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 ITU-EC Workshop “Methodologies for Assessing the Environmental Impact of ICT”
 Rome, Italy, 5 September 2011


Dr. Anders S.G. Andrae, Rapporteaur ETSI TS 103 199 (LCA standard for ICT Equipment, Network

Dr. Anders S.G. Andrae received the M.Sc. degree in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree in electronics production from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2005. He worked for Ericsson with LCA between 1997 and 2001. Between 2006 and 2008 he carried out post–doctoral studies at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan. His specialty is the application of sustainability assessment methodologies to ICT solutions from cradle–to–grave. Dr. Andrae is currently the Editor of European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) first LCA standard for ICT. He has previously published three books, three theses, 19 conference papers, and 13 peer–reviewed journal papers. Since 2008 Dr. Andrae is with Huawei Technologies in Sweden as Senior Expert of Emission Reduction/Ecodesign/Sustainability/LCA.
Ms. Andrea Brown, Energy and Climate, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Andrea Brown joined the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in June 2008 where, on she leads WBCSD’s work on the GHG Protocol. For the last three years she has, in partnership with the World Resources Institute, convened a global stakeholder process to develop new tools for business to measure, manage and report the GHG emissions of corporate value chains and product life cycles. In addition to this, Andrea leads WBCSD’s GHG Protocol working group of over 30 companies advancing the development and implementation of carbon management and reporting practices that bring value to business. She also manages WBCSD’s Chemical Sector project that is developing guidance for consistent GHG measurement in the industry, and is a member of the Secretariat for the GHG Protocol Product Standard ICT Sector Guidance Initiative in partnership with WRI, GeSI and Carbon Trust. Prior to joining the WBCSD she worked on international, and climate and energy policy issues for the Alberta government, and the Canadian Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Pierre Chastanet, Policy Officer, Unit ICT for Sustainable Growth, European Commission

Pierre Chastanet is Policy Officer in the Unit "ICT for Sustainable Growth" in the Directorate-General Information Society and Media (DG INFSO) of the European Commission, where he is in charge of strategy and policy development in the field of ICT for energy efficiency. He is in particular ensuring the implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe Key Action tackling the environmental footprint of the ICT sector. He is also responsible for research programme development and implementation in the area of ICT for smart grids, water management, energy-efficient buildings and energy-efficient data-centres.

Pierre joined the European Commission in 2006 as Research Programme Officer in DG INFSO in charge of Research Programme management in the field of Network and Telecommunication technologies and the Internet of the Future.

Prior to that, Pierre acquired over 10 years of experience in the ICT sector. In particular, he held for over 7 years various IT management positions in a Fortune 20 company, in Belgium, the UK and the US, including Head of Global ICT Innovation.

Pierre Chastanet holds a M.S. in Telecommunication Engineering from Paris Graduate School of Telecommunication Engineering (Telecom ParisTech) and a M.A. in International Politics from the Free University of Brussels (ULB).

Mr. Gilbert Buty, ITU-T Methodologies

Gilbert Buty has been working with Alcatel-Lucent since 1990. In his current position as Corporate Standards Manager in Bell Labs, he coordinates the Alcatel Lucent standardization experts active in the environmental domain.

Gilbert Buty is co-rapporteur for the ITU-T SG5 question on energy efficiency for ICT equipment and climate change standards harmonization and Editor of the Recommendation on the Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT within organisations.

Gilbert Buty represents Alcatel Lucent in GeSI where he is co-chairing the Energy Efficiency Working Group.

Mr. Jean Manuel Canet, ITU-T Methodologies

Jean-Manuel leads a Skill Centre on Sustainable Development and Innovation within the Consulting branch of Orange Business Services. He has developed an expertise on how to assess and reduce energy consumption and environmental impacts of ICT and how to use ICT in order to reduce energy consumption and environmental impacts in other sectors of the economy.

Jean-Manuel is Rapporteur for the Question on methodologies in the frame of the Study Group “Environment and Climate Change” of the ITU-T. He sits on the Steering Committee of the GHG Protocol ICT sector initiative.

Jean-Manuel graduated from Telecom ParisTech and from the Collège des Ingénieurs MBA Programme.
Dr. Dave Faulkner, Climate Associates

David Faulkner gained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Essex in 1983 in the area of Optical Fibre Communications Systems. He led research in the field of access networks with specialisation in passive optical networks for British Telecom between 1983 and 2007 filing 18 patents as inventor. Between 1995 and 1999 he was visiting lecturer at Essex University. From 2000-2008 he was Rapporteur for ITU-T/SG15/Q2 on “Fibre Systems for Access Networks”. He has chaired the conference on Networks and Optical Communications since its inception in 1995. He chaired the ITU-T Focus Group on ICT and Climate Change in 2008-2009 and is now Co-chairman of the Joint Coordination Activity on ICT and CC. He is studying climate change issues with interest in ICT and aviation and has adopted a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. He is keen to promote low energy networks and has adopted audio and web conferencing to minimise travel to meetings. In November 2009 he co-founded Climate Associates Limited to encourage and support environmental initiatives among clients and colleagues and also to minimise the environmental impact of ICT by introducing reduction, recycling and mitigation to international standards. He is Rapporteur of SG5 Question 23 'Using ICTs to enable countries to adapt to climate change'.
Mr. Simon Forge, Expert Group of the European Commission

Simon Forge has worked for over 25 years in the information industries principally in the UK, France and Italy. He is director of SCF Associates Ltd. His strategy and economic studies have been used by major systems vendors, government and telcos to establish new directions. Simon has managed teams in systems integration, telecommunications, economic analysis of IT impacts, marketing and IT strategy. Currently he works on projects in telecommunications, computing and their socio-economic impacts, specifically exploring new radio and computing models and technologies with an emphasis on forecasting. For this, he often uses scenario analysis (with own methodology -SCFscenario construction for forecasting, now with a new quantitative extension of tri-level macro-meso-micro-economic analysis). He currently acts as expert for the European Commission on a Green ICT strategy by engaging the ICT industry. Recent projects have included the socio-economic design of a Future Internet for the European Commission and also a study on EU ICT Policy to 2015 and beyond, for the Swedish government for its European Presidency; the report – the Green Knowledge Society – is now available from the DAE website.

Ms. Gabrielle Ginér, Co-Chair TNS Group, GHG Protocol Product Standard, ICT Sector Supplement

Gabrielle joined BT in 1997. She spent her first three years with BT in Tokyo, developing and managing BT’s regulatory and public affairs programmes. Since then Gabrielle has worked on various change programmes in BT, including promoting ICT solutions sales outside the UK, improving BT’s bid management processes and introducing new people values into BT Group.

She then spent several working in the mobility and convergence area, managing a programme to grow BT’s Wireless LAN sales to corporate customers, as well as managing the BT Group mobility programme, focusing on BT’s mobility and convergence strategy and performance. In December 2007, Gabrielle began serving as a Board Director of the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA). The WBA is an industry trade association representing over 40 global wireless broadband players with the aim of fostering Wi-Fi growth around the world. Gabrielle led several projects on behalf of the WBA, including its liaisons with other industry alliances and initiatives to trial new technologies. In May 2009, Gabrielle joined the BT corporate responsibility team where she is now responsible for programme development in environmental sustainability.

Prior to joining BT, Gabrielle worked as a Public Affairs and PR consultant in Washington DC, Stockholm and Brussels. Gabrielle holds an MSc in Telecommunications Business from the University College London, an MA in International Economics and Relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington DC and a BA in International Relations/Asian Studies.

Mr. Kevin Houston, Expert Group of the European Commission

After successful sales ,marketing and consulting careers with Procter & Gamble, Price Waterhouse Coopers and IBM, which included international assignments in Turkey and Germany, Kevin took up the cause of climate change after seeing Al Gore’s film The Inconvenient Truth in 2006 . He returned to Edinburgh University in 2008 to do postgraduate studies in Carbon Management where he carried out research on ICT and climate change including primary research on the use of virtual world technologies to dematerialise business travel emissions.

On graduating he co founded Carbon Masters( a carbon management company that works with businesses and communities to assist them to measure ,manage ,reduce and report their GHG emissions.

Since January 2010 he has been advising the European Commission in Brussels as an independent expert ,working with the ICT Industry to establish a common methodology for measuring the embedded energy and carbon in ICT goods networks and services . He currently represents the EC on the International Telecommunications Union ( ITU ) Study group 5 and contributes to this groups work on establishing new ICT standards based on ISO 14040 and 14044. He is a member of the Steering group of a joint initiative between the Carbon Trust and GeSi ( Global e sustainability Initiative) which is developing ICT guidance to measure the carbon footprint of ICT goods networks and services based on the emerging WRI /WBSCD scope 3 standards

Dr. Yoshiaki Ichikawa, Chairman, IEC TC 111, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Yoshi is currently, a senior chief engineer in Environmental Strategy Office, at the Headquarters of Hitachi Ltd., mainly in charge of global strategy. His international activities include the chair of IEC TC111 (Environmental Standardisation), and an expert of ISO TC207 (Environmental Management).

He received Dr. Eng. degree in 1987 from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. He worked as a research-scientist at Energy Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., from 1979 to 1995 where he was engaged in measurement, robotics, artificial intelligence, network management, optimization, and control. From 1996 to 1999 he was a senior engineer at Omika Works, Hitachi, Ltd., working on industrial applications of computer networks in the field of process automation, social systems and environmental management. In 2000 he established Environmental Solution Center in Industrial Systems Division of Hitachi, Ltd., in order to provide support tools and consulting to top managements of environmentally leading companies in Japan. Since 2005 he joined in the current division and has provided internal consulting to all the group companies and business divisions mainly regarding ecodesign, global legal compliance, and international standards.
Ms. Colette Maloney, Head of Unit ICT for Sustainable Growth, European Commission

Colette Maloney is Head of Unit ICT for Sustainable Growth at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Information Society and Media.

She is responsible for development of policy on the role of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in contributing to the EU's 2020 targets on climate and energy, as well as for R&D activities on ICT and sustainability including energy-efficient buildings and cities, smart electricity grids and efficient water management.

From 2004-2008, she was Head of Unit Cognitive Systems and Robotics and was responsible for building up a substantial R&D initiative in this domain.

Prior to this she held various assignments in the Commission in the field of ICT, from microelectronics, to telecommunications and digital content.

Before joining the Commission in 1994, she held research positions in Ciba, Switzerland and Dartmouth College, USA.

She has a BSc in Mathematics and Physics (summa cum laude) and a PhD in Physics (1982 and 1986 respectively) from Trinity College Dublin.
Mr. Luis Neves, Chairman of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)

Luis Neves is Chairman of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility at Deutsche Telekom Group. With over thirty years of experience at the national and international level in the field of telecommunications and Information Society, Luis has played a fundamental role in promoting the role of ICT in relation to climate change. Luis was the driving force and chairman of the steering committee of the landmark study “SMART 2020 - Enabling the Low Carbon Economy in the Information Age”. Luis currently holds positions and participates in a range of international projects and initiatives including GeSI, the United Nations Global Compact Group and Steering Committee of the United Nations “Caring for Climate Initiative”.
Mr. Tom Okrasinski, Co-Chair TNS Group, GHG Protocol Product Standard, ICT Sector Supplement

Tom Okrasinski is a Senior Manager of the Product Environmental Engineering Group in Alcatel-Lucent’s Bell Labs Chief Technology Office. In his 19 years of experience at Alcatel-Lucent, he has been committed to the development of eco-sustainable programs and processes for product innovation and development. This includes product environmental life cycle assessment, energy efficiency improvement, eco-beneficial materials research & advancement, and eco-sustainability metrics development.

Tom is a member of the World Resource Institute’s Technical Work Group preparing a guideline for the greenhouse gas emissions assessment for Telecommunications Network Services. He is also co-leading a work group in the International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative, an electronics industry consortium, to develop a simplified life cycle assessment tool, and to advance environmental information and data collection for ICT products.

Prior to Alcatel-Lucent, Tom worked for Metcalf and Eddy – an environmental engineering consulting firm, and with Exxon Research and Engineering in synthetic fuels research. He has a Bachelors and Masters degree in civil engineering from Drexel University, and is a licensed professional engineer and planner. He lives in Clinton, New Jersey, USA.

Mr. André Rouyer, Chair of the EMEA Liaison Committee of the Green Grid Initiative

A.ROUYER spent his whole past career with Schneider Electric.

His last position was Director of Standardization & Environment for the IT Business unit.

He has been involved with the power electronics business for 35 years. He held different responsibilities in his company from Services to Marketing. He also spent 4 years in the US as the director of Marketing for the UPS division of Schneider.

Over the last 15 years he has been involved with developing business with Strategic Accounts and also with forming Strategic Alliances. He was VP of this group with its former company.

He was also in charge of managing the relationship with companies developing standards, directives and Codes of Conduct on a WW basis.

He held the position of secretary of the IEC SC 22H UPS committee and assistant secretary of the CENELEC TC 22X on Power Electronics.

He is currently the chair of the EMEA liaison committee of The Green Grid consortium for which he is also a member of the EMEA technical committee.

He is a member of various working groups in Europe working on Energy Efficiency for Data Centres and he is the chair of the new Cen/Cenelec/ETSI european Coordination Group on Green Data Centers.

He graduated with the University of Montpellier / France and he holds a Master in Electronics
Mr. Dong Hi Sim, Technical Officer of TC-EE, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)

Dong Hi SIM has 12 years experiences in telecommunication standardization activities such as 3GPP, OMA, IEEE and ETSI as an official, rapporteur and delegation to contribute technical works. He was with LG Electronics Inc. as a senior research engineer and SK Telecom as a manager in South Korea before joining ETSI. He is now with ETSI as a technical officer to work on several technical areas including the energy efficiency, the speech / multimedia quality etc.
Mr. Gabriel Solomon, Global Systems for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA)

Gabriel joined the GSMA in 2005 and is responsible for leading the development of the Association’s policy thought leadership programme, ensuring that the GSMA plays an influential role in shaping the global regulatory agenda.

Before joining the GSMA Gabriel worked as a management consultant with Mercer Management Consulting.

He has an MBA from INSEAD and sits on the Boards of the UK Telecoms Academy, the Global e-Sustainability Initiative and the Manobi Development Foundation.
Ms. Alice Valvodova, Executive Director, Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)

Alice Valvodova is the Executive Director of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), a strategic partnership of the ICT sector and international organisations committed to promoting sustainability through innovation. Based in Brussels, Alice is responsible for overseeing all activities of GeSI and implementing its vision of creating a sustainable world through responsible, ICT- enabled transformation. Before joining GeSI, Alice spent four years as a Policy Advisor with the GSM Association where she managed a wide range of public policy issues covering everything from EU telecoms regulation to making ICT services safer for children. Previously Alice worked for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Information Society and Media.
Mr. Ahmed Zeddam, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5

Ahmed ZEDDAM received a PhD in electromagnetic from the University of Lille. From 1979 to 1982, he was an assistant Professor of electronics at Lille I University. Since 1982, he has been employed at Research and Development Division of France Telecom in Lannion where he is head of a Research and Development Unit dealing with Electromagnetic Compatibility. Dr Zeddam is the author and co-author of about 100 scientific papers, published in reviewed journals and international conferences. He participated to the production of books related to EMC, including a reference book published in 2007.

He is also member of several Technical Committees of international standardisation bodies dealing with Electromagnetic Compatibility (ITU-T, IEC, CENELEC). He is currently Chairman of Study Group 5 of ITU-T and he is involved in Commission E "Electromagnetic Noise and Interference" of International Union of Radio Science (URSI). Dr Zeddam is also member of many scientific committees of national and international symposia on EMC.


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