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Consultation on ITU Resolution 102 (Rev. Antalya, 2006)


Questionnaire related to Consultation on Resolution 102

The letter (DM-07/1008 and related Annex) with the below Questionnaire items aims to initiate a consultation amongst the ITU membership and other relevant stakeholders on the issues referenced in Resolution 102, and in particular, on paragraphs 1 to 5 of resolves to instruct the Secretary General. The consultations related to Resolution 102 (Rev. Antalya, 2006) will be used to prepare and submit proposals, based on those consultations and contributions from the ITU membership, to the 2007 session of the Council, through the Working Group on WSIS (WG-WSIS). As the next meeting of the WG-WSIS is scheduled for 13–14 June at ITU Headquarters, comments and contributions should be submitted by 25 May 2007.

The results of the survey, with all contributions submitted by the Membership will be posted on this site after the deadline for submissions.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire.

When entering your comments into the form please be specific and, where possible, indicate priorities for different activities. (Please answer the questions that are relevant to you.)




Question 1:
What specific activities should be undertaken for ITU “to continue to take a significant role in international discussions and initiatives on the management of Internet domain names and addresses and other Internet resources within the mandate of ITU, taking into account future developments of the Internet, the purposes of the Union and the interests of its membership as expressed in its instruments, resolutions and decisions?”

Feedback/ Comments on
Question 1:


Question 2:
What specific activities should be undertaken “to take the necessary steps for ITU to continue to play a facilitating role in the coordination of international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet, as expressed in § 35 d) of the Tunis Agenda, interacting as necessary with other intergovernmental organizations in these domains”?

Feedback/ Comments on Question 2:


Question 3:
What specific activities should be undertaken “in line with § 78a) of the Tunis Agenda, to continue to contribute as appropriate to the work of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)”?

Feedback/ Comments on Question 3:


Question 4:
What specific activities should be undertaken “to take the necessary steps for ITU to play an active and constructive role in the process towards enhanced cooperation as expressed in § 71 of the Tunis Agenda”?

Feedback/ Comments on Question 4:


Question 5:
What specific activities should be undertaken “to take the necessary steps in ITU’s own internal process towards enhanced cooperation on international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet as expressed in § 71 of the Tunis Agenda, involving all stakeholders, in their respective roles and responsibilities”?

Feedback/ Comments on Question 5:


Question 6:
What specific activities should be undertaken by ITU-T “to ensure that the ITU-T performs its role in technical issues .. related to the management of Internet domain names and addresses and other Internet resources within the mandate of ITU, such as IP version 6 (IPv6), ENUM and IDNs, as well as any other related technological developments and issues; and continues to play a facilitating role in coordination and assistance in the development of public policy issues pertaining to Internet domain names and addresses and other Internet resources within the mandate of ITU and their possible evolution; and works … on issues concerning Member States’ ccTLDs and related experiences”?

Feedback/ Comments on Question 6:


Question 7:
What specific activities should be undertaken by ITU-D “to organize international and regional forums and carry out necessary activities … to discuss policy, operational and technical issues on the Internet in general, and on the management of Internet domain names and addresses and other Internet resources within the mandate of ITU in particular, including with regard to multilingualism; to promote through ITU-D the exchange of information, fostering debate and the development of best practices on Internet issues, and to continue to play a key role in outreach by contributing to capacity building, providing technical assistance and encouraging the involvement of developing countries, LDCs and SIDS in international Internet forums and issues”?

Feedback/ Comments on Question 7:


Question 8:
Do you have any other contribution or comments, of a general or specific nature, on any other issues contained in Resolution 102, including the role of the ITU Secretariat and the three Bureaux?
Note that additional documents and other contributions can also be attached to this form, please see below*

Feedback/ Comments on Question 8:


Contact information
Email address
Alternative email address
(if available)
First name
Last name
ITU membership
Telephone no.
(incl. intl. dialing codes
(eg. 00 41 22 730 5111)
Mailing address
Street address

*Additional contributions (please limit uploads to 300KBs)

Document 1


Document 2

Thank you for your contribution.
Please contact with any questions you may have.




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Background Documents and Websites

Letter (DM-07/1008) announcing the 2007 Res. 102 Consultation
World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF) 2009


Resolution 101, Antalya, 2006
Resolution 102, Antalya, 2006

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Updated : 2011-04-04