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 Online Resources

Human Rights and Social Justice NGOs:

American Friends Service Committee

Amnesty International

DERECHOS Human Rights Links

Freedom House

Human Rights Education Association

Human Rights Internet – Linking the Digital Divide

Human Rights Net

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch World Report

Humanitarian Relief Community 

Institute for Global Communications Internet Gateway

Peace Brigades International

Physicians for Human Rights


Rights International

Reporters sans Frontières

  Transparency International

Witness for Peace

International Organizations:

50th Anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

International Committee of the Red Cross Databases on International Humanitarian Law

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals

General Human Rights Reference Information:

American Association for the Advancement of Science:  Human Rights Program

François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights

Human Rights Links from Stanford University’s Jonsson Library

Inter-American Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development

International Federation of Human Rights

Project Diana – Online Human Rights Archive (Yale University)


Human Rights Law:

The Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law Foundation

The Coalition for the International Criminal Court

  Human and Constitutional Rights (Columbia Law School, Diamond Law Library)

The International Human Rights Law Group

Lawyer’s Committee for Human Rights

UN Millennium Declaration Information:

The Millennium Declaration Goals

Millennium Declaration Indicators

Report from the UN

United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library: Research Guide

E-Government and Democracy:

Democracy Forum

E-Democracy Resources

European Commission White Paper on European Governance

Electronic Democracy Resources (RMIT University)

Governments Online International Network

Governments Online (GOL) International Network in October 2000

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance


Online Political Consultation/Participation and Free Press:

Index on Censorship

The Committee to Protect Journalists

European Union – ‘Your Voice’

E The People

International Freedom of Expression Exchange

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Development:

The Berkman Center for Internet and Society (Harvard Law School)

Development Goals

Development Gateway

Fahamu - Supporting progressive social change in the South through ICTs

Global Vision

ICTs and Digital Governance

The Panos Institute


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Updated : 2011-04-04