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• YES Winner/Sponsor: 2008 (Spain Administration)
• Name/First name: HUMEIDA Yousif
• Age: 23
• Country of Origin: Sudan
• Country of Study: United Kingdom
• Present Country: United Kingdom
• Current degree: MSc Electronic Communication and
Computer Engineering, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

I have graduated from the University of Khartoum, department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 2007 with a first class degree. Due to my good undergraduate performance, I was awarded the vice-chancellors price for direct appointment as a teaching assistant staff in my department. As part of the higher education body in my country Sudan, I was always taken up by our educational and industrial problems as a developing country.

Therefore, I decided to explore the world and get higher degrees from already developed countries, like the United Kingdom. I was awarded a scholarship called "Developing Solutions Taught Masters Scholarship for Africa" from the University of Nottingham which covered a great part of the tuition fees and the YES scholarship completed the remaining. I learned about the YES scholarship from a 2005 YES winner, Yousif Izzeldin Kamil, from Sudan.

Studying in the United Kingdom, which was a dream before the help of ITU, has broadened my thinking and gave me a great insight into how educational institutions and industrial bodies are managed to make the most of the available resources and maintain the high living standards in such developed countries like the United Kingdom. Because of YES, I became part of a research that depends on a mutual collaboration with the industry and that showed me how this collaboration matures the scientific research to be used in many industrial fields, such as telecommunication and computer engineering.

After returning back to Sudan, I will work as a lecturer in University of Khartoum. I hope to reflect all the knowledge and experiences that I gained from my stay in the United Kingdom and help in our long struggle to achieve prosperity.

I really appreciate that some organizations, like the ITU, have the awareness about their roles towards developing the world and how they fulfill them through such schemes, like the YES Project.



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Updated : 2009-06-25