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Biography of Mr. Andrea AMBROGETTI, Chairman, DGTVi

Andrea Ambrogetti graduated in Letters at Rome University. He started his career in 1989 in FRT (Federazione Radio Televisioni, national association of private radio and television operators) of which he became Director in 1991. At FRT, he was responsible for relationships with Italian institutions, broadcasters, trade-union associations and the press.
He was a Counsellor of the Posts and Telecommunication Ministry in the radio-television field in 1994. It that same year, a collaboration was started with RAI where, in 1995, he became the Head of the Internal Communication Office. In 1996, with the birth of RAISAT, he was responsible for projecting and promoting new satellite/digital offerings and digital trade developments.
In 1998 he worked in the Sport Rights Acquisition Direction as responsible for the negotiation and acquisition of sport rights for RAI.
Since 1999, Andrea Ambrogetti has been working in Mediaset as Director of  Italian Institutional Affairs, responsible for the relationships with the Italian Parliament, the Government, Authorities and other associations for all matters involving Mediaset in the areas of television and communications.
Appointed member of the government commission for the readjustment of the radio-television system by the Italian Communication Ministry, he is also President of the DGTVi, the national association for the development of digital terrestrial television, composed by Rai, Mediaset, Telecom Italia, the Italian Communication Ministry as well as local broadcasters and industry associations.

Biography of Mr. Ermanno BERRUTO, Network Architecture & Traffic Director, WIND

Ermanno Berruto, received his degree in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 1985. In 1987, he joined CSELT, now Telecom Italia Lab, the Research Centre of the Telecom Italia Group. From 1992 till 2000, he was involved with different responsibilities in several European Research Projects on mobile communications. He was responsible, as head of the "Systems and Services" Department in the CSELT Mobile Division, of activities concerning radio interfaces, network and base station architecture, resource allocation strategies and application services for GSM, UMTS and satellite systems. From 2000 to 2002, he was the Switching and Service Development Director of Blu S.p.A., at that time the fourth GSM Operator in Italy. In his role, he managed the activities related to the configuration, dimensioning and testing of GSM NSS, GPRS NSS and VAS nodes, the design of the IP network and the development of new services based on IN, SMS-C, WAP and other specific platforms. Since 2003, he is the Network Architecture & Traffic Director of WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., the Italian telecommunications operator capable of providing convergent fixed-line, mobile and Internet services. His responsibility includes the analysis and forecast of the network traffic, the definition of network cost models, the development of medium-long term network plans, including the assessment of the related architectural solutions, and the definition of the technological evolution roadmap.He is author of around 40 papers in the area of network aspects for mobile communications systems.Top

Biography of Ms. Maria Cristina BUETI, Policy Analyst, Strategy and Policy Unit, ITU 

Maria Cristina Bueti graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and International Cooperation and Development at the University of Florence, where she took postgraduate studies in International cooperation. In 2003, Ms. Bueti completed a project for the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, before joining the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva, in January 2004. Working in the ITU's Strategy and Policy Unit, as a policy analyst she has been involved in the organization of a wide range of activities from technical workshops to international conferences. Ms. Bueti participated in the PrepCom 2 of the Tunis Phase of WSIS. Her specialty is cybersecurity, with a particular focus on the problem of spam.Top

Biography of Ms. Jane BUTLER, Head of Corporate Business Development for Europe, Middle East and Africa

Jane Butler has an Honours Degree in Engineering, is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and Chartered Engineer in the Engineering Council. She has worked in the IT and networking industry for over 20 years. After working on several global IP networks for large corporations, Jane joined Cisco Systems in 1997. During her tenure at Cisco she has consulted on the design of most of the large corporate networks in Europe, she has taken a special interest in advanced scientific and academic networks and established the NGN initiative at Cisco. In the industry Jane has chaired the EC funded 6NET Consortium, developed large scale hosted, virtualized voice and multimedia solution architectures and driven advanced core IP and optical integration. Whenever possible Jane spends time at schools and higher education establishments encouraging young girls to take up engineering careers.Top

Biography of Mr. Luciano CAVERI, President of the Aosta Valley

From 2000 to 2003 he was elected to the European Parliament in the Group of the Liberal, Democratic and Reformer European Party. He was President of the Regional Affairs, Transport and Tourism Committee in the European Parliament (2002-2003), member of the Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defense Policy Committee and member of the Delegation to the mixed parliamentary EU-Slovenia Committee.Top

Biography of Mr. Marco CARUGI, Senior Advisor, Nortel

Marco Carugi ( holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from Pisa University (Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from Institut National des Telecommunications (Evry, France) and a MBA in International Business Development from ESSEC (Paris, France).
After starting his telecommunication career in Solvay, an international chemical group, and working for 8 years in France Telecom R&D as Research Engineer in Broadband Data Services and Network Technologies, he joined Nortel in 2002 as Senior Advisor, Advanced Technology, CTO office.
Marco has been involved in various standard bodies for 10 years, currently acting as Rapporteur of Question 2 (Requirements and implementation scenarios for emerging services in NGN) in ITU-T Study Group 13 and co-Chair of WG1 (Services and Requirements) in ITU-T FGNGN. He also participates in ETSI TISPAN and acts as ITU-T Liaison Officer to ETSI TISPAN. He has served on the Optical Internetworking Forum Board of Directors during the last 3 years and has been involved in IETF as co-chair of the IETF Provider Provisioned VPN Working Group (2000-2003).
Marco has attended as speaker or organizer various worldwide telecommunication conferences since several years and authored a number of Internet drafts, ITU-T Recommendations and papers.

Biography of Mr. Cosimo COMELLA, Head of Network and Telecommunication, Italian Data Protection Authority

Cosimo Comella ( holds a Computer Science degree from the University of Pisa, and has been working for eleven years in academic and research institutions in Italy and USA within faculty and technical positions (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", West Virginia University). His main interests are in the field of computer performance evaluation, distributed systems and networks, privacy and security issues.
In 2000 he joined the Italian Data Protection Authority, where he is responsible for the information technology unit.
Mr. Comella is also contract professor of computer science at University of Rome "La Sapienza", Dept. of Computer Science.

Biography of Mr. Massimo CORONARO, Technology Officer, Telecom Italia

Massimo Coronaro has long-term experience in telecommunication systems design and implementation. He has held increasing responsibilities in telephony and broadband systems working for Ericsson, Alcatel, and Nokia. He joined Telecom Italia in 1996, where he was responsible for the development of the ADSL and Gigabit Ethernet access network and the first IP/MPLS backbone for business customers before taking his current assignment in the company as technology and standard officer.Top

Biography of Mr. Dario Di ZENOBIO, Senior Engineer, Ugo Bordoni Foundation

Dario Di Zenobio received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Roma, La Sapienza, in 1974.After gradueting, he joined the department of Radio Communications of "Fondazione Ugo Bordoni - Istituto Superiore Comunicazioni e Tecnologie Informatiche (FUB-ISCTI )", Roma, Italy, where he is currently managing the Radio Communications Division. Since 1996 he has been the Technical Manager of the CABSINET project, supported by the European ACTS Program, focused on the Broadband Radio Access to the End-User, and involving more than 20 European Partners. He is the Italian representative to the Management Committee of the Cost Action 262:" Spread Spectrum Systems and Techniques in Wireless and Wired Communications". Since 1974 he has actively been engaged in research on digital communications, including digital radio satellite systems, and in the development of broadband LAN radio systems operating at different frequency bands. His current research interests are in communication theory, and particularly in OFDM transmission technique, spread spectrum techniques, wireless communications and analysis of various data networks. He has consulted with companies in Italy and abroad. He has written more than 70 papers. Dario Di Zenobio is IEEE Senior Member, and AEI, ETSI TM4, ITU-R Group V and IX Member. European Commission (DGXIII) consultant and project evaluator.Top

Biography of Mr. Tim KELLY, Head of the Strategy and Policy Unit, ITU

Dr Tim Kelly is Head of the Strategy and Policy Unit of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), where he has worked since 1993.  Before joining ITU he spent five years as a Communications Policy Analyst with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and three years with Logica Consultancy Ltd.  He has an MA (Hons) degree in Geography and a Ph.D in industrial economics from Cambridge University. Over the last twenty years, Dr Kelly has specialised in the economics of the telecommunications industry. He has written or co-authored more than 20 books on the subject including the ITU's "World Telecommunication Development Report", “Direction of Traffic” and “ITU Internet Reports”. He is currently in charge of the “content team” for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).Top

Biography of Mr. Mario LANDOLFI, Italian Minister of Communications

Mr. Mario Landolfi was born in Mondragone (Province of Caserta) on 6 June 1959. He is a member of the Italian political party Alleanza Nazionale which appointed him Commissioner for the Province of Caserta and Head of the Information and Communication Office. At present he is in charge as Regional Coordinator for the Campania region. Since 1983 Mario Landolfi is a council member of the city of Mondragone. As a member of the Italian Parliament, Mario Landolfi paid special attention to the new Law concerning the organisation of the Italian broadcasting system. He also promoted important bills concerning the organization of the catholic religion teachers in public and private school, the journalistic activity and the fight against mafia and organized crime. During the 12th Legislature of the Italian Parliament he was a member of the Standing Committee for Productive activities, Trade and Tourism as well as a member of the Joint Committee for Radio and TV services. 
In the 13th Legislature of the Italian Parliament was President of the Joint Committee for the control of broadcasting and member of the Standing Committee for Culture, Science and Instruction. During the last legislature he was a member of the Standing Committee for Transport, Post Office and Telecommunication, member of the Special Committee for Legislation, member of the Standing Committee for Foreign and European Affairs and member of the Joint Committee for Radio and TV services. 
Since April 2005 he is the Minister of Communications in the Italian Government.

Biography of Mr. Didier LEBRAT, Chief Technology Officer, Vodafone

Didier Lebrat joined Vodafone Italy as Chief Technology Officer in May 2004. His function covers the design, implementation and operations of network and information systems. 
Prior to joining Vodafone Italy, he was Chief Technical Officer at Orange UK for four years. He also held the position of CO-CTO for the Orange Group.
His previous experience was with Bouygues Telecom, the French mobile operator, where he had the initial responsibility of implementing the network operations organization from scratch. His scope of responsibility was eventually widened with customer facing activities such as billing and collection..
He spent the first 12 years of his career with Sita/Equant a global telecoms operator, where he led the network operations and customer service with staff presence on 3 continents.
Didier Lebrat, a French citizen, is graduated from the Ecole Supérieure en Génie Electrique.
Didier Lebrat was born on June 04, 1960, is married and has three children.

Biography of Mr. Chae-Sub LEE, Chairman of Focus Group on Next Generation Networks, ITU-T

Mr. Lee joined Korea Telecom's R&D Group in 1971. He is currently president of HiSPOT, a KT venture company based in Switzerland that provides broadband converged access. Mr. Lee has participated in ITU-T based international standards meetings, mainly SG13, since 1987. Since 1999, he has been chairman of WP1/13. He joined ITU-T SG13's management as a vice chairman in 2000 and is also chairman of the network architecture and interworking areas. Mr. Lee also led the Joint Rapporteur Group on NGN from 2003 to 2004.Top

Biography of Mr. Emilio MARCHIONNA, Network Director, H3G

Emilio Marchionna is born in Milan Italy on 10th of July, 1962. He obtained the Master Degrees in Electronic Engineering in 1987. From 1987 to 1989 he works in Telettra S.p.A as a microwave designer. From 1990 to 1994 he works on mobile radio systems in Alcatel. From 1994 to 2000 he is responsible of Radio Planning in Omnitel HQ. From 2001 up to today he is in H3G Italy as Network Director.Top

Biography of Mr. Aurelio MARGUERETTAZ, Chairman of the Budget, Finance and Regional Shareholdings Department, Aosta Valley

He obtained his Degree in Commerce at the University of Turin on March 14th 1988 and he is enrolled in Aosta licensed public accountant List since May 16th 1994. He taught Technical, commercial and business doctrines from 1989 to 1994 at the "Istituto Tecnico Commerciale e Aziendale I. Manzetti" in Aosta and "Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Panorama" in Châtillon. He was Chair, Vice-chair, Councilor, Mayor and Auditor of accounts for important companies and local authorities in Aosta Valley. 
He was assistant mayor in Saint-Rhémy-en-Bosses municipality and Vice-chair of Consortium of municipalities in the Grand-Combin Mountain area.

Biography of Mr. Alan MARSHALL, Professor, Queen' s University (Belfast)

Alan Marshall: is Professor of Telecommunications Engineering in the Queen’s University of Belfast, where he is director of the Advanced Networks Group.  He is a senior member of IEEE, and has spent over 20 years working in the tele and computer communications Industry and in Academia. Since 1993 he has been lecturer, senior lecturer and professor respectively. He was previously employed by the Admiralty Research Establishment (UK), where he worked on the development of real-time communications networks for surface vessels. He was also employed as a senior systems engineer with Nortel Networks where he worked on 2nd generation cellular (GSM), and high-speed transmission (SDH) products. He has published over 100 scientific papers and holds a joint patent in the area of hard real-time networking. He has successfully collaborated in a wide range of European projects and is widely recognized in the area of network modelling and performance analysis. He has organized and chaired technical sessions for numerous international conferences and was general chair of MMNS2003. He is Guest Editor for COMNET special issue on managing Security, Trust & Reputation in Peer-to-Peer networks, 2005. He has been active on a number of committees that have made recommendations for local and national Government policies on future directions for Telecommunications. His research interests include network architectures and protocols: high-speed computer and telecommunications networks; mobile and wireless networks; switching; quality of service (QoS) architectures; and network management systems and architectures.Top

Biography of Mr. Yutaka MIYAKE, Senior Research Engineer, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.

Yutaka Miyake received the B.E. and M.E. degrees of Electrical Engineering from Keio University, Japan, in 1988 and 1990, respectively. He joined KDD (now KDDI) in 1990, and has been engaged in the research on high speed communication protocol, secure communication system and privacy protection system for network applications. During a year of 2000 to 2001, he was a visiting researcher at SRI International and University of California, Berkeley. He has participated in ITU-T SG17. He is currently a senior research engineer of Security Lab. in KDDI R\&D Laboratories Inc.Top

Biography of Mr. Michele MORGANTI, Senior Vice President for Technology Innovation, Siemens

In November 1999 he joined Siemens ICN Italy as Chief Technology Officer. From 2001 through 2004 he was head of Strategic Marketing for the Siemens Group in Italy. In 2004 he rejoined Siemens Communications Italy where he is now Senior VP for Technology Innovation. An active member of several international professional organization including the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, IFIP and FITCE, he has published over 50 papers on various aspects of telecommunications, computers and computer networking and has contributed to numerous conferences and publications worldwide.Top

 Biography of Mr. Marco OBISO, IT Service Management Coordinator, ITU

Mr. Marco Obiso graduated in Computer Science from the University of Rome. He went on to complete further studies at the IBM Networking Laboratories in Rome. 
Mr. Obiso joined Unisys Corporation as Technology Consultant developing solutions and implementing system integration projects. He subsequently worked for Ernst & Young consulting, coordinating IT strategy projects. In 2000 Mr. Obiso moved to Geneva to start work at the ITU as associate expert, in the area of Network Engineering. Within the Information Systems Department he participated in several areas including: network infrastructure, system integration and application cooperation. Mr. Obiso is currently working as IT Service Management coordinator.

Biography of of Mr. Riccardo PASSERINI, Senior Telecommunication Engineer, ITU

At present he is working in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – Geneva, as Senior Telecommunication Engineer (Networks and Services) in the Development Sector (BDT) , Technologies and Network Development Unit (TND)
He has been dealing with Telecommunication Networks since 1984 in Superior Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies (Italy) as chief of Networks and Services Department. There, he has been responsible for defining National Specifications, managing Type Approval Process (Homologation) of Equipment and Systems, co-ordinating International and National Committee activities like ITU and ETSI meeting.
He has been also involved in activities related to the regulatory aspects, like numbering and interconnection, of the liberalization process of Telecommunications in the European Countries.
He joined ITU at the beginning of 2001 as part of permanent staff, after having been collaborating with ITU since 1991 as Expert on Telecommunication Networks and Services, being responsible of Technical Specifications definition and Network Planning for ITU projects in a number of different Countries.
Mr. Passerini graduated in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering from University “La Sapienza ”Roma”  with Magna cum Laude in 1981.

Biography of Ms. Laura PONTIGGIA, Policy Adviser, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, European Commission

Laura Pontiggia works as a Policy Adviser in DG Information Society & Media at the European Commission, in a Unit undertaking analysis and policy planning for the information society. She contributes to the economic assessment of developments in the ICT sector and coordinates competition issues in the information society area. Her previous experiences, after graduating in International Economics at Bocconi University in Milan (Italy), include several years in telecommunications regulation, both in private consultancy and at the European Telecommunications Office (ETO) in Copenhagen, where she was undertaking studies for the European Commission on various telecommunications topics, aimed at harmonizing the European regulatory framework. Laura has also been working for some years as a researcher at Bocconi University on issues related to the implications of technological innovation in the ICT sector.Top

Biography of Mr. Anthony-Michael RUTKOWSKI, Vice President for Regulatory Affairs and Standards, VeriSign Inc

Mr. Anthony Rutkowski is Vice-President for Regulatory Affairs at VeriSign, Inc. - and deals with development, articulation, and implementation of its regulatory and standards strategies domestically and internationally for Next Generation Networks. He also participates significantly in diverse law enforcement and security related forums..
Mr. Rutkowski is a prominent engineer-lawyer whose career has spanned more than 40 years in industry and government in the U.S. and abroad - focusing primarily on pursuing cutting edge business and technology developments. Beginning with leading design projects for Apollo launch support communications and control systems at Kennedy Space Center. Over the past several decades, he has been a corporate and government technology strategist, public official, organization leader, consultant, lecturer, publisher, and author of several books, agency proceedings, and scores of articles in the Internet, telecom, mass media, and aerospace worlds.
He has enjoyed commercial business positions with SAIC Network Solutions, General Magic, Sprint International, Horizon House, Pan American Engineering, General Electric, and Evening News Association; government and elected positions with the Federal Communications Commission, the International Telecommunication Union, and Cape Canaveral City Council; and educational positions with the Internet Society, MIT, and NY Law School.
At the ITU, Mr. Rutkowski was Chief of International Telecommunication Regulations and Relations Between Members, Counselor to the Secretary-General, and headed the Secretariat at the International Telecommunication Regulations treaty conference.

Biography of Mr. Guido SALERNO: Head of the Cabinet of Italian Ministry of Communications

In 1978, Guido Salerno was the winner of the open procedure for officials of the Senate of the Republic, since when he has held several high-level positions in various institutions, including those of economic and financial planning and telecommunications regulation and policy: at the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, as General Secretary; at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, as Vice- General Secretary; at the Treasury Department and as a Member of the Research Commission on the reform of the state budget and public accounting. 
Dr. Salerno managed the successful liberalization and privatization process of the telecommunication sector in Italy. He was member of the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Economic Planning for the control of tariffs for public utility services. Since 1998, he has been a National Member of the '2000-2006 Community support framework of the European Union'. Dr Salerno has also served as a top-level manager for Telecom Italia, the first licensed operator for telecommunications in Italy; specifically, he was head of International Operations of Telecom Italia in Argentina and Vice President of Telecom Argentina. He is currently Head of the Cabinet of the Italian Ministry of Communications and Managing Director of Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, a prestigious Italian independent telecommunications research centre.

Biography of Mr. Giovanni SANTELLA, Senior Engineer, Italian Communications Authority

Giovanni Santella was born in Rome, Italy, on June 24, 1961. He received the Electronic Engineering degree from the University of Rome in 1990. From 1990 to 2000 he has been working as a researcher in the radio communications area at the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (FUB), in Rome. His research interests covered the characterisation and modelling of radio wave propagation, wideband wireless communication systems, such as OFDM, WCDMA and LMDS. He was also involved in EC projects such as RACE-II/dTTb, ACTS-QUOVADIS and ACTS-CABSINET. From December 2000 he has been working at the “Autorità per le Garanzie nelle comunicazioni (AGCOM)”, the Italian regulator for the telecommunications and the audiovisual sector. Its main activity is related to the technical aspects of AGCOM regulatory and monitoring activity in the field of cellular mobile systems (GSM-UMTS), wireless point-to-multipoint systems (WLL), xDSL systems, local loop unbundling, digital broadcasting (DAB, DVB-T), frequency planning for digital terrestrial television (DTT), coverage monitoring of DTT networks. He is currently coordinating a technical group for a periodic revision of the spectrum management rules for the copper access network and xDSL systems. He is also in charge for the definition of the regulatory framework for VoIP services.Top

Biography of Mr. Guido RODA, Network Service Engineering Director, Fastweb

After getting a BSC in Electronics Engineering, Computer Networks from the Polytechnic of Milan, Guido Roda started his activity in 1984 with Telettra S.p.A. (Alcatel), first as System Architect for Packet Data Networks and later as Network Manager with the corporate Information Technology Department.
In 1993 he joined Sprint International, where he held responsibility for Technical Network Services over the Central-Southern European Region.
At the end of 1994 he joined Omnitel S.p.A., where he contributed to the successful startup of the company, first within the Information Technology Department (where he held responsibility for the Corporate Services and Applications Division) and later within the Network Department, as Director for Value Added Services development.
Since 1999 he is Director of Network Service Engineering at FastWeb S.p.A (Milan, Italy), holding responsibility for the design of FastWeb’s network and triple play services.

Biography of Mr. Francesco TROISI, Frequency Management and Planning General Director, Italian Ministry of Communications

Mr. Francesco TROISI is a graduate in Electronic engineering and works at the Italian Ministry of Communications as Director of the General Direction for frequencies management and planning.  His main tasks are, inter alia, the handling and updating of national frequency allocation tables, participation in meetings at both a national and international level, including meetings of the CEPT and the ITU, attending World Radio Conferences and coordinating activities with neighbouring countries. He was deputy chief of the Italian delegation at the Word Radio Conference (WRC) held in Istanbul in the 2000, and he also coordinated, at a national level,  all phases for preparations of the WRC 2003. He was head of the Italian delegation during the first phase of the Regional Radio Conference, which was held in Geneva in 2003.During the Italian presidency of the European Ministers Council, Mr. Troisi headed the delegation for electronic communication aspects, in close cooperation with the Italian Minister of Communications. He is a member, as an Italian representative, of the Radio Spectrum Committee (RCS) and of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) both operating at the European Commission level in the field of spectrum policy. Formerly, he was involved in the monitoring of spectrum at a local level, working in offices attached to the Ministry of Communications.Top

Biography of Mr. Thomas Wächter, Head of Digital Broadcast Technology, T-Systems Media and Broadcast

Thomas Wächter studied electrical engineering at the University of Braunschweig between 1981 and 1986 before joining the research institute of Deutsche Telekom in Darmstadt in 1987 where he remained until 1992. Since 1992 he has been assistant director at the headquarter of Deutsche Telekom in Bonn responsible for the development of digital, terrestrial broadcasting platforms. From 1995 up to 1997 he was head of the the DAB project office in Northrhine-Westphalia.
Since June 1999 he is responsible for the product management for digital terrestrial transmitter networks. Thomas Wächter is member of the WorldDAB Steering Board and heads the Digital Radio Mondiale Group of the German Government initiative “Digital Broadcasting” (IDR).


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