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12th GSR: Why regulate in a Networked Society?

PDF version of the detailed programme in English

Tuesday 2 October 2012 Next day

Global Dialogue

07:30 - 09:00         REGISTRATION


09:00 - 09:45         OPENING CEREMONY

  09:45 - 10:00        coffee break

10:00 - 10:45          OPENING Debate
Make the world one: Regulation in the global village

Moderator : Mr Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), International Telecommunication Union (ITU)


 10:45 - 12:00          SESSION 1  Net neutrality: To regulate or not to regulate?

Moderator: Mr Anusha Palpita, Director General, Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL), Sri Lanka


Presentation of the GSR discussion paper on Net neutrality: a regulatory perspective, Mr Malcom Webb, Partner, Webb Henderson | presentation |


Interactive panel discussion

  • Should traffic management be regulated or left to commercial negotiations?

  • How is the use of new services and applications, in particular cloud computing services affecting networks, how are these adding additional strains on existing bandwidth?

  • How to strike a balance between consumer protection and the need to foster investment? How is net neutrality affecting the equation?


  12:00 - 14:15          LUNCH

  14:15 - 15:45          SESSION 2  Setting spectrum policies in a digital mobile world

Moderator:  Mr François Rancy, Director, Radiocommunication Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)


Presentation of the GSR discussion paper on Spectrum policies in a hyperconnected digital mobile world, Mr Robert Horton, Senior ICT Expert | presentation |


Interactive panel discussion

  • How to deal with the rapid take up of new broadband mobile applications, machine-to-machine communications in a hyperconnected world while sustaining mobile NGN deployment? What measures are needed? What should be in a spectrum policy for a digital mobile world?

  • The results of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2012 (WRC12) on broadband issues


  15:45 - 16:00         COFFEE BREAK

  16:00 - 17:15          SESSION 3   International mobile roaming in a broadband economy


Moderator: Dr Amr Badawi, Executive President, National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Egypt



Presentation of the GSR discussion paper on International roaming services: a review of best practice policies, Mr Dimitri Ypsilanti, Senior ICT Expert | presentation |


Interactive panel discussion

  • How to handle termination of voice and mobile data communications in an always-on borderless society? Understanding the business models for roaming and the need for cross-border delivery in a broadband economy. What impact on consumers?

  • What role for regulators? What regulatory approaches to adopt? How to balance regulation with commercial solutions? Regional approaches and experiences.




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