-- MIB module extracted from ITU-T J.192 (11/2005)

CLAB-DEF-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI DocsX509ASN1DEREncodedCertificate FROM DOCS-IETF-BPI2-MIB; cableLabs MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200504081700Z" -- April 8, 2005 ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Editor: Jean-Francois Mule Postal: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 858 Coal Creek Circle Louisville, Colorado 80027-9750 U.S.A. Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Fax: +1 303-661-9199 E-mail: jfm@cablelabs.com mibs@cablelabs.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines the namespace organization for the CableLabs enterprise OID registry. Copyright 1999-2005 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved." REVISION "200504081700Z" -- April 8, 2005 DESCRIPTION "This revision, published as CL-SP-MIB-CLABDEF-I05." ::= { enterprises 4491 } -- Sub-tree for Registrations clabFunction OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cableLabs 1 } clabFuncMib2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabFunction 1 } clabFuncProprietary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabFunction 2 } -- Sub-tree for Project Definitions clabProject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cableLabs 2 } clabProjDocsis OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabProject 1 } clabProjPacketCable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabProject 2 } clabProjOpenCable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabProject 3 } clabProjCableHome OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabProject 4 } -- Sub-tree for Global Security Definitions clabSecurity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cableLabs 3 } clabSecCertObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabSecurity 1 } -- Sub tree for CableLabs cross project common MIB definitions clabCommonMibs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cableLabs 4 } -- -- CableLabs DOCSIS Project Sub-tree Definitions -- dsgMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- DOCSIS Set-top Gateway (DSG) MIB module -- This object identifier points to the MIB module -- DOCSIS-SETTOP-GATEWAY-MIB, which is being deprecated by -- DSG-IF-MIB MIB module (dsgIfMib). -- Reference: -- CableLabs DOCSIS Set-top Gateway (DSG) Interface Specification ::= { clabProjDocsis 1 } docsLoadBalMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- DOCSIS MIB module defining the CMTS configuration parameters to -- support Load Balancing requirements." ::= { clabProjDocsis 2 } dsgIfMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- DOCSIS Set-top Gateway (DSG) MIB module -- Obsoletes DOCSIS-SETTOP-GATEWAY-MIB Module (dsgMib) -- defined initially in DOCSIS Set-top Gateway (DSG) Interface -- Specification SP-DSG-I01-020228. -- Reference: -- CableLabs DOCSIS Set-top Gateway (DSG) Interface Specification ::= { clabProjDocsis 3 } dsgIfStdMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- DOCSIS Set-top Device (DSG) MIB module. -- Reference: -- CableLabs DOCSIS Set-top Gateway (DSG) Interface Specification ::= { clabProjDocsis 4 } docsIfExt2Mib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- This MIB module contains the management objects that enhance -- DOCSIS RFI Interface Extensions. Contains Enhancements to -- DOCSIS RFI interface MIB module. -- Reference: -- CableLabs DOCSIS RFI Interface Specification. ::= { clabProjDocsis 5 } docsTestMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- DOCSIS Test MIB module supporting programmable test features -- for DOCSIS 2.0 compliant Cable Modems (CM) and Cable Modems -- Termination Systems (CMTS). -- Reference: -- CableLabs DOCSIS 2.0 Testing MIB Specification ::= { clabProjDocsis 12 } sledMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- eDOCSIS MIB module supporting the Software Loopback Application -- for eDOCSIS (SLED). -- Reference: -- CableLabs eDOCSIS Specification ::= { clabProjDocsis 13 } -- -- CableLabs CableHome Project Sub-tree Definitions -- Reference -- CableLabs CableHome Specification -- cabhPsDevMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CableHome MIB module defining the basic management objects for -- the Portal Services logical element of a CableHome compliant -- Residential Gateway device. The PS device parameters describe -- general PS Device attributes and behaviour characteristics ::= { clabProjCableHome 1 } cabhSecMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CableHome MIB module defining the basic management objects for -- the firewall and other security features of the Portal Services -- element. ::= { clabProjCableHome 2 } cabhCapMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CableHome MIB module defining the basic management objects for -- the CableHome Address Portal (CAP) function of the Portal -- Services element. ::= { clabProjCableHome 3 } cabhCdpMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- This MIB module supplies the basic management objects for the -- CableHome DHCP Portal (CDP) function of the Portal Services -- element. ::= { clabProjCableHome 4 } cabhCtpMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CableHome MIB module supporting the remote LAN diagnostic -- features provided by the CableHome Test Portal (CTP) function -- of the Portal Services element. ::= { clabProjCableHome 5 } cabhQosMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CABLEHOME QOS MIB Module (cabhQosMib). -- This object identifier points to the MIB module -- CABH-QOS-MIB, which is being deprecated by -- CABH-QOS2-MIB module (cabhQos2Mib). -- Reference: -- CableLabs CableHome 1.1 Specification ::= { clabProjCableHome 6 } cabhCsaMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CableHome MIB module defining management objects for the -- configuration and monitoring of CableHome Commercial Services -- Annex. -- Reference: -- CableLabs CableOffice Commercial Services Annex MIB -- Specification ::= { clabProjCableHome 7 } cabhQos2Mib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- Obsoletes CABH-QOS-MIB module (cabhQosMib) -- defined initially in CABLEHOME 1.1 Interface Specification. -- This MIB module defines the Quality of Service Management -- Information Base (MIUB) for CableHome UPnP QOS-compliant -- devices. -- Reference: -- CableLabs CableHome 1.1 Specification ::= { clabProjCableHome 8 } -- -- CableLabs PacketCable Project Sub-tree Definitions -- pktcMtaMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- PacketCable MIB module defining the basic management object for -- the Multimedia Terminal Adapter (MTA) devices compliant with -- PacketCable requirements. -- Reference -- CableLabs PacketCable MTA Device Provisioning Specification ::= { clabProjPacketCable 1 } pktcSigMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- PacketCable MIB module defining the basic management object for -- the PacketCable MTA Signalling protocols. This version of the MIB -- includes common signalling and Network Call Signalling (NCS) -- related signalling objects. -- Reference -- CableLabs PacketCable MTA Device Provisioning Specification ::= { clabProjPacketCable 2 } pktcEventMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- PacketCable MIB module defining the basic management objects for -- event reporting. -- Reference -- CableLabs PacketCable Management Event Specification ::= { clabProjPacketCable 3 } pktcSecurity OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CableLabs OID reserved for security and used to specify errors -- that can be returned for the Kerberos KDC - Provisioning -- Server interface, or the MTA-CMS Kerberized IPSec interface, or -- the MTA-Provisioning Server Kerberized SNMPv3 interface. -- CableLabs PacketCable Security Specification ::= { clabProjPacketCable 4 } pktcLawfulIntercept OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CableLabs OID reserved for the PacketCable Electronic -- Surveillance Protocol (PCESP) between the Delivery Function -- and Collection Function. This OID is used to define the ASN.1 -- PCESP messages. -- CableLabs PacketCable Electronic Surveillance Protocol -- Specification ::= { clabProjPacketCable 5 } -- -- Sub-tree for PacketCable MIB Enhancements -- pktcEnhancements OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabProjPacketCable 6 } -- The following MIB OBJECTS are being introduced for -- incorporation of new MIB objects (MIB enhancements) -- proposed to the PacketCable MIB group. -- This includes new MIB objects being introduced -- as part of the PacketCable MIB Enhancement efforts -- and as a place holder for future revisions. -- This sub-division would facilitate easier incorporation -- of proposed IETF Drafts/RFCs by keeping enhancements -- independent of RFC/Draft changes. -- For new MIB tables that use previously used indices, it is -- recommended that the AUGMENT CLAUSE be used to aid SNMP Operations, -- as deemed necessary. pktcEnMtaMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- PacketCable MIB module enhancements to the basic management -- objects defined by the MIB group pktcMtaMib for the Multimedia -- Terminal Adapter (MTA) devices compliant with PacketCable -- requirements. -- Reference: -- CableLabs PacketCable MTA Device Provisioning Specification. ::= { pktcEnhancements 1 } pktcEnSigMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- PacketCable MIB module enhancements to the basic management -- objects defined by the MIB group pktcSigMib for the -- PacketCable MTA Signalling protocols. -- Reference: -- CableLabs PacketCable MTA Device Provisioning Specification. ::= { pktcEnhancements 2 } pktcEnEventMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- PacketCable MIB module enhancements to the basic management -- objects defined by the MIB group pktcEventMib for event reporting. -- Reference: -- CableLabs PacketCable Management Event Specification. ::= { pktcEnhancements 3 } pktcEnSecurityMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- PacketCable MIB module enhancements to the basic management -- objects defined by the reserved MIB group pktcSecurity. -- Reference: -- CableLabs PacketCable Security Specification. ::= { pktcEnhancements 4 } -- -- -- Definition of CableLabs Security Certificate Objects -- clabSrvcPrvdrRootCACert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsX509ASN1DEREncodedCertificate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The X509 DER-encoded CableLabs Service Provider Root CA Certificate." REFERENCE "CableLabs CableHome Specification; CableLabs PacketCable Security Specification." ::= { clabSecCertObject 1 } clabCVCRootCACert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsX509ASN1DEREncodedCertificate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The X509 DER-encoded CableLabs CVC Root CA Certificate." REFERENCE "CableLabs CableHome Specification; CableLabs PacketCable Security Specification." ::= { clabSecCertObject 2 } clabCVCCACert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsX509ASN1DEREncodedCertificate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The X509 DER-encoded CableLabs CVC CA Certificate." REFERENCE "CableLabs CableHome Specification; CableLabs PacketCable Security Specification." ::= { clabSecCertObject 3 } clabMfgCVCCert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsX509ASN1DEREncodedCertificate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The X509 DER-encoded Manufacturer CVC Certificate." REFERENCE "CableLabs CableHome Specification; CableLabs PacketCable Security Specification." ::= { clabSecCertObject 4 } clabMfgCACert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsX509ASN1DEREncodedCertificate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The X509 DER-encoded Manufacturer CA Certificate." REFERENCE "CableLabs CableHome Specification; CableLabs PacketCable Security Specification." ::= { clabSecCertObject 5 } -- -- CableLabs cross project common MIB sub-tree definitions -- clabUpsMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- CableLabs cross project MIB module defining the basic management -- objects for the configuration and monitoring of the battery -- backup and UPS functionality for CableLabs compliant devices. ::= { clabCommonMibs 1 } END