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 ITU Workshop “Moving to a Green Economy through ICT Standards”
 Rome, Italy, 6-8 September 2011


Mr. Hossam Allam, Head, Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region & Europe (CEDARE)

Dr. Hossam Allam is the Regional Programme Manager of Strategic Concerns Programme at the Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE), international organization based in Egypt. His current work focuses on E-learning, E-waste, E-environment, and ICT and Climate Change themes.

He has been extensively involved in the capacity building of environmental information systems within the Arab and African countries and delivering the first Arabic E-learning Programme for environmental professionals. He has initiated CEDARE E-learning programme that provides multi-lingual courses for different environmental related courses. Dr. Allam holds a Ph.D. in Computing from University of Plymouth, UK and MSc. in Computer and Information Science from University of New Haven, USA.

He has been involved in projects on national and regional levels. He seeks to fulfill the vision of "environment for Development" by utilizing ICT to manage natural resources and enhance human resources capacities to manage such valuable resources wisely and economically. He is also the regional focal point for Middle East and North Africa for the StEP initiative. Dr. Allam has been responsible for the initiation of the E-waste management Forum in cooperation with UNEP/ROWA. He is also responsible for the bi-annual study on E-waste management practices in the Arab countries.
Mr. Jean-Luc Beylat, President, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France

Jean-Luc Beylat is head of Bell Labs France and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France. Jean-Luc Beylat is also President of the « pole System@tic Paris–Région ».

Prior to this, Jean-Luc was Vice President, Strategic Cooperative R&D Programs of Alcatel-Lucent before becoming Vice President, Business Partnerships for Bell Labs.

In 1996, he was appointed Director of the Optical Systems & Networks Department in Alcatel’s research center driving worldwide research activities in terrestrial and submarine transmission. In 2000, he was appointed program director of the Alcatel’s Optics Groups and later, Vice president of network solutions of the Alcatel’s Optical Networking activities. In his last position, he was a key contributor of the optical product line evolution in regards to cost optimization and data content, helping Alcatel to maintain a #1 position in optical networking since 2001.

Dr. Jean-Luc Beylat holds a Ph.D. in semiconductor lasers and their applications from Pierre and Marie Curie University (France). Jean-Luc Beylat is president of the « pole System@tic Paris–Région ». He seats in the KIC ICT-Labs board, in Competitive cluster “Cap Digital” Board and the ITEA board.

Prof. Raffaele Bolla, Econet

Raffaele Bolla received the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications in 1994 from the University of Genoa. Since 2004 he is “Professore Associato” at the Department of Communications, Computer and Systems Science (DIST) at the University of Genoa. He is currently leading the Telecommunication Networks and Telematics Laboratory (TNT LAB) at DIST, he is reference person for the International relationships for Engineering Faculty of Genoa University and he is responsible for DIST and CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications) of many important research projects and contracts with both public Institutions and private companies. Among the most recent and relevant projects can be cited: the coordination of ECONET (low Energy COnsumption NETworks), an Integrated Project from FP7 (about 10 million of cost), started in 2010; the European Network of Excellence (NoE) Intermedia (Interactive Media with Personal Networked Devices), the national coordination of the PRIN project SORPASSO (flexible SOftware Router PlAtform for Secure Service-specific Overlay networks), the responsibility of the CNIT participation in the NoE TREND (Towards Real energy-efficient Network Design). He acts as reviewer for many different international magazines and participates to technical committees of international congresses. He has co-authored over 140 scientific publications in international journals and international conference proceedings. Most of his research experience is focused on modeling and control of multimedia IP networks, on the design and development of high-performance software router platforms and on the study and development of mechanisms and techniques for energy consumption reduction in telecommunication networks.

Ms. Cristina Bueti, Programme Coordinator on ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change, ITU

Cristina Bueti graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and International Cooperation and Development of the University of Florence, where she completed postgraduate studies in International Cooperation. In 2003, Ms Bueti completed a project for the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, before joining the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva in January 2004. She is responsible for ITU-T's activities related to ICTs and environment with a special focus on climate change and e-waste issues.
Mr. Marco Carugi, Senior Expert, ZTE Corporation - “Cloud Computing Solutions for Green”

Marco began his career in Solvay as telecommunication system engineer, worked in France Telecom/Orange Labs as research engineer (Broadband Data Services and Network Technologies) for 8 years and then in Nortel CTO organization as Senior Advisor on NGN and emerging services for 7 years.

In August 2010 he has joined the ZTE Product R&D organization, dealing with future service and network technologies, and associated standardization.

Marco is an active participant since 15 years in standardization, including ITU-T, ETSI TISPAN, IETF and OIF, and he has held various standardization management positions, including Rapporteur in ITU-T NGN Focus Group and ITU-T SG13, OIF Board member, IETF Provider Provisioned VPN Working Group co-Chair. He is currently vice-Chairman of ITU-T SG13 (Future Networks including mobile and NGN), and acts also as Rapporteur for Q.3/13 (Requirements and implementation scenarios for emerging services and capabilities in an evolving NGN).

Service Delivery Platforms, Cloud Computing and IoT/M2M are three technical areas on which his current activity is focused. He is directly involved as Rapporteur in the ITU-T Internet of Things Global Standards Initiative (IoT-GSI) and as Editor in the ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud Computing.

Marco holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from Pisa University (Pisa, Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from INT (Evry, France) and a Master in International Business Development from ESSEC Business School (Paris).

Mr. Flavio Cucchietti, Chairman of the Energy Efficiency Working Group, GeSI

Flavio Cucchietti, within Telecom Italia R&D Center in Turin (Italy,) is managing the innovation projects on infrastructural and powering solutions for the Next Generation Network.

From 1988 is active in standardization activities on access network technologies and conformance testing. Is currently member of many standardization groups acting on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability for ICT and Network infrastructure.

Cooperates with EC and Energy Star on Energy efficiency initiatives.

Co-chairs the GeSI-EEWG (Energy Efficiency Working Group) where worldwide ICT service providers and vendors are working together towards energy efficiency .

Takes part to international and national study groups on optical fibre deployment in FTTx and Digital Divide scenarios.

He is Board member of GeSI and of CEI, the Italian standardization institution in the electrical, electronic and telecommunications area.

Mr. Charles Despins, President and CEO, Prompt inc, Canada

Dr. CHARLES DESPINS has been, since 2003, president and CEO of Prompt inc., a university-industry research and development consortium based in Montreal, Canada. He was previously with network operators, namely as vice-president & chief technology officer of Bell Nordiq Group in Canada and with the Telesystem Group as a consultant for wireless deployments in China and India. Prior to his work with network operators, he was a faculty member in the University of Quebec where he today remains as a full professor (on-leave). He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada as well as a graduate of McGill University, Montreal, Canada and also of Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Mr. Per Döfnäs, Solving the E-waste Problem (SteP)

Per Döfnäs has worked for Ericsson since 1979, working with product specifications and verification for compliance with applicable technical regulations worldwide, as well as international standardization in the area.

For more than 15 years Per Döfnäs has been engaged in initiatives related to the shaping of product regulation for the electrical/electronics sector. Since 7 years he is responsible for general matters related to Technical Regulations within the Ericsson Group. This nowadays mostly relates to environmental legislation and policy initiatives for eco-design, hazardous substances and waste for the ICT sector.

Per Döfnäs has been a member of StEP Steering Committee since 2008. He is also vice-chair of the Environmental Policy Group in the European ICT industry organization Digitaleurope since 2010.
Mr. Keith Ellis, Applied Research Engineer, Intel Labs

Keith is a senior applied researcher within Intel Labs Europe – based in Leixlip Ireland. The lab’s research and innovation focus areas include: Enterprise Computing/Cloud, ICT for Energy Efficiency, Context Aware Computing, Mobility, Supply Chain, Security, Visual Analytics and IT Management Frameworks.

Keith is primarily focused on sustainable ICT and ICT enablement in the context of energy efficiency and has participated on several FP7 projects in both work-package and task lead roles. He has experience in the sustainable data centre space helping to shape government policy regarding data centre energy conservation in Ireland and Europe. Prime interests include energy data analytics and impact assessment methods.

Keith holds an MSc in Innovation and Technology Management, a BSc (honours) in Technology and diplomas in Information Technology and Systems Thinking and is Lean-Six-Sigma certified. He has 16 years industrial experience, primarily in semi-conductor manufacturing. Roles have included operational and line management, hardware, maintenance and process engineering, BPI engineering primarily in lean, lean six sigma, systems analyses and people systems.

Dr. Raymond Forbes, System Manager, Ericsson

Educated at Loughborough University of Technology between 1977 and 1984, he joined Plessey Telecommunications where he worked on Software Engineering and Analysis. In 1987 he moved to GEC Telecommunications to work on network development and later joined GPT to work on Network Design for GSM. Since 1990 he has worked on network development in the area of Intelligent Networks and the standardisation thereof. In 1993 he became chairman of ETSI NA7, in 1995 ETSI NA6 was also in 1996 elected to be Rapporteur of Question 5 (Requirements for Intelligent Network Capability Sets); these groups being requirements setting bodies for the standardisation of Intelligent Networks. He later chaired the Architecture Group in ETSI SPAN. Since it’s creation he has chaired the NGN Protocols in Work TISPAN WG3 (which included the IMS adaptation to fixed network access) and with the Common IMS programme he was elected as 3GPP SA2 IMS Sub Working Group Vice Chairman in 2006. In 2010 he was elected as ETSI TC M2M Protocols WG Chairman. Also has been actively involved in the ITU-T Smart Focus Group.
Mr. Paolo Gemma, Huawei EU Senior Specialist Marketing Manager, Global Representative Green and Energy Savings, Huawei Technologies

Paolo Gemma - senior Specialist for Europe and representative of Huawei on issues related to energy saving and environmental sustainability of companies worldwide - has done its input in Huawei in April 2008.

Before he was in Nokia Siemens Networks, has been responsible for laboratories Italian for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and electrical safety areas. Previously he held for 18 years a role like within the Siemens Communications Division.

Paolo Gemma, between the leading experts of sector at international level, has an active role in international standardization activities. Since 1993 has engaged in ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard Institute) and participates in the development of telecommunications EMC standards.

In 1997 he did entering ITU-T in the study group 5 with the role of Rapporteur until now. Currently he works about thematic related to the coordination and planning on climate change and ICT standards.

Paolo Gemma has followed the work of the EE (Environmental Engineering) of ETSI Technical Committee since 1998. EE is the Technical Committee of ETSI engaged in the standardization of energy power, mechanics and environmental conditions. The group is committed since 2004 on ecological issues in particular with regard to the reduction of energy consumption and cooling management of equipment and installation publishing some standards on this issue.

In 2002, has been appointed Secretary of the Committee ETSI TC EE and 2009 holds the position of Chairman of the EEPS EE (eco Environmental product standard) working group. It is, moreover, reporter on standardizing on the themes of energy saving and environmental impact of the ITU-T Study group SG5 telecommunications industry acting as rapporteur of Q17/5.

Paolo Gemma is a graduate in electrical engineering from the University of Genoa.

Mr. Gianluca Griffa, Co-Chairman of the ETNO Energy Task Force

Gianluca Griffa earned his Industrial and Management Engineering degree cum laude from the Politecnico di Torino in 2000.

He joined Telecom Italia in 2001, where he initially worked on process re-engineering and assessment of the three National Assurance Centres managed by the National Wholesale Services Department.

Later he was involved in the development of functional requirements for Multi Service Access Node, working at the same time on techno-economic evaluations concerning fixed and wireless networks.

He currently works in the Wireline Access Innovation Department, where he’s responsible for the project “Innovative solutions for powering and Energy Efficiency in the Access Network”. In particular, the project is focused on:
  • studies and trials on Innovative powering, cooling and backup solutions
  • power consumption analysis and measurements
  • active contributions towards several standardization bodies (ETSI, ITU-T, EC CoC, ETNO, …)
He’s also co-chairman of the ETNO CORE Energy Task Force, which is a group of European TLC Operators involved in benchmarking activities and best practice analysis.

He’s also involved in the GeSI – Energy Efficiency WG, which is an international working group involving the main worldwide TLC Operators and focused on strategic actions towards standardization bodies.

He’s then involved in the Next Generation Access Network project, where he is engaged in several topics, among which: scouting of equipment, benchmarking of TLC Operators, analysis of power consumption trends and analysis of different architecture solutions (FTTx/xDSL, FTTH P2P/P2MP) for the access network.

Finally, since 2006 he manages the Eco-Efficiency Indicator (expressed in terms of bit/joule) that is officially reported in the Telecom Italia Sustainability Report.

Mr. Michalis Grigoratos, EMEA Delivery Lead Energy and Sustainability Management, Hewlett-Packard Company

Michalis Grigoratos is Principal Engineer and design manager for HP Critical facilities Services HP (CFS). He is a mission critical facilities consultant who works with clients to optimise their data centre reliability and energy performance. With over 10 years experience in the Engineering design industry Michalis has specialised in the field of Data Centre Operations, concentrating on the delivery of business critical services from highly reliable, world class Data Centres. This has included consultancy and technical advice as well as management roles responsible for service delivery on both strategic and operational management within the data centre industry.

Michalis also focuses on green initiatives including creating high efficiency data center topologies supporting "green IT" and is an advocate of the sustainability agenda worldwide. Over the last 10 years, Michalis has provided strategic consulting services to global financial, technology and telecom clients, as well as public sector organizations, throughout the EMEA region.

Michalis received a BSc and Msc. in Mechanical engineering from Kingston University in London, and is a frequent presenter at industry events worldwide.

Prof. Richard Heeks, Centre for Development Informatics, University of Manchester

Richard Heeks is Professor of Development Informatics at the Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester; and Director of the Centre for Development Informatics ( He has been researching and consulting on ICTs and developing countries for 30 years, with research interests that include innovation and development, informatics in remote regions, IT social enterprise, and ICTs and climate change.

He is director of the IDRC-funded research project "Climate Change, Innovation and ICTs" which is producing background reports, thematic papers, case studies, strategy briefs and policy guidance on the relation between ICTs and climate change in developing countries. Project outputs can be found at:; blog entries at:; and the project network can be joined at: Richard can be contacted at: 
Mr. Matthias Kern, Senior Programme Officer, UNEP-Secretariat of the Basel Convention

Matthias Kern is German national and studied biology, biochemistry, plant pathology and plant protection in Bremen, Bristol/UK, and Goettingen. He holds a Diploma in Biology and a Doctorate in Agricultural Science from the University of Goettingen, Germany. He started his professional career as Research Associate at the Plant Protection Institute in Goettingen before he joined the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in 1986, where he worked in the field of pesticide and industrial chemicals handling and use, regulation and technical assistance for the implementation of international chemicals conventions. In 2005, he was appointed Senior Programme Officer for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the UNEP Division of Global Environment Facility (GEF) Coordination, where he coordinated the UNEP GEF projects related to toxic substances. Since early 2009, he is Head of the Implementation and Capacity Building Unit in the UNEP Secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.
Mr. Karim Lesina, Executive Director, International External Affairs EU, Caribbean, Central and Latin America, AT&T

Karim Antonio Lesina is the Executive Director of AT&T, covering International External Affairs for the EU, Caribbean, Central and Latin America Regions. In this role he leads AT&T's advocacy in those regions. He is also the Chair of the Presidency Group and of the Digital Economy Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU. He also represents AT&T in different associations such as ETNO and, GSMA.

Prior to joining AT&T, Karim held senior positions with another leading US-headquartered ICT company, and a number of leading public affairs agencies in Brussels. Karim has worked on external affairs projects in several countries across the EMEA region.

Born in Dakar (Senegal) Karim is an Italian-Tunisian national and has a Master Degree in Economics of development at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve.

Mr. James Lovegrove, Managing Director, TechAmerica

James Lovegrove is Managing Director of TechAmerica’s European office in Brussels. Established in 1990, TechAmerica Europe focuses on managing policy issues surrounding climate change, environment, regulatory safety/quality standards, security and privacy which impact the technology sector’s capacity to innovate as well as create growth, jobs, research, education and societal wellbeing (e-health, accessibility, e-government etc) throughout the region.

James’ involvement in climate change includes a variety of roles as an active UNFCCC observer to board member of the EU’s ICT4EE forum. James advises WITSA’s G20i coalition on sustainability matters. James has also been involved in a number of publications and research projects into the enabling role of technology.

He studied political science, law, and business in a variety of academic institutions in the UK, Germany, France and the US. He’s a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. James, and his wife, Helena, have three sons (Sam, Emil & Oliver) and live in Brussels.

Mr. Federico Magalini, United Nations University (UNU)

Federico Magalini, a Mechanical Engineer, holds a PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano University. He focuses his research activities on e-waste management and is an author of more than 30 publications in national, international journals and conference proceedings, as well as co-author of the first Italian book on e-waste management, published in 2005.

His main interests lie in the relationship between policy design and e-waste take back systems performances as well as climate change topics, particularly in development of new business models for recycling industries.

As a Research Associate at UNU-ISP SCYCLE, Federico has been working with the Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative on e-waste, especially active in Task Force – Policy and Legislation. Recently Federico has been part of the team carrying out one of the studies for the European Commission on the review of the WEEE Directive as well as providing contributions to the sustainable innovation and technology transfer industrial sector study on “Recycling – From E-waste to Resources”.

Between 2008 and 2011 Federico has also been working as Quality & Operations Manager in Italian take-back system, and in 2011 he founded CYRCLE, his own consulting company, in addition to his UNU-related activities.

Ms. Helen Cynthia Nakiguli, Environment Management Officer, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)

Nakiguli Helen Cynthia is the Environment Management Officer of the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Uganda. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering and Management and a Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management. She is a gazezetted Environmental Inspector under the National Environmental Act. She was on the committee that developed the National E-waste Management Policy and now on the working group of ICT to tackle Climate Change.
Mr. Paolo Nazzaro, Director of Group Sustainability, Telecom Italia

Paolo Nazzaro (1966) holds University Degrees in Economics and Law from “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

Chartered accountant, he has gained over 19 years of experience in multinational companies operating in Italy and internationally, where he has covered a range of business areas including administration, finance, control, auditing and external relations. He joined Telecom Italia in 2003 and has headed the sustainability department since 2006. He is also actively engaged in a number of broader European business-academic initiatives, including co-leadership of the "Evaluating non-financial performance" LAB, implemented in the framework of the March 2006 Alliance with the European Commission.

He is author and co-author of several publications and he lectures on sustainability topics in many Italian Universities and Master courses. He is a member of the “Environmental Commission” of the Chartered Accountants Association in Rome.
Mr. Ray Pinto, Senior Government Affairs Manager, Microsoft

Ray works with an international team focused on advancing Microsoft's role and contribution in the area of the environment and energy efficiency. His primary role is engaging with governments, business partners and non-governmental organizations to learn more on how the information and communication industry can help resolve difficult issues and raise awareness of climate change and energy and resource sustainability. His daily interactions include the team reducing the carbon footprint and energy requirements for data centers, office buildings and travel. It also means engaging software and R&D teams on developing solutions. Ray represents Microsoft as a Co-Chair within the ICT4EE Forum's 3rd working group launched late February 2010 and Chairs the Sustainability Taskforce for TechAmerica Europe. Ray has been working for Microsoft since 1997 and is based in Paris.
Ms. Laura Reyes, Business Development Manager, Datec Technologies Limited

Laura is a qualified Environmental & Sanitary Engineer of La Salle University in Bogotá and holds an MBA in International Business Management from UWIC University in the UK.

Amongst her experience in the environmental management industry Laura has participated in the development of sustainable production of local goods, their supply chains and national commercialisation in order to support the Amazonian forest local community’s economy.

Also, she has worked on the implementation of recently developed sustainable management standards for the events industry in London on PAS2050’s framework.

Laura joined DATEC technologies over a year ago. Since then she has taken on the challenges that the Telecommunications and Electronics industries offer using her qualifications, knowledge and passion to creatively and responsibly support local solutions to global problems. Her interests lie in policy development and active participation in environmental global initiatives that lead to socio-economic solutions.
Mr. Reinhard Scholl, Deputy to the Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (ITU) and Chairman of the Workshop

Reinhard Scholl is Deputy to the Director of the ITU-T Secretariat (TSB) since September 2002. Previously he has been with Siemens in Munich, Germany and with ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). He received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois, USA.
Mr. Charles Shawcross, Coordinator, Information Technology Services, UNFCCC

Charles (Chuck) Shawcross was appointed as the Coordinator of the Information Technology Services (ITS) Programme for the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in July 2011. As the ITS Coordinator, Mr. Shawcross is accountable for leading and managing the vision, strategies, policies, standards, and protocols for the delivery and enhancement of information technologies services in support the UNFCCC Secretariat and its mandate.

A seasoned professional in information systems R&D, engineering, project management, and operations, Mr. Shawcross began his career as a military officer with the Canadian Forces in 1972. He enjoyed a wide variety of appointments including tours in Canada, Germany, United States, and France. After retiring from the military in 1992, he served until 1998, as an international agency civilian staff member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) at two different agencies including as a research scientist in Information Technology at the NATO C3 Agency in The Hague, The Netherlands. From 1998 to 2001 he ran his own consulting and hi-tech startup company in Ottawa, and successfully developed an innovative Internet security system for which he was granted a US patent. From 2001 to 2006, Mr. Shawcross was once again with the NATO C3 Agency in The Hague, as a Senior Principal Scientist in the area of telecommunications, architecture, and security and was the senior NATO scientific authority in the area of Cyber Security.

He started employment with the Canadian federal public service in 2006 as the Director General, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Information Technology Services Branch, Public Works and Government Services. Prior to joining the UNFCCC Secretariat he was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Information Officer for Environment Canada in 2008, with a staff of over 700 located across Canada.

Mr. Shawcross completed a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He also holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, plus a pre-doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, United States of America and a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems from Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. Mr. Shawcross and his wife, Christiane, have four daughters.

Mr. Alex Shalaby, Chairman of Mobinil, Egypt

On September 1, 2008 Alex Shalaby was appointed Chairman of the Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (Mobinil) by Board consensus, following his appointment as its President and CEO in 2005. This step came as a result of Shalaby's remarkable achievements at Mobinil over the past three years where the company has witnessed continued market share leadership, tripled the subscriber base from six to 19 million, doubled the revenues and increased net profits by 30%. As former Executive Vice President of Orascom Telecom Holding (OTH) and continuing on its board, Shalaby’s regional experience proved invaluable as OTH continues to expand its global footprint, signaling the need to keep him as head of Business Development.

Alex Shalaby was Chief Officer of Regulatory Affairs for Mobinil from 1998 to 2005 and was responsible for helping with the licensing and regulations required in setting up Mobinil as the first mobile operator in Egypt. Mobinil is partly owned by OTH and France Telecom/Orange, a balancing challenge for Shalaby to maintain the trust and confidence of the two major shareholders as well as the Company’s thousands of public shareholders.

Shalaby came to Mobinil from Washington, DC where he was AT&T Director for Public Affairs as the company’s link to law makers on Capitol Hill with responsibility for lobbying the executive branch of the U.S. government. He helped in developing more liberalization of the telecoms sector both domestically, as well as internationally for emerging nations of the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and South Africa through the relevant multi-lateral agencies. It was during these years that he served on the boards of the American Chamber of Commerce becoming its president during the period 1991 – 1992) and the Fulbright Commission, as his AT&T responsibilities shifted from local to regional, with particular focus on North Africa and the Levant. Between 1993 and 1995, Shalaby was Regional Director for International Public Affairs for AT&T, based in Cairo, Egypt, where he was the principal interface with key agencies within the governments in the region on matters impacting AT&T’s operations.

Alex Shalaby started with data communications, moving between posts in California and New Jersey, where he worked with Bell Labs. Shalaby then moved to become Managing Director for AT&T in Egypt, and General Manager for the Middle East and North Africa region until 1993. He held a variety of technical and managerial positions involved with AT&T start-ups in the Gulf (1977–1980). In 1977 and moved to Saudi Arabia to help launch the first AT&T microwave project before moving on to Kuwait and the UAE. Once again, during this period he established and secured a solid position for AT&T in the Gulf region.

In 1966 Shalaby graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alexandria and started his first job with Egypt Air as Radio and Radar Engineer for two years. In 1969, he emigrated to the United States, where he eventually settled in San Jose, California and started his first job at Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a subsidiary of AT&T, at the time. During this time he earned a Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from San Jose State University.

Mr. John Smiciklas, Director, Corporate Social Responsibility, RIM

John Smiciklas is Director, Corporate Responsibility Programs at Research In Motion Limited, makers of the BlackBerry™ wireless platform. He is responsible for the development, implementation and communication of RIM's corporate programs in the areas of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility on a global basis.

Prior to joining RIM in July 2008, John worked with a number of consulting and auditing firms, including PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG and British Standards Institute providing sustainability consulting services and auditing services to clients to a number of global standards including e.g ISO 9001/14001, AS9100, OHSAS 18001 among others

John holds a BASc, Chemical Engineering from the University of Toronto and is an auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 international standards.
Mr. Kevin Tao, President of Huawei Europe

Mr. Jingwen Tao is the President of Huawei Western European Region since early 2011 and is responsible for the overall business development and management in this region including sales, marketing, and business operation. Mr. Kevin Tao has an extensive senior managerial experience lasting 15 years in the telecommunications industry in R&D, sales & marketing, general management, and operations.

Prior to this position, Mr. Tao was CEO of Huawei Device. Before that, he was Senior Vice President, President of Group Function Customer Solution & Sales Support since 2007, and President of Group Function Marketing since 2009. He was responsible for overseeing Huawei global product sales supporting, pricing, market strategy etc.

Mr. Tao started his career in Huawei from 1996. He has been in various positions in the Company since then, including President of Sub-Sahara Region (2003-2007), Vice President of Overseas Product Sales (2001-2003), Vice Director of Market & Technology intelligence Dept.(1998-2001), Head of STP Product Sales and senior software engineer of SS7.

Mr. Tao holds Bachelor Degree of Science in Computer & Communication from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Ms. Nevine Tewfik, Deputy Director of International Relations, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Egypt

Nevine Tewfik is Deputy Director of International Relations at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology- Egypt. Ms. Tewfik’s portfolio includes a number of programs and initiatives including among other things; Egypt’s Green ICT program where she is coordinating the international cooperation dimension with different stakeholders including the government, private sector and international organizations. Ms. Tewfik is also in charge of the Internet Safety Program of the Ministry.

For the past four years, Ms. Tewfik’s work revolved around the development and dissemination of both projects in Egypt and reaching out to the region, as well as engaging Egypt actively in the international dialogue on the subjects. Ms. Tewfik represented the projects at related conferences including the third, fourth and fifth rounds of IGF, as well as at a number of OECD meetings. Ms. Tewfik is also member of the ITU COP initiative, Egypt’s representative at the ITU WG- CP, member of the ITU Dynamic Coalition on climate change and associate rapporteur of ITU- T SG-5 Question 23.

Prior to that, Ms. Tewfik was General Manager of the European Cooperation Department. Ms. Tewfik's portfolio included coordinating the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s relations with numerous international organizations. She has also been involved in formulating Egypt's Information Society White Paper. With more than 20 years experience in the fields of socio political research, international relations and development, Ms. Tewfik has represented Egypt in a number of international forums and conferences, including the World Summit on The Information Society. Her field of expertise is oriented towards ICT4D, child online safety, green ICT, in addition to strategic writing, policy formulation and political analysis.

Ms. Tewfik studied at the American University in Cairo, where she received her BA and MA in Political Science.

Ms. Daniela Torres, Head of Climate Change Office, Telefonica. S.A

Daniela is the Head of the Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Office of Telefónica Group since 2008, in which her main role is the implementation of the corporate strategy of climate change and energy efficiency for the Company. Since 2008, Daniela represents Telefónica in all the external working groups on ICTs and Climate Change globally and especially is focused on the activities of the ITU-T Study Group No. 5. At present she is the co-chair of the Working Group 2 of the ICT4EE Forum of the European Commission.

Daniela was in charged of the Environmental Department for Telefónica Movistar Ecuador since 2006 when she was transferred to Telefónica Corporate Office in Madrid in 2008.

She has an Environmental Engineering background, with a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Development from the University of Calgary of Canada. She worked as an environmental expert for the Latin-American Energy Organization (OLADE) from 2002 to 2004 and during 2008. In addition she was the Environmental Advisor for the Vice-Ministry of Electricity (Ministry of Energy and Mines of Ecuador) from 2006 to 2007. From 2006 to 2008 she was also Professor of Environmental Sanitation at the SEK University of Ecuador.

Mr. Chris Tuppen, Advancing Sustainability LLP

Chris Tuppen has been involved in sustainability for over twenty years. He runs Advancing Sustainability LLP, is a partner in Fronesys Ltd and is an Honorary Professor at Keele University. He was previously BT’s Chief Sustainability Officer.

Chris is experienced in developing sustainability strategy, reporting, metrics, target setting, climate change, risk assessment, governance, thought leadership, stakeholder dialogue, media support, public affairs interaction and international collaboration. He has a special interest in the application of smart technologies.

Over the years Chris has played an active part in a number of prominent bodies. He has served on the boards of CSR Europe and BSR (Business for Social Responsibility). He co-chaired the Global Reporting Initiative’s G2 measurement working group and chaired the Global e- Sustainability Initiative and the European Telecommunication Network Operators Association’s environmental working group. He was initiator and co-editor of the report SMART 2020 – Enabling the Low Carbon Economy in the Information Age.

He is currently a member of the Executive Board of the Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability project, a member of the NHS Sustainable Development National Advisory Group, a member of the BBC Sustainability Advisory Group and a Director of the Aldersgate Group.

In January 2008 he was named by a special Guardian newspaper panel of prominent environmental figures as one of the 50 people who could save the planet from climatic disaster.

Dr. Luca Valcarenghi, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy

Luca Valcarenghi holds a Laurea degree in Electronics Engineering (1997) from the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, a M.S. in Electrical Engineering (1999), and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-Telecommunications (2001) both from the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). Between January 2002 and August 2002 he was Research Associate of the Optical Networking Advanced Research (OpNeAR) Lab of the University of Texas at Dallas Erik Jonsson School of EE/CS. Since September 2002 he is Assistant Professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of University Studies and Doctoral Research of Pisa, Italy.

Dr. Valcarenghi published more than 100 papers in International Journals and Conference Proceedings and actively participated in the TPC of Globecom and ICC Optical Network and System Symposium and Next-Generation Networking & Internet Symposium. His main research interests are Optical Networks design, analysis, and optimization; Artificial Intelligence optimization techniques; Communication Networks reliability; IP over WDM networking; QoS in network infrastructures for Grid computing; fixed and mobile network integration; fixed network backhauling for mobile networks; energy efficiency in communications networks.

Mr. Nicola Villa, Global Director of the Urban Innovation team, Cisco

Nicola Villa is a senior director working in Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG). Nicola is the Global Director of the Urban Innovation team, focusing on Cisco’s innovation strategy for the global Smart+Connected Communities program. Prior to that, Nicola managed Cisco’s Connected Urban Development program. The program was part of the commitment Cisco provided to the Clinton Global Initiative, and it aimed at developing innovative ICT & Broadband solutions in large metropolitan areas to stimulate CO2 emissions reductions.

Nicola is also an Executive member of Cisco China’s Board as well as of Cisco’s Global Smart+Connected Communties Board. He is also an advisor to Metropolis, the global network of metropolitan regions, through its Partnership for Urban Innovation commission

Prior to this, Nicola worked as Head of Local Government and Broadband within Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group, being in charge of activities across Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

Nicola has a strong focus on Innovation policy and is collaborating with central government agencies, often at Cabinet level, in supporting the creation of national Innovation & ICT strategies, as well as national Broadband strategies. He also supported a number of municipal governments across the world who are launching innovative broadband government programs.

Mr. Villa is an Italian national who has been living in the UK and in the Netherlands for several years. He studied Business Economics at the Universita’ Cattolica in Milan and at the Brighton University in the UK. He wrote his thesis on Industrial Economics, analyzing the effects of Technical standardization policies on the Internet and on the GSM telephony markets.

Mr. Kyle Whitehill, CEO, Vodafone Ghana

Kyle was educated in Scotland and has a degree in marketing and economics. Kyle has worked in the UK, Central Europe and India for both telecom and consumer goods companies. His early career was spent in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) with L’Oreal, Jeyes and Guinness before he entered general management with the Soft Drinks division of PepsiCo.

Kyle Whitehill joined Vodafone UK in 2001 as head of the Enterprise business. In February 2008 he moved to Vodafone India as Chief Operating Officer, shortly after the acquisition of the business from Hutchison. During his tenure as Chief Operating Officer, the subscriber base of Vodafone India’s business grew from 47 million to over 100 million.

Kyle Whitehill is a keen golfer and supporter of Glasgow Rangers football club and is married with 3 sons.

Mr. Shugong Xu, Green Touch Initiative

SHUGONG XU received a B.Sc. degree from Wuhan University, China, and his M.E. and Ph.D. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, in 1990, 1993, and 1996, respectively. He is currently director of the Access Network Technology Research Department, principal scientist, and vice director of the Communication Laboratory, Huawei Corporate Research, and chief scientist on Wireless Access Technologies in the Nation al Key Laboratory on Wireless technologies at Huawei. He leads green research in Huawei including the GREAT (Green Radio Excellence in Architecture and Technologies) project, which focuses on power-efficient solutions for wireless radio access networks. Prior to joining Huawei Technologies in 2008, he was with Sharp Laboratories of America as senior research scientist for seven years. Before starting his career in industrial research, he worked at universities including Tsinghua University, China, Michigan State University, as well as City College of New York (CCNY). In his over 18+ years of research on cutting edge research on wireless/mobile networking and communication, home networking and multimedia communications, he published more than 30 peer-reviewed research papers as lead-author in top international conferences and journals, in which the most referenced one has over 900 Google Scholar citations. He holds more than 30 granted US patents or patent applications, of which technologies have been adopted in 802.11 and LTE standards, including the DRX protocol for power saving in LTE standard. Dr. Xu is a senior member of IEEE, a Concurrent Professor at HUST, and the Technical Committee co-chair of Green Touch consortium.

Mr. Sébastien Ziegler, Mandat International, International Cooperation Foundation

Mr Sébastien Ziegler graduated in International relations at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, followed by a Master in environment, a MBA in international administration (HEC Geneva), and complementary executive courses at Harvard Business School in Boston, Stanford University, UC Berkeley and EPFL. Sébastien founded and still leads Mandat International, an international foundation with special consultative status to the UN and working in close cooperation with most international organizations based in Geneva. He has initiated and coordinated several national and international research projects in the area of ICT, with a focus on IPv6 and multiprotocol interoperability. He is currently coordinating the European FP7 research project IoT6.
Dr. Ahmed Zeddam, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5 “Environment and Climate Change”, Electromagnetic Compatibility Expert, Standardisation Senior Manager, France Telecom/Orange Labs

Ahmed ZEDDAM received a PhD in electromagnetic from the University of Lille. From 1979 to 1982, he was an assistant Professor of electronics at Lille I University. Since 1982, he has been employed at Research and Development Division of France Telecom in Lannion where he is head of a Research and Development Unit dealing with Electromagnetic Compatibility. Dr Zeddam is the author and co-author of about 100 scientific papers, published in reviewed journals and international conferences. He participated to the production of books related to EMC, including a reference book published in 2007.

He is also member of several Technical Committees of international standardisation bodies dealing with Electromagnetic Compatibility (ITU-T, IEC, CENELEC). He is currently Chairman of Study Group 5 of ITU-T and he is involved in Commission E "Electromagnetic Noise and Interference" of International Union of Radio Science (URSI). Dr Zeddam is also member of many scientific committees of national and international symposia on EMC.



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