afghanistan 25/04/2020 Afg Girls IT Future
Asia & Pacific Australia 23/04/2020 Women in ICT
Asia & Pacific Brunei Darussalam 26/04/2020 Girls in ICT Online Seminar: Inspiring The Next Generation
Asia & Pacific India 27/02/2020 Cultural Program
Asia & Pacific India 28/02/2020 ICT DAY FOR GIRLS 2020
Asia & Pacific India 23/04/2020 NexGen Tech Girls: Poised for Success
Asia & Pacific India 23/04/2020 Our Project on Girls in ICT World Wide events
Asia & Pacific India 23/04/2020 Workshop on ICT for Girls
Asia & Pacific Indonesia 23/04/2020 Youth IGF Indonesia - #GirlsinICT Cyber Celebration 2020!
Asia & Pacific Iran (Islamic Republic of) 23/04/2020 Girls in ICT Day
Asia & Pacific Maldives 23/04/2020 #guesswho: Girls in ICT Day Quiz
Asia & Pacific Maldives 23/04/2020 Girls in ICT Day Poster
Asia & Pacific Nepal (Republic of) 09/05/2020 Concluding part on Online Discussions on 'Work from Home' -technical and social aspects
Asia & Pacific Nepal (Republic of) 07/03/2020 Conference " Raising Voice of Women in ICT"
Asia & Pacific Nepal (Republic of) 24/04/2020 Learning Spreadsheets - Girls in ICT Day 2020
Asia & Pacific Nepal (Republic of) 02/05/2020 Online discussions : "Work from Home " technical and social aspects
Asia & Pacific Nepal (Republic of) 27/04/2020 Virtual Panel Discussion:: Youth Speak on Challenges for Women in Technical & Leadership Roles
Asia & Pacific Nepal (Republic of) 24/04/2020 Webinar on Girls and Adolescences in AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Asia & Pacific Papua New Guinea 23/04/2020 #GirlsInICTechWeek Online
Asia & Pacific Singapore 23/04/2020 Girls2Pioneers x ICT 2020
Asia & Pacific Singapore 20/10/2020 SG Women in Tech One Year Anniversary (Webinar)
Asia & Pacific Thailand 17/08/2020 Girls in ICT Day Celebration, Thailand
Asia & Pacific Thailand 23/04/2020 Women Rock IT
CIS countries Armenia 23/04/2020 Celebration Girls in ICT International Day
CIS countries Armenia 23/04/2020 Engagement event | Overcoming Digital Challenges
CIS countries Belarus 13/04/2020 День открытых дверей приуроченный к международному дню "Девушки в ИКТ"
CIS countries Belarus 17/04/2020 Олимпиада по программированию на Java
CIS countries Belarus 10/03/2020 Праздничный концерт, посвященный международному дню "Девушки в ИКТ"
CIS countries Belarus 24/02/2020 Совместный семинар с ИООО "ЭПАМ Системз"
Europe Albania 23/04/2020 International Girls in ICT Albania
Europe Albania 23/04/2020 She's my hero!
Europe Belgium 24/04/2020 Move It Forward for Women versus COVID19 - female digital starters
Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina 23/04/2020 Explore new borders - Get involved!
Europe Croatia 23/04/2020 Girls in ICT webinar
Europe Iceland 20/05/2020 Girls in ICT Day Iceland
Europe Italy 07/05/2020 I look like an engineer. Vetrya incontra l'università di Siena
Europe Serbia 23/04/2020 Artificial Intelligence in Education
Europe Serbia 23/04/2020 First steps in PYTHON
Europe Serbia 05/04/2020 Girls in STEAM
Europe Serbia 23/04/2020 Online Girls Day 2020
Europe Spain 23/04/2020 CAMPAÑA "HAZTICENTUFUTURO"
Europe Spain 23/04/2020 CTIC Meeting Girls in ICT
Europe Spain 23/04/2020 Día das Rapazas nas TIC
Europe Spain 23/04/2020 Online awareness talks to promote the girls inclusion in ICT degrees in schools
Europe Spain 22/04/2020 STEM Talent Girl workshop at ISDI - Digital professions roadmap
Europe Spain 23/04/2020 Super Code Girl Online
Europe Türkiye 03/03/2020 Bilişimci Kızlar Atölyesi / Girls in ICT Workshop (1. Week)
Europe Türkiye 10/03/2020 Bilişimci Kızlar Atölyesi / Girls in ICT Workshop (2. Week)
Europe Ukraine 23/04/2020 Girls in ICT Day: online-marathon with inspiring women
Europe Ukraine 23/04/2020 KNUCA Girls in ICT Day
Europe Ukraine 23/04/2020 Online marathon Girls Power Tech'20
Europe United Kingdom 23/04/2020 2020 BBC celebration of International Girls in ICT Day
The Americas Argentina 23/04/2020 EL LÍMITE ME LO PONGO SOLO YO
The Americas Bahamas 24/04/2020 DTaD's Girls in ICT Day Webinar
The Americas Barbados 23/04/2020 Girls in ICT Day 2020- Ambition Is ME
The Americas Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 23/04/2020 Entrevista especial por el día de las niñas en las Tics
The Americas Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 29/04/2020 Mujeres Bolivianas: Ciberseguras!
The Americas Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 23/04/2020 NIÑAS, EDUCACIÓN, COVID-19 Y TECNOLOGIA
The Americas Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 28/04/2020 WebinarioAcceso, Vivencia y Uso de las TICs por niñas, adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes en el contexto actual
The Americas Brazil 23/04/2020 #BATEPAPOMDC: Girls in ICT Day
The Americas Brazil 22/04/2020 Girls in ICT Day | Facebook, ITU & Cel. Lep.
The Americas Brazil 23/04/2020 Girls in ICTs Day in Brazil 2020
The Americas Chile 23/04/2020 Día de las Niñas en las TIC 2020 en INACAP
The Americas Colombia 23/04/2020 Dia internacional de las niñas en las tic
The Americas Colombia 23/04/2020 Historias de Mujeres TIC para chicas.
The Americas Colombia 23/04/2020 W-STEM International Roundtable for Girls in ICT (online)
The Americas Cuba 23/04/2020 "I am a woman and I love computing"
The Americas Cuba 23/04/2020 Día de las niñas en las TIC. Pinar del Río
The Americas Cuba 23/04/2020 Día de las Niñas y las TIC en tiempos de COVID
The Americas Cuba 23/04/2020 UIC- UC Successful women in ICT
The Americas Dominican Rep. 23/04/2020 Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TIC
The Americas Dominican Rep. 23/04/2020 Webinar-panel: El empoderamiento de las mujeres en el mundo digital en la República Dominicana
The Americas Ecuador 23/04/2020 Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TIC - UDLA Ecuador
The Americas Ecuador 23/04/2020 Smart city, SDG and Women's empowerment
The Americas Ecuador 23/04/2020 Taller de animaciones mediante modelos 3D con Allice
The Americas Ecuador 23/04/2020 Webinar: Las Niñas y Mujeres en la Sociedad del Conocimiento, la Transformación Digital y, el Impacto Económico del coronavirus
The Americas Guatemala 23/04/2020 Día de las Niñas en las TIC-2020
The Americas Haiti 23/04/2020 TecTecGirls
The Americas Mexico 23/04/2020 Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TIC
The Americas Mexico 23/04/2020 Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TICs
The Americas Paraguay 23/04/2020 Los desafíos de la mujer en el ámbito de las telecomunicaciones
The Americas Peru 23/04/2020 #ChicasTEC: ¡Inspirando a niñas y jóvenes en tecnología!
The Americas Peru 23/04/2020 Nosotras y la Tecnología
The Americas Saint Lucia 07/05/2020 Digital Marketing - Girls in ICT 2020
The Americas United States 23/04/2020 Women Who Code: Big Data Analytics and Text Mining in R and RStudio #GirlsInICT
The Americas Uruguay 23/04/2020 Lanzamiento Campaña Niñas en las TIC
The Americas Uruguay 23/04/2020 Lanzamiento Ciclo Género y TIC - 1er Videoconferencia
The Americas Uruguay 23/04/2020 Taller de Microscopía para niñas "Los Ojos de Ella. Puerta al mundo de la ciencia y la tecnología"
The Americas Venezuela 12/05/2020 Día Internacional de las Niñas en las TIC Venezuela