-- MIB module extracted from ITU-T J.166 (12/2007)

PKTC-EVENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, BITS FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC clabProjPacketCable FROM CLAB-DEF-MIB SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ifPhysAddress FROM IF-MIB InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetPortNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB ; pktcEventMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200501280000Z -- 01/28/2005" ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Sumanth Channabasappa Postal: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 858 Coal Creek Circle Louisville, Colorado 80027 U.S.A. Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Fax: +1 303-661-9199 E-mail: mibs@cablelabs.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module supplies the basic management objects for event reporting Acknowledgements: Eugene Nechamkin - Broadcom Corp John Berg - CableLabs, Inc. Kevin Marez - Motorola, Inc. Satish Kumar - Texas Instruments Venkatesh Sunkad - CableLabs, Inc." ::= { clabProjPacketCable 3 } -- -- pktcDevEventControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventMib 1 } pktcDevEventThrottle OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventMib 2 } pktcDevEventStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventMib 3 } pktcDevEventDescr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventMib 4 } pktcDevEventLog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventMib 5 } pktcDevEvNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventMib 6 } -- --- --- Event Reporting control objects --- pktcDevEvControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { resetEventLogTable(0), resetEventDescrTable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB object defines the actions related to the event log configuration. The MTA MUST take the appropriate action whenever a bit is set to a value of '1'. Setting the resetEventLogTable(0) bit to a value of '1' clears the entire event log (Deletes all entries in pktcDevEventLogTable). Setting resetEventDescrTable(1) to a value of '1' resets the pktcDevEventDescrTable to the factory default values. Setting a control bit to a value of '0' MUST not result in any action. Reading this MIB object MUST always return '00'." ::= { pktcDevEventControl 1 } pktcDevEvSyslogAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object defines the address type of the Syslog server. PacketCable devices implementing this MIB MUST support an InetAddressType of ipv4(1). PacketCable devices MAY optionally implement other address types. If an unsupported InetAddressType is used to set this object, the PacketCable device MUST reject it and report an SNMP error stating 'wrong value'. If an SNMP SET results in a type that does not match the value contained in the MIB Object pktcDevEvSyslogAddress, the PacketCable device MUST reject the SNMP SET with an 'inconsistent value' error." ::= { pktcDevEventControl 2 } pktcDevEvSyslogAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the IP address of the Syslog server. If this is set to either or the device MUST inhibit syslog transmission. The use of FQDNs is syntactically allowed, but discouraged since a failure to resolve them in a timely manner may leave the device without access to the Syslog daemon during critical network events. The type of address this object represents is defined by the MIB Object pktDevEvSyslogAddressType. If an SNMP SET results in a type that does not match that indicated by the MIB Object pktcDevEvSyslogAddressType, the PacketCable device MUST reject the SNMP SET with an 'inconsistent value' error." ::= { pktcDevEventControl 3 } pktcDevEvSyslogUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the UDP Port Number of the Syslog Server. The PacketCable device must send the Syslog messages to this port on the Syslog Server." DEFVAL { 514 } ::= { pktcDevEventControl 4 } -- -- Event throttling control -- pktcDevEvThrottleAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unconstrained(1), maintainBelowThreshold(2), stopAtThreshold(3), inhibited(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object controls the throttling of the transmitted messages upon generation of an event (SNMP/Syslog). A value of unconstrained(1) causes event messages to be transmitted without regard to the threshold settings. A value of maintainBelowThreshold(2) causes event messages to be suppressed if the number of transmissions would otherwise exceed the threshold. A value of stopAtThreshold(3) causes event message transmission to cease at the threshold, and not resume until directed to do so. A value of inhibited(4) causes all event message Transmission to be suppressed. An event causing both an SNMP and a Syslog message is still treated as a single event. Writing to this object resets the thresholding state. Refer to MIB Objects pktcDevEvThrottleThreshold and pktcDevEvThrottleInterval for information on throttling." DEFVAL { unconstrained } ::= { pktcDevEventThrottle 1 } pktcDevEvThrottleThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the number of events per pktcDevEvThrottleInterval to be transmitted before throttling. An event causing both a SNMP and a syslog message is still treated as a single event." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { pktcDevEventThrottle 2 } pktcDevEvThrottleInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the interval over which the throttle threshold applies." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { pktcDevEventThrottle 3 } --- -- Status Reporting --- pktcDevEvTransmissionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { syslogThrottled(0), snmpThrottled(1), validSyslogServerAbsent(2), validSnmpManagerAbsent(3), syslogTransmitError(4), snmpTransmitError(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object reflects the status of the event transmission. If a bit corresponding to a state is set to a value of: '1', it indicates that the state is true '0', it indicates that the state is false 'Event throttling' is based on thresholds and the current setting of pktcDevEvThrottleAdminStatus. 'Server/Manager' indicators must be based on the availability of valid Syslog server/SNMP managers. 'Transmit Errors' must only be used in cases where the PacketCable Device can identify unavailable servers." ::= { pktcDevEventStatus 1 } --- -- Event Descriptions --- pktcDevEventDescrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcDevEventDescrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB table contains all the possible events that can be generated by the device. This includes both PacketCable defined and vendor-specific events." ::= { pktcDevEventDescr 1 } pktcDevEventDescrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcDevEventDescrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created for each event the PacketCable Device implementing this MIB is capable of reporting." INDEX { pktcDevEventDescrId, pktcDevEventDescrEnterprise } ::= { pktcDevEventDescrTable 1 } PktcDevEventDescrEntry::= SEQUENCE { pktcDevEventDescrId Unsigned32, pktcDevEventDescrEnterprise Unsigned32, pktcDevEventDescrFacility INTEGER, pktcDevEventDescrLevel INTEGER, pktcDevEventDescrReporting BITS, pktcDevEventDescrText SnmpAdminString } pktcDevEventDescrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the event identifier for the specific event to which the priority and display strings belong. The event identifier can either be PacketCable defined or vendor-specific." ::= { pktcDevEventDescrEntry 1 } pktcDevEventDescrEnterprise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object provides the IANA enterprise number of the Organization defining the event. Thus, all PacketCable defined events will contain the CableLabs IANA enterprise number and for vendor-specific events it will contain the IANA enterprise number of the defining organization." ::= { pktcDevEventDescrEntry 2 } pktcDevEventDescrFacility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { kernel(0), user(1), mail(2), daemon(3), auth(4), syslog(5), lpr(6), news(7), uucp(8), cron(9), authPriv(10), ftp(11), ntp(12), security(13), console(14), clockDaemon(15), local0(16), local1(17), local2(18), local3(19), local4(20), local5(21), local6(22), local7(23) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the facility for the event. For PacketCable events this MUST be set to local0(16)." ::= { pktcDevEventDescrEntry 3 } pktcDevEventDescrLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { emergency(0), alert(1), critical(2), error(3), warning(4), notice(5), info(6), debug(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the priority level that is controlled by this entry. The levels are described as: emergency(0) - A condition that makes the system unusable. alert(1) - A service-affecting condition for which immediate action must be taken. critical(2) - A service-affecting critical condition. error(3) - An error condition. warning(4) - A warning condition. notice(5) - A normal but significant condition. info(6) - An informational message. debug(7) - A debug message." ::= { pktcDevEventDescrEntry 4 } pktcDevEventDescrReporting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { local(0), syslog(1), snmpTrap(2), snmpInform(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object defines the action to be taken on occurrence of this event class. Setting a bit to a value of '1' indicates that the corresponding action will be taken upon occurrence of this event, provided the required parameters are present. (e.g.,: Syslog Server for Syslog messages, SNMP targets for SNMP traps and SNMP INFORMs etc). If none of the bits is set, then no action is taken upon occurrence of the event. The default value of this MIB OBject is dependent on the value of the MIB Object 'pktcDevEventDescrLevel', for the corresponding event. For the following values of 'pktcDevEventDescrLevel': emergency(0), alert(1), critical(2) and error(3), the PacketCable device MUST set the bits for local(0), syslog(1) and snmpInform(3) to a value of '1' and the rest to a value of '0'. For all the remaining values of 'pktcDevEventDescrLevel', the PacketCable device MUST set the bits for local(0) and syslog(1) to a value of '1' and the rest to a value of '0'." ::= { pktcDevEventDescrEntry 5 } pktcDevEventDescrText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString(SIZE (0..127)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains event display string providing a human-readable description of the event." ::= { pktcDevEventDescrEntry 6 } --- -- Events generated --- pktcDevEventLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcDevEventLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB table contains a log of the events generated by the PacketCable device. A description of all the events that can be generated by the device can be obtained from the MIB table 'pktcDevEventDescrTable'." ::= { pktcDevEventLog 1 } pktcDevEventLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcDevEventLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes an event that has occurred, indexed in the chronological order of generation. The details of the event are borrowed from the parameters associated with the corresponding event entry in 'pktcDevEventDescrTable', at the time of the event generation. While all entries created as such can be cleared using the MIB Object pktcDevEvControl, the Event entries themselves cannot be individually deleted." INDEX { pktcDevEvLogIndex } ::= { pktcDevEventLogTable 1 } PktcDevEventLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcDevEvLogIndex Unsigned32, pktcDevEvLogTime DateAndTime, pktcDevEvLogEnterprise Unsigned32, pktcDevEvLogId Unsigned32, pktcDevEvLogText SnmpAdminString, pktcDevEvLogEndpointName SnmpAdminString, pktcDevEvLogType BITS, pktcDevEvLogTargetInfo SnmpAdminString, pktcDevEvLogCorrelationId Unsigned32, pktcDevEvLogAdditionalInfo SnmpAdminString } pktcDevEvLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object provides relative ordering of the objects in the event log. This object will always increase except when (a) the log is reset via pktcDevEvControl, (b) the device reboots and does not implement non-volatile storage for this log, (c) it reaches the value 2^31. The next entry for all the above cases is 0. This also serves as an indicator of event sequence." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 1 } pktcDevEvLogTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object provides a human-readable description of the time at which the event occurred." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 2 } pktcDevEvLogEnterprise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object provides the IANA enterprise number of the Organization defining the event. Thus, all PacketCable defined events will contain the CableLabs IANA enterprise number and for vendor-specific events it will contain the IANA enterprise number of the defining organization." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 3 } pktcDevEvLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the event identifier for the specific event to which the priority and display strings belong. The event identifier can either be PacketCable defined or vendor-specific." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 4 } pktcDevEvLogText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the contents of pktcDevEventDescrText, corresponding to the event, at the moment of generation." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 5 } pktcDevEvLogEndpointName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object provides the endpoint identifier followed by the PacketCable MTA's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and the IP Address (IP) of the PacketCable MTA device. This will be denoted as follows: aaln/n:<FQDN>/<IP>, where 'n' is the Endpoint number. or <FQDN>/<IP> if it is not specific to an endpoint." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 6 } pktcDevEvLogType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { local(0), syslog (1), trap (2), inform (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains the kind of actions taken by the PacketCable device when the event under consideration occurred. A bit with a value of 1 indicates the corresponding action was taken. Setting it to a value of 0 indicates that the corresponding action was not taken. An event may trigger one or more actions (e.g.: Syslog and SNMP) or may remain as a local event since transmissions could be disabled or inhibited as defined by the Throttle MIB Objects." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 7 } pktcDevEvLogTargetInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains a comma separated list of the actions taken, along with the target IP address for the generated event. The syntax is as: <action-1/IP:port>,<action-2/IP:port>,<action-3/IP:port> Where <action-n/IP> is to be denoted as follows: For Syslog events: syslog/<IP address of the Syslog Server:port> For SNMP traps: snmpTrap/<IP address of the SNMP Server:port> For SNMP INFORMS: snmpInform/<IP address of the SNMP Server:port> If there are multiple targets for the same type (SNMP Traps sent to multiple IP addresses) or if there are multiple messages sent to the same IP (Syslog and SNMP sent to the same IP address) they need to be reported individually." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 8 } pktcDevEvLogCorrelationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object contains the correlation ID generated by the MTA as per section 5.4.5 of [7] that was being used by the MTA when the event was generated." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 9 } pktcDevEvLogAdditionalInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object contains additional, useful information in relation to the corresponding event that a PacketCable device might wish to report (for example: parameterized data or debugging information). The format is vendor-specific. However, the PacketCable device is not required to implement this functionality." ::= { pktcDevEventLogEntry 10 } --- -- Notifications --- pktcDevEvNotificationIndex OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcDevEvNotification 0 } pktcDevEvInform NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {pktcDevEvLogIndex, pktcDevEvLogTime, pktcDevEvLogEnterprise,pktcDevEvLogId, pktcDevEvLogEndpointName,pktcDevEvLogCorrelationId,ifPhysAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Notification MIB Objects contains the Inform contents for event reporting " ::= { pktcDevEvNotificationIndex 1 } pktcDevEvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {pktcDevEvLogIndex, pktcDevEvLogTime, pktcDevEvLogEnterprise,pktcDevEvLogId, pktcDevEvLogEndpointName,pktcDevEvLogCorrelationId,ifPhysAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Notification MIB Objects contains the Trap contents for event reporting " ::= { pktcDevEvNotificationIndex 2 } --- -- Conformance/Compliance --- pktcEventConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventMib 7 } pktcEventCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventConformance 1 } pktcEventGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEventConformance 2 } pktcEventBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for devices that implement Event reporting feature." MODULE --pktcEventMib MANDATORY-GROUPS { pktcEventGroup, pktcEventNotificationGroup } -- units of conformance ::= { pktcEventCompliances 3 } pktcEventGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcDevEvControl, pktcDevEvSyslogAddressType, pktcDevEvSyslogAddress, pktcDevEvSyslogUdpPort, pktcDevEvThrottleAdminStatus, pktcDevEvThrottleThreshold, pktcDevEvThrottleInterval, pktcDevEvTransmissionStatus, pktcDevEventDescrEnterprise, pktcDevEventDescrFacility, pktcDevEventDescrLevel, pktcDevEventDescrReporting, pktcDevEventDescrText, pktcDevEvLogIndex, pktcDevEvLogTime, pktcDevEvLogEnterprise, pktcDevEvLogId, pktcDevEvLogText, pktcDevEvLogEndpointName, pktcDevEvLogType, pktcDevEvLogTargetInfo, pktcDevEvLogCorrelationId, pktcDevEvLogAdditionalInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of MIB objects for PacketCable Management Event MIB." ::= { pktcEventGroups 1 } pktcEventNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { pktcDevEvInform, pktcDevEvTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of MIB objects for notifications related to change in status of the MTA Device." ::= { pktcEventGroups 2 } END