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Biography of Mr.Hasan Alkas

Mr. Hasan Alkas is presently Senior Economist at Deutsche Telekom, Regulatory Strategy, Bonn. Mr. Alkas holds an Economics Degree from the University of Bonn and an Masters Degree from the University of Sussex. From 1996 to 2001 he has done several research and consultancy projects on price regulation and competition policy in network industries, in particular the energy and telecom markets for various regulatory institutions, such as the German Regulatory Authority of Telecommunications and Posts (RegTP), German Federal Ministry of Economics, Monopoly Commission, the Turkish Regulatory Authority and the EU-Commission. Since 2001 he is working as an Senior Economist at Deutsche Telekom in the Department for Regulatory Strategy. Mr Alkas has several publications on pricing, regulatory economics and investment theory.

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Biography of Mr. Sergio Antocicco

Mr. Sergion Antocicco, Italian, born in Naples in 1943, obtained (1968) a Master in Nuclear Electronic Engineering. He is Chairman of INTUG, International Telecommunications Users Group. He is also President of ANUIT, the Italian telecommunications professional users association, since 1989, President of ENSA - European New Society Association, based in Paris, President  of Istedil SpA, a Company providing testing and control services for materials and tools used in the building industry based in Rome. For 21 years he was Professor of Information Systems Organisation - Faculty of Economics at LUISS University in Rome. From 1989 to 1999 he was Vice President of the Commission on Information and Telecommunication Policies at ICC, Paris. He was also (1978-2000) CIO of Confindustria, the Organisation representing some 130.000 private industrial companies in Italy. He was appointed by the Italian Government as Director of the Italian Control Room for the Y2K roll-over. He is the Expert for telecommunication issues of IlSole24ore, the main Italian economic newspaper and a regular speaker in radio and TV emissions.

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Biography of Dr. Pio Baake

Dr. Pio Baake is Research Associate at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). Previously he worked at the Humboldt University at Berlin where he also received his Ph.D. and his Habilitation. During that time he regularly taught Microeconomics, Regulation and Contract Theory. His research interests are in the areas of industrial organization, regulation and public economics. His articles have been published in the International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Public Choice, Journal of Economics and others.  

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Biography of Mr. William Drake

Mr. William J. Drake is President of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility and Director of the Project on the Information Revolution and Global Governance at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition, he is, inter alia, co-editor of the MIT Press book series, The Information Revolution and Global Politics; and a former member of the Working Group on Internet Governance.  Previously, he has been Senior Associate and Director of the Project on the Information Revolution and World Politics at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Associate Director of the Communication, Culture and Technology Program, Georgetown University; and Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of California, San Diego.  He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University. His books and monographs include: Governing Global Electronic Networks (co-ed., MIT Press, forthcoming); Reforming Internet Governance (ed., United Nations, 2005); Information and Communications Technology for Peace (ICT4P)  (co-author, United Nations, 2005); From the Global Digital Divide to the Global Digital Opportunity (World Economic Forum, 2000); Toward Sustainable Competition in Global Telecommunication (Aspen Institute, 1999); Telecommunications in the Information Age  (ed., U.S. Information Agency, 1998); and The New Information Infrastructure (Ed., Twentieth Century Fund, 1995).    

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Biography of Mr. Rob Frieden

Mr. Rob Frieden serves as Pioneers Chair and Professor of Telecommunications at Penn State University where he teaches courses in management, law and economics. He also provides legal, management and market forecasting consultancy services in such diverse fields as tele communications business development, Internet commerce, and carrier facilities interconnection. Professor Frieden has written several books, published dozens of articles in academic and trade journals, and provided background for hundreds of media reports.

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 Biography of Mr. Davide Gallino

Current position: ERG Secretary (European Regulators' Group, http:\\ The ERG was set up as a forum for advising and assisting the Commission in the electronic communications field. It allows cooperation between the NRAs and the Commission in a transparent manner and serves as a body for reflection, debate and advice on the implementation of the electronic communications framework as required by Article 7(2) of the Framework Directive (2002/21/EC).

Previous assigments include the below:

        April 2005 – December 2005 ERG Deputy Secretary

         June 2004 – March 2005 – Regulatory policy officer in DG Information Society and Media, European Commission

         2000 – 2004 Regulatory policy officer at the Italian NRA for electronic communications and media (AGCOM). Responsible for non-discrimination, regulatory accounting, price cap and mobile termination costs.

         1998 – 2000 Assistant to the President, AGCOM. Responsible for developing the international section of the authority

         Has been a national delegate to the European Council in the negotiates on the Framework Directive, the Access Directive and the Authorisation Directive; national delegate to the Communications Committee

         Had chaired the Regulatory Accounting Working Group of the Indipendent Regulators Group (IRG)

         Has published two books on telecom regulation and digital technologies, and more than 70 press articles on regulation of electronic communications

         Has worked for the Aspen Institute Italia and the LUISS University of Rome, plus several telecom operators.

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Biography of Alison Gillwald
Professor Alison Gillwald is Research Director of the Learning Information Networking and Knowledge (LINK) Centre at the Graduate School of Public and Development Management at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, which she became the first director of in 1999 to fast track policy and regulatory training in ICT in Southern Africa.

She is responsible for Research ICT Africa! which aims to fill the ICT policy and regulatory research vacuum that exists on the continent through the development of a research network. Currently 13 African universities are involved in the collaborative research projects of the network. Prior to that she was appointed to the founding Council of the South African Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (SATRA).

Before joining SATRA in 1997, Ms. Gillwald was responsible for establishing the Policy Department at the Independent Broadcasting Authority. She was an advisor to the Independent Media Commission in 1994 for the first democratic elections held in the country. She serves on the South African Minister of Communications’ African Advisors Group to the African Minister’s Oversight Committee, chaired the Digital Broadcasting Advisory Body, established to advise the Minister and was a founding member of the Steering Committee of the ITU Task Force on Gender Issues. She serves on the boards of the South African Broadcasting Corporation, the Media Monitoring Project and Womensnet.

Ms. Gillwald is founding editor of the Southern African Journal of Information and Communication and is published in the areas of telecommunications and broadcasting policy and regulation, gender and politics more broadly. In 2004 she was one of ten international participants of the IT Governance Research Network of the US Social Sciences Research Council Information Technology and International Cooperation program.

Ms. Gillwald has been commissioned over the last few years by the International Telecommunications Union, the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation, the UK Department of International Development, IDRC- Acacia, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, the Southern African Development Bank and the South African Presidency to research and advise on topics ranging from broadband and global governance to under-serviced area licensing and Internet costing. With an undergraduate degree in Journalism and an Honours degree in Politics, her Masters focused on communications policy. She worked as a lecturer in journalism and politics for many years and as a journalist on some of the major South African newspapers.

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 Biography of Mr. S.N. Gupta

Mr. S. N. Gupta, Born 1957, graduated with Hons, in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 1979 from Kurukshetra, University, INDIA. From 1979 to 1980 he completed his post graduation iln Electronics Design Technology at CEDT, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and was appointed as Project Manager of ETDC complex of HARTRON, a Govt. of Haryana Enterprise. 

In 1981 he joined Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of Ministry of Communication and was posted as Officer-in-charge of Wireless Monitoring Station, Srinagar and Secretary, Regional Advisory Committee of SACFA for J&K and HP. In 1983 he joined IRSSE Cadre of Western Railway.  Since 1985 to 1989 he held various positions on that Railway including one-year tenure as Senior Project Manager for Passenger Reservation Computerisation System at Bombay. From 1989 to 1994 he worked with Indian Railways Institute for Signal Engineering & Telecom as a faculty for signalling, Telecom and Computers. At this centre he was involved in developing and conducting courses in advanced Telecommunication technologies for senior Railway officers from India and Abroad.

Since August 94 he worked with IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED as Additional General Manager and was involved in the execution of optical fibre and other projects dealing with modern telecommunication systems at National and International level. Up to August, 2000, he was Heading IRCON’s first “BUILD-OWN-OPERATE” based Optical Fiber Project between Mumbai and Delhi and also the ISP Project.

Presently, he is working as Advisor with Telecom Regulatory Authority of India at the level of Joint Secretary and is heading the Converged Network Division dealing with Regulatory, Technical and Economic aspects of Data Networks and Services including VOIP, Internet Services, IPv6, Broadband, e-Governance, Internet Governance, International Leased Circuits and NGN. He is also a member of various task forces of Govt. dealing with implementation of Broadband, e-Governance, Internet Governance and IPv6.

Mr. Gupta was awarded the Minister of Railways award for the outstanding performance during 1995-96. He retired as a Major from Railways Engineers Territorial Army and is also a Grade I Radio Amateur.

He is widely traveled abroad to Europe and Asia being Chairman of various Experts’ Groups of Asia Pacific and South East Asia in the field of VOIP, Internet Telephony, ICT and Domain Names. He was also deputed as an ITU expert on an UNDP assignment on Internet Exchange and International VOIP Gateway for Bangladesh.

He is a Fellow of Institution of Electronics and Telecom Engineers and a member of its national Technical Programme Committee.  He is also a Life Member of Institution of Railway Signal and Telecom Engineers and also member of Institute of Rail Transport and also the member of Chartered Institute of Transport.  He is a member and trustee of PTC India Foundation. He has also been conferred the title of Chartered Engineer by IETE (India) and included in “Asia-Africa – Men & Women of Achievement” by Reguerdon, Malaysia.

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Biography of Mr. Sven Heitzler

Sven Heitzler is external Researcher at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). He received his degree Diplom-Volkswirt from the Technical University (TU) Berlin in December 2005. Previously he worked at the TU Berlin where he taught at the faculty for computer sciences and as a freelancer in IT consulting and services. 

His fields of specialization are network, ICT and regulatory economics and ICT security.

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Biography of Mr. Atsushi Hiramatsu

Mr. Atsushi Hiramatsu is senior manager of Network Technology Section, NTT's Next Generation Network Office. Since joining NTT in 1986, he has been working on research of broadband network technologies, such as ATM traffic control, photonic switching system, SIP-based multimedia communication service.

Currently he is planning development strategy of NGN technologies. He is also a member of Next Generation IP Network Promotion Forum in Japan.

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Biography of Mr. John Horrocks

Mr. John Horrocks is a consultant on technical and regulatory issues in telecommunications and is currently chairman of the ECC Project Team on Technical Regulations Interconnection and Standards. He specialises in VoIP, NGN, interconnection, numbering and quality of service. He has consulted for many governments and regulators and was Deputy Technical Director of Oftel from 1986-1990. He was chairman of the ETSI Technical Committee on Speech Transmission and Quality and is currently vice chairman of the ETSI TISPAN group on numbering. He has written and published several books on telecommunications, standards and regulation.

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Biography of Ms. Salma Jalife

Ms. Salma Jalife graduated from the School of Engineers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), she holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering. In 1991 she followed her postgraduate studies and got a Master’s Degree of Science in Telecommunications (M.S.) from de University of Colorado at Boulder. She has been involved in the development of computer and telecommunication systems since 1987. For the last fifteen years, Salma has worked for the Mexican Federal Government. First, she collaborated with the Undersecretary of Communications at the Secretary of Communications and Transportation, assigned to the strategic plan for the regulation of the sector. Subsequently, in December 1996, as a result of the creation of the Federal Telecommunications Commission, she was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman for International Affairs where she was in charge of trade negotiations, global cooperation, as well as the regulation of international telecommunication issues. Since October 2003 she was appointed as Commissioner of the same regulatory agency and is responsible for Engineering and Technology projects.

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Biography of Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas

Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas was awarded the Master in Law degree by the University of Vilnius (Lithuania). Since 2002 he has continued his studies as a post-graduate (doctoral) student at the same University. Between 1999 and 2001 Lamanauskas worked as legal adviser for Lietuvos Telekomo Verslo Sprendimai UAB (Lithuanian Telecom’s Business Solutions) – a subsidiary of the Lithuanian incumbent public fixed telephony operator. In 2001 he joined the newly created Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT), a national authority responsible for regulation of electronic communications as well as postal sectors, as a head of the Legal Section.
Since 2004 Mr. Lamanauskas is deputy director of the RRT. Since 2002 Tomas Lamanauskas has lectured courses related to information technology and telecommunications law in various subsidiaries of Vilnius University (Law Faculty, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, International Business School). Mr. Lamanauskas has been involved in drafting all major pieces of Lithuanian primary legislation related to information technology and telecommunications law, including the amendments to the Law on Electronic Signature, the 2002 Law on Telecommunications, the 2004 Law on Electronic Communications, the Law on Information Society Services as well as the Concept Law on Consumer Rights’ Protection. Tomas Lamanauskas made over 20 presentations in various conferences (over 10 of them directly related to drafting and implementation of electronic communications (telecommunications) regulatory framework in Lithuania) as well as published a number of articles on legal issues related to information technology and telecommunications law in various national and regional journals, including Baltic IT&T Review. He is also the co-author of the books “Information technology law” and “Electronic communications law” that are the first publications on the relevant topics in Lithuania.

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Biography of Mr. Ernst Langmantel

Mr. Ernst Langmantel is head of the technical department at the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Broadcasting (RTR) since 1998. He inter alia is responsible for all technical aspects of network access and interconnection and the administration of numbers and addresses. Last year's and current main working areas are VoIP and NGN regulation with increasing focus on convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting . He he contributed to an official RTR booklet on VoIP regulation that has been published recently (in German: "Voice over IP, Grundlagen, Regulierung und erste Erfahrungen"), is coauthor of an article on the legal treatment of VoIP (in German: "Voice over IP" - Rechtliche Einordnung eines neuen Konzeptes") in the journal "medien und recht, Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kommunikationsrecht 8/05" and contributed to the Voice on the Net Europe Conferences in 2004 and 2005 on regulatory issues.  
He inter alia participates in EU commissions Radio Spectrum Policy Group and is member of the ECC TRIS group. Since 2002 he is member of the Austrian domain name council that deals with policy issues of the Austrian ".at" top level domain administration. Under his main responsibility the regulatoy issues for the worlds first commercial ENUM operation in Austria were sorted out.
Mr. Ernst Langmantel received his University Degree in Electrical Engineering (Communications Engineering) in 1983. Afterwards he worked at Siemens Vienna in the communications development on varous topics and in various positions till end of 1997. He startet in the development of the analogue mobile network for germany (“Netz C450”),  later swithed to the private networks area where he leaded projects for large and medium PBX solutions and dealed with system design and architectures for integration of wireless microcellular extensions (DECT) into medium and big private networks. He holds several patents in these areas.

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Biography of Mr. Scott Marcus

J. Scott Marcus is a Senior Consultant for WIK-Consult GmbH (Germany).  Previously, he served as Senior Advisor for Internet Technology for the FCC (USA).  Prior to that, he was the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Genuity, Inc.  (GTE Internetworking), a leading global Internet backbone. Scott’s research interests include the impact of technological convergence (including broadband, IP telephony, and the Internet) on  telecommunications regulation; the economics of network interconnection; international regulatory comparisons, especially EU-US; traffic modeling, measurement and prediction; and data network design. Scott is co-editor for public policy and regulation for IEEE Communications Magazine. He has served on the board of the American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN), and on the Meetings and Conference Board of the IEEE Communications Society. He has written numerous papers, and a book on data network design: Designing Wide Area Networks and Internetworks: A Practical Guide.

Scott holds a B.A. in Political Science (Public Administration) from CCNY, and an M.A. (Engineering) from Columbia University.

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Biography of Mr. Michael R. Nelson

Mike Nelson serves as Vice President for Policy of the Internet Society (ISOC), a professional organization whose membership includes more than 21,000 Internet experts in more than 100 countries. In this volunteer position, he guides development of ISOC policy positions, represents ISOC at conferences, does interviews with the press, and provides guidance to ISOC staff working on Internet policy issues. He attended the UN's World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva in 2003, has been very involved the second phase of WSIS in Tunis in November, 2005, as well as the new Internet Governance Forum. In addition, Nelson chaired the Internet Society's annual INET 2002 meeting and played a key role in the INET 2004 meeting.
Nelson is the Director of Internet Technology and Strategy at IBM, where he manages a team helping define and implement IBM's Next Generation Internet strategy. His group is working with university researchers on NGi technology, shaping standards for the NGi, and communicating IBM's vision of NGi, the Grid, and on demand computing to customers, policy makers, the press, and the general public.
Prior to joining IBM in July, 1998, Nelson was Director for Technology Policy at the Federal Communications Commission. There he helped craft policies to foster electronic commerce, spur development and deployment of new technologies, and improve the reliability and security of the nation's telecommunications networks.
Before joining the FCC in January, 1997, Nelson was Special Assistant for Information Technology at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy where he worked with Vice President Gore and the President's Science Advisor on issues relating to the Global Information Infrastructure, including telecommunications policy, information technology, encryption, electronic commerce, and information policy. From 1988 to 1993, Nelson served as a professional staff member for the Senate's Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space, chaired by then-Senator Gore. He was the lead Senate staffer for the High-Performance Computing Act. Nelson has a B.S. in geology from Caltech, and a Ph.D. in geophysics from MIT.

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Biography of Mr. Eli Noam

Professor and Director of Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. Professor of Economics and Finance at the Columbia Business School since 1976. Served for three years as a Commissioner for Public Services of New York State. Director of the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, a university-based research center focusing on strategy, management, and policy issues in telecommunications, computing, and electronic mass media. Chairman of the MBA concentration in Media Management and of the Virtual Institute of Information. He has also taught at Columbia Law School, Princeton University’s Economics Department and Woodrow Wilson School, and the University of St. Gallen, and is active in the development of electronic distance education. Noam has published over 20 books and 400 articles in economics journals, law reviews, and interdisciplinary journals.

He was a member of the boards or advisory boards for the Federal governments FTS-2000 telecommunications network, the IRS’s computer system reorganization, the National Computer Systems Laboratory, the National Commission on the Status of Women in Computing, and of the Intek Corporation. He is a Fellow of the World Economic Forum, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a commercially rated pilot. He received the degrees of AB (Phi Beta Kappa), MA, Ph.D. (Economics) and JD from Harvard University.

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Biography of Mr. Souheil Marine

In 1986 Mr Souheil Marine earned his Ph.D degree in computer science from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (France). Mr. Marine joined Alcatel in 1989 where he has held since several positions.
As a research engineer, he worked for the development of new control platforms supporting the secure real-time applications of telecommunication switches. As a member of the technical staff, he contributed to the realization of several projects dealing with intelligent network applications, packet infrastructure for mobiles (GPRS) and the development of voice over packet within telephony switches. As a Product Strategy Manager he participated to the definition of Alcatel's migration strategy from telephony networks towards next generation packet based networks. Mr. Marine currently holds the position of Digital Bridge Manager for Africa, Middle East and South Asia

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Biography of Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder

Mr. Ponder works for Strategy and Policy Unit at the International Telecommunication Union (SPU/ITU). Within the last years Mr. Ponder has been taking an active role in numerous international conferences and summits dealing with development of information society and advancements of new economy in both Western and Eastern European countries as well as USA. The spectrum of his direct research interest includes business development, process optimization, telecommunication economics, information and communication technology dynamics, next generation networks, the Internet of things, digital divide, information society development, EU enlargement processes and human capital problematic.

Along the professional career Mr. Ponder held official positions in the public sector and was a contributor to the legislative projects having impact on the public policy. Since 2004 Mr. Ponder has been working for the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, Switzerland). In 2004 he was consultant at the Market, Economics and Finance Unit (MEF/ITU). In 2005 he moved to ITU Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU/ITU).

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Biography of Mr. Wolfgang Reichl

Mr. Wolfgang Reichl has more than 25 years experience in telecommunications. After graduation at the technical university of Vienna he began his carrier with the the former PTT in Austria and joined ÖFEG, a subsidiary of Telekom Austria in 1990. ÖFEG is a joint venture between the telecommunications industry and the PTT and is responsible for project management of the introduction of digital switching in Austria and is now involved in the evolution of the existing networks to a common next generation network. Since 2003 he serves as CEO of ÖFEG. Wolfgang has experience in international standardisation work and has led the NGN workgroup of the European Telecommunications Platform (ETP) to the successful completion of a report on NGN regulation.

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Biography of Ms Robert Shaw

Robert Shaw is Deputy Head of the ITU Strategy and Policy Unit and senior advisor to the ITU Secretary-General on Internet strategy and policy issues. He is responsible for identifying emerging technical, policy and regulatory issues in the information and communications technology environment and analyzing their impact on the activities of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The ITU is an intergovernmental treaty organization with 189 Member States based in Geneva, Switzerland, responsible for the global development of telecommunication networks and services worldwide.

Mr. Shaw began his career at the ITU over 20 years ago. During this period he has represented ITU in numerous national, regional and global conferences and activities. He has a Masters Degree in Telecommunications from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands.

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Biography of Ms. Cara Schwarz-Schilling

Since 2002 Ms. Cara Schwarz-Schilling heads the Section Internet Economics at the Bundesnetzagentur, from 2000-2002 she headed the Section Postal Economics. Prior to joining BNetzA she was Senior Economist at the ‘Wissenschaftliches Institut für Kommunikationsdienste’ since 1996. Main areas of research: Numbering in telecommunications networks, Liberalization, Antitrust and regulation in the telecommunications sector. Ms. Schwarz-Schilling studied Economics at the University of Bonn, University of Chicago, the London School of Economics and the University of Cologne. Diplom in 1985 (Bonn), Master of Science in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics 1987 (LSE), Doctoral degree I995 (Cologne). From 1988-1992 Economist with the "Energiewirtschaftliches Institut and der Universität Köln", research and consulting work on competition and regulation in the energy sector. From 1992-1995 Assistant Professor at the Staatswissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Köln, focusing on Industrial Organisation and Antitrust Policy.

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Biography of Mr. Keiichiro Seki

Mr. Keiichiro Seki is Director for the International Economic Affairs Division, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan. He is responsible for international regulatory harmonization in the field of Information and Communications and the promotion of dialogue and cooperation on economic affairs with ICT developed countries and international organizations such as the WTO, APEC and OECD. He has been in his current position since January 2004.  He was Director for the International Organizations Office of MIC for few months prior to taking up his current position and presented the MIC contribution to the WSIS. From 2001 to 2003, Mr. Seki worked as Counselor in Cabinet Secretariat and he was in charge of ICT Headquarters and nationwide ‘e-Japan Strategy’. He was engaged in drafting ‘e-Japan Strategy  ’ , ‘e-Japan Priority Program 2004’ etc.

Several of his articles on Information and Communications have been published including ‘Communications Policy in the UK: the OFTEL, UK Regulator’, ‘Growing Diversity of Communications and Broadcasting Services: Emerging new problems in Telecommunications Regulatory Framework’, ‘Improper Use of Telecommunications Services and How to Take Measures’ and ‘The Anonymity of the Senders through the Telecommunications Network: Prevention of Abuse and Protection of Communication’s Secrecy’.

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Biography of Mr.Knud Erik Skouby

Mr. Knud Erik Skouby is professor and founding Director of the Center for Information and Communication Technologies (CICT) – a center providing a focal point for multi-disciplinary research and training in applications of ICT at the Danish Technical University. His main area of research interest includes the techno-economics and regulation of the telecom sector and of new telecom applications and services. He has participated as a project manager and partner in a number of international, European and Danish research projects. He has served on a number of public committees within the areas of telecom, IT and broadcasting; as a member of boards of professional societies; as a member of organizing boards, evaluation committees and as invited speaker on international conferences; published a number of Danish and international articles, books and conference proceedings in the areas of telecommunications regulation, technology assessment (information technology and telecommunications), demand forecasting and political economy.

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Biography of Mr. Robert Stil

After studying Economics at the University of Amsterdam and completing his military services at the Royal Military Academy, Robert Stil began his career at the Competition Directorate of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs in 1994, where he worked on competition policy in telecommunications and the waste disposal sector consecutively. After a short training at the European Commission he joined the Netherlands Competition Authority in 1997, where he was responsible for merger control. He was also member of the European Commission's Advisory Committee on concentrations. Since 2000, Robert works at the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority (OPTA), where he has fulfilled the role of deputy head of Strategy, coordinator of market analysis, and presently head of the Economic Analysis Team, responsible for developing economic reasoning and stimulating internal en external discussion on economic issues within the telecoms and postal markets.

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Biography of Melinda Tan
Ms. Melinda Tan presently serves as Manager of the International Division at the Info-Communication Development Authority of Singapore (IDA Singapore). Formed in Dec 1999 by the merger of the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore and the National Computer Board, IDA Singapore undertakes the development, promotion and regulation of Singapore’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry.

Ms. Tan is responsible for the negotiations of mutual recognition agreements on telecommunications equipment and are also involved in free trade agreements negotiation with other countries. She represents Singapore in the APEC TEL MRA Task Force and contributes actively as facilitator to APEC TEL MRA and Regulatory training workshops. Ms. Tan is the Chair of the ASEAN Telecommunications Regulators’ Council Mutual Recognition Arrangement Joint Sectoral Committee (ATRC MRA JSC). She also handles bilateral relations with Malaysia, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong and Macau in ICT issues.

Prior to joining IDA, Ms. Tan worked with the telecommunication network operator in the area of Intelsat, Inmarsat, Aeronautical and Radio Laboratories. She holds an MBA in Total Quality Management from the University of Leicester, London.

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Biography of Ms. Lee Tuthill

Ms. Lee Tuthill is a Counsellor at the WTO in the division dealing with Trade in Services . Her responsibilities include telecommunications, computer and  IT services and services-related aspects of electronic commerce. 

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Biography of Mr. Francois Varloot

Mr. François Varloot is Deputy Director, Division economy and prospective within the ARCEP, the French regulatory authority. He started his career in 1988 as a telecom consultant in Cap Gemini, handling projects in IT for France Telecom’s GSM and in telecom for Renater  - first French Internet backbone - or EuroDisney. In 1993, he became Director of the Strategy of Unisource France, launching one of the first alternative carrier in France, in partnership with AT&T and Cegetel. In 1996, he moved to Colorado to manage the telecom business development Cap Gemini USA, launching telco-in-a-box wireline and wireless US carriers. He then joined Level(3) Communications as Director International Development and Collocation Product Line, deploying fiber optics, data centers and VoiP softswitches across the globe. In 2002, he moved back in France to join Microsoft as Telecom Business Development Manager, on projects like the Orange smartphone or the France Telecom messaging system. Since 2004, he is in charge for the ARCEP of several topics including universal service, directory services, cost models, regulatory qualification, new generation networks and voice over broadband.

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Biography of Mr. Christian Wey

Professor Dr. Christian Wey is head of the department “Information Society and Competition” at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) since December 2003. He holds the Chair of “Economics, in particular Networks and Information & Communication Economics” at the Technische Universität Berlin. Previously, from 1998 to 2003 he has been Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). Professor Wey’s research interests are in the area of industrial organization theory and competition policy with a special focus on market power problems in input markets and network industries. His articles have appeared in the RAND Journal of Economics, The Economic Journal, Journal of International Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, and others. He has conducted several interdisciplinary and international research projects concerning regulation of markets and the telecommunications industry. Moreover, he has worked as an economic advisor on a variety of occasions, in particular for several German Ministries.

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Biography of Mr. Patrick Xavier

Patrick Xavier B.Ec (Hons), MA (Public Policy), M.Ec, PhD., lectures in business economics and international business to undergraduate and graduate students at the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship. His academic experience includes visiting research fellowships and professorships at universities in the UK and US. He regularly presents research and policy papers to national and international conferences and has published widely. As well as substantial research experience, Dr Xavier has also worked in a wide range of areas including housing, transport, postal services, energy, water supply, and telecommunications, as a consultant and within government departments as a policy advisor. He has been a long-standing member of the Economic Affairs Committee convened by the Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry (a large private sector employer association). Dr Xavier has prepared policy oriented research/consultancy reports for a range of national and international organizations, including the ITU, OECD, APEC, the World Bank, and NetTel@Africa.

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