Committed to connecting the world

WRS-12 - Space Workshop

 Main page of the World Radiocommunication Seminar 2012

 Presentations and exercises done during the Space workshop.​



Receivability, Validation, BRIFIC - Wednesday 04.12.2012

Type Title File Size
Receivability   557 KB  
SNS database structure   1928 KB  
GIMS   1305 KB  
BRIFIC   2849 KB  
SNS online and SNL online   2597 KB  
API Capture Exercise   2006 KB  
SpaceCom - submission of comments to API/A   3033 KB  
Due Diligence - Capture Exercise   937 KB  
CR/C - Capture Exercise with Validation   3380 KB  
Notifications of Space Station   1237 KB  
Notifications of Earth Station   1656 KB  
Cost recovery   1980 KB  
IFIC2733_V7.mdb (Zip format)   2611 KB  

Space Plans - Thursday 05.12.2012

Type Title File Size
Introduction   1465 KB  
AP30/30A regulation   7155 KB  
AP30/30A exercise on submission   2587 KB  
AP30/30A technical examination   4633 KB  
AP30/30A exercise on SPS_REPORTs   2845 KB  
AP30B regulation   1660 KB  
AP30B exercise on submission   1103 KB  
AP30B exercise on technical examination / to analyze results of GIBC   2163 KB  
AP30/30A/30B Comments on Special Sections   3361 KB  
AP30/30A SpaceCom   4823 KB  
AP30/30A/30B information on Web and in BR IFIC   2193 KB  
AP30/30A/30B when BR IFIC is issued   3449 KB  
AP30/30A/30B Exercise on RES49   1987 KB  

Technical examinations - Friday 06.12.2012

Type Title File Size
BSS in 21.4-22GHz band   5044 KB  
Technical & Regulatory Examination of Coordination Requests   4354 KB  
Technical and Regulatory Assistance   1545 KB  
Notification and Recording of Frequency Assignments in the MIFR   2199 KB  
SpaceCom - Comments under Nos.9.11-9.14/9.21   6876 KB  
Compatibility Analysis   1564 KB  
SpaceCom - Comments under No.9.41 and EPFD examination tool   8688 KB  
Carrier to Interference Calculation (Section B3, Part B of Rules of Procedure)   3651 KB  
Earth Station Coordination   3640 KB  
Using GIBC to Create Coordination Contours around Earth stations   4597 KB