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Focus Group on ICTs and Climate Change (FG ICT&CC)

Final Agenda for second meeting of “Focus Group on ICTs and Climate Change”
Geneva, 25-28 November 2008

Day 1, 25 November 2008, ITU Tower Room A
09:30 – 10:40 Plenary Session
09:30 Welcome address: (Malcolm Johnson)
09:40 Introduction (Dave Faulkner)
09:45 Summary of outcome of WTSA concerning the FG – Impact of Revised A.7 and Res 73
Summary of discussion on CC side event and GHG emissions (Art Levin) C-65
10:05 Meeting Objectives: “Meeting Objectives: Proposal concerning the objectives and the goals of the FG” (Yoh Somemura) C-66
10:15 Reminder of the role of Editors, and template for Deliverables (Dave Faulkner)
10:25 Reminder of Working Methods ADM-002 (Art Levin, Head of Standardization Policy Division, ITU-T) Rooms for Editing
10:35 Summary of progress made in the teleconferences (TSB) C-64
10:45 Questions and Answers, Agreement of Agenda
10:50 – 11: 10 Coffee Break
11:10 WG A Discussion on Deliverable 1 “Definitions”
11:10 Introductions and update on progress (Yoh Somemura and Editors)

Reminder of Terms of Reference - “The FG, based on existing terms and definitions used in ITU, should:

  • identify the terms and definitions (including units, see section 5.3) needed to analyze the three major relationships between ICTs and Climate Change;
  • identify differences between existing terms and definitions;
  • develop and propose new definitions where necessary (gaps)”

11:10 Review of D1 and Living List, editing
12:20 What follow on / maintenance work is required to D1?
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 17:30 Afternoon Session
14:00 WG B Discussion on Deliverable 2 “Gap Analysis and Standards Roadmap”
14:00 Introductions and update on progress (Franz Zichy and Editors)

Reminder of Terms of Reference - “The FG should:

  • analyze the energy-saving measures that ICTs would have, directly and indirectly (e.g. on transport), on Climate Change;
  • identify which measures need to be standardized;
  • perform a “gap analysis” of these measures, based on the ongoing activities inside and outside ITU-T;
  • develop and propose a roadmap for future work within ITU-T.

14:00 Brief progress Review of D2 and Living List
14:10 Update on “Standards ICTs and Climate Change” and Climate Change (Art Levin, TSB) C-53
14:20 Plenary - All Deliverables (Chair D Faulkner)
14:20 “Clarification study items in the focus group” (Sakurai, Hitachi Japan) C-58
14:35 “Clarification of the definitions of Direct and Indirect Impact”(Yoh Somemura, NTT Japan) C-57
14:50 “Proposed scope of each deliverable” (Yoh Somemura, NTT Japan) C-59
15:05 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 Plenary presentation (all deliverables) “ICTs, Innovation and the Challenge of Climate Change” (Bill St. Arnaud, CANARIE Inc.) by Teleconference, C-69
16:00 WG C Discussion on Deliverable 4 “Direct and indirect impact of ITU-T standards”
16:00 Introductions and update on progress (Sung-Chul Kang and Editors)
Reminder of Terms of Reference.

“The FG should develop tools (e.g. Checklists) and guidelines to allow ITU-T SGs to evaluate, for each Question, the possible future CO2E (carbon dioxide equivalent) reduction of technologies in terms of direct emissions from ICTs and possible savings in terms of Climate Change mitigation from the use of ICTs”

16:10 Review of D4 and Living List
17:30 End of Day 1
Day 2, 26 November 2008, ITU Tower Room C2
09:00 – 12:30 Morning session
09:00 WG A Discussion on Deliverable 3 “Methodology”
09:00 Introductions and update on progress (Yoh Somemura and Editors)

Reminder of Terms of Reference - “The FG should develop a methodology to describe and estimate present and future user [energy] consumption of ICTs over their entire life-cycle. This should include:

  • a calculation methodology of energy consumption saved through ICT utilization;
  • the definition of basic units relevant to the cases considered;
  • the identification, gathering and processing of relevant parameters (e.g. user behaviour);
  • the principles and tools to measure and evaluate the results;
  • a list of examples of the uses of how ICTs can replace or displace other energy-consuming technologies/uses;
  • an analysis of existing standards and a proposal for the development of new standards, if needed.

09:05 Review of D3 and Living List (brief at this stage of the meeting)
09:15 Technical problem so presentation deferred to 14:30 “Proposed ICT Impact Assessment Method” (Didier Marquet, FT, Xavier Chavanne, Paris University Diderot) by teleconference
O9:45 "Global Carbon Footprint of ICT - Method and Results"(Fredrik Jonsson, Ericsson) C-67
10:05 Contribution “Proposed Basic Evaluation Method for Environmental Impact of Network Infrastructure regarding Deliverable 3 –Methodology– “ (Takeshi Origuchi, NTT) C-43
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 WG A Continued. Discussion on Deliverables 1/3 “Definitions” and “Methodology” editing
11:00 Contribution “Proposed Evaluation Methods for Environmental Impact of Mobile Network Infrastructure regarding Deliverable 3 –Methodology–“ (Takeshi Origuchi, NTT) C-44
11:30 Presentation and contribution “Evaluation of CO2 emissions of postal direct mail and direct e-mail” (Noriyuki Nakayama, NEC, Japan) C-45
11:50 Contribution “Evaluation Method for Environmental Impact of Software” (Takayuki Nishi, Hitachi, Ltd. Japan) C-46
12:10 Contribution “Proposed Evaluation Method for the Environmental Impact of Work Efficiency, Improved by Introducing ICT” (Takafumi Hashitani, Fujitsu, Ltd. Japan) C-47
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 WG B Discussion on Deliverable 2 “Gap Analysis and Standards Roadmap”, Editing
Review of D2 and Living List. Olivier DuPont (Cisco)
14:30 (Deferred from 09:15 time slot) “Proposed ICT Impact Assessment Method” (Didier Marquet, FT, Xavier Chavanne, Paris University Diderot) by teleconference C-54
15:00 “Gartner overview document” (Steve Narramore, Gartner) C-63
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 Editing Session. D1 and D3 in T-103. D2 and D4 in Tower C-2
17:30 End of Day 2
Day 3, 27 November 2008, ITU Tower Room C2
09:00 – 12:30 Morning session
09:00 WG C Discussion on Deliverable 4 “Direct and indirect impact of ITU-T standards”
09:00 “Impact of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on Climate Change”, (Eunsook Kim “Eunah”, ETRI) C-49
09:30 C-51 “Tag-based identification and lifecycle management of ICT devices”, (Eunsook Kim “Eunah”, ETRI) C-51
10:00 “Proposal to send a Climate Change Impact Assessment Questionnaire to SG Chairmen” Draft for review and comment. Dave Faulkner
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 WG C Continued. Discussion on Deliverable 4 “Direct and indirect impact of ITU-T standards”
11:10 “Energy Efficiency Programme of Korea”, (Yong-woon Kim, Republic of Korea) C-48
12:00 Contribution “Questions and comments on the enabling impact of ICT” (Molly Webb, The Climate Group) C-61
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 17:30 Afternoon Session
WG A Discussion on Deliverables 1/3,
14:00 Presentation “Targets, Standards, ICTs and Climate Change” (Dave Faulkner, BT) Withdrawn
14:00 (Deferred from 14:30 Day 2 Day 3) Placeholder for "The good the bad & the ugly = Green ICT metrics" (Catalina McGregor, UK Government) C-75
14:30 Contribution and Presentation “Climate Stabilization Intensity Targets”-update including formula with GDP (Dave Faulkner on behalf of Chris Tuppen, BT) C-56
14:40 Liaison to OECD concerning rebound effects? (Draft text from Ewan Sutherland) editing and approval
14:50 Adding items to Living List
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
WG A Continued, Discussion on Deliverables 1/3, Editing (also for other deliverables in T-103)
16:00-16:20 “ITU T ICT and climate change Methodology”, (Gilbert Buty, Alcatel Lucent) C-52
16:20-16:40 “Methodology to assess ICT contribution on energy saving and on fossil CO2 equivalent emission reduction and KPI” (Didier Marquet, France Telecom-Orange Labs) C-55, C-68 (ppt)
16:40-17:00 Update on “Network and Telecom Equipment - Energy and Performance Assessment”– (Daniel Kharitonov, Juniper) C-72
17:30 End of Day 3 and MC meeting
Day 4, 28 November 2008, ITU Tower Room C2
09:00 – 12:30 Morning session
09:00 Joint Editors meeting, Room C(110), Dave Faulkner to Chair
09:00 Status and public review of Draft Texts: D1, D2, D3 (interim), and D4
Review of Forward and Scope in public session
Review of D1: Executive Summary in public session
Review of D4: Executive Summary in public session
Plans for teleconferences on Deliverables in December.
Outline plans for QA Review Jan/Feb by email.
Template update, plans for merging the Deliverables’ Executive Summaries in December
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 Plenary Session
11:00 “EPEAT Short version Criteria Table” (Wayne Rifer, Green Electronics Council/EPEAT, USA)
Friday only (D4 related) C-74
11:30 Editing of first half of D3 Executive Summary in public session
12:00 “PAS 2050-A start point methodology" (Quincy of BSI, UK) C-73
12:30 Agreement of revised text “Climate Change Impact Assessment Questionnaire to SG Chairmen” Draft for review and comment”. Dave Faulkner
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Plenary
14:00 “Green Power for Mobile initiative” (Jack Rowley GSM Association) by teleconference C-71
14:30 Publicity and Conferences: Summary of informative presentations made outside about the work of the FG to be posted (All)
14:40 Reports from WG Chairmen (5 minutes each)
15:00 Deliverables and schedule for completion and QA Review, Chief Editors (5 minutes each)
15:15 Summary of actions from the meeting (Dave Faulkner) Future meetings : Face to face, Teleconferences (e.g. on the Deliverables)
15:30 Liaison to be approved (not needed. All texts already agreed for liaison and the SG Questionnaire)
15:30 AOB (none)
16:00 Meeting extended to complete review of D3 (Interim) Executive Summary and D2 Executive Summary


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