-- Module M3100ASN1TypeModule4 (M.3100:04/2005)
-- See also ITU-T M.3100 (04/2005)
-- See also the index of all ASN.1 assignments needed in this document

M3100ASN1TypeModule4 {itu-t recommendation m gnm(3100) informationModel(0)
  asn1Modules(2) asn1Module4(3)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::=

-- EXPORTS everything
    FROM CMIP-1 {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) cmip(1) modules(0) protocol(3)}
    FROM Attribute-ASN1Module {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) smi(3) part2(2)
      asn1Module(2) 1}
  AdditionalInformation, AlarmStatus, PerceivedSeverity, ProbableCause
    FROM Attribute-ASN1Module {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) smi(3) part2(2)
      asn1Module(2) 1};

AlarmingResumed ::= BOOLEAN -- TRUE implies alarm reporting is resumed

AlarmReportingControlList ::= SET OF AlarmReportingControl

AlarmReportingControl ::= SEQUENCE {
  controlledEntity         ObjectInstance,
  arcProbableCauseList     SET OF ProbableCause, -- empty means all
  arcState                 ArcState, -- the value alm(0) is not used
  timeRemainingInARCState  INTEGER OPTIONAL
} -- for TI or QI-CD

-- Note that an empty set of arcProbableCauseList means all probable causes.
-- Note that for the field arcState, the value alm(0) is not used.
-- Once an object enters the normal reporting mode (i.e., in the alm state), 
-- the corresponding AlarmReportingControl entry will be automatically removed from the
-- AlarmReportingControlList.
-- Note that the field timeRemainingInARCState is optional. 
-- It is optionally applicable only when the arcState is either
-- (a) nalmQualifiedInhibit(2) and Count-Down is supported, or
-- (b) nalmTimedInhibit(4).
-- Also note that when setting up the ARC setting, this field can be used by the
-- managing system to override the default TI interval or CD interval.
ArcAffectedObjectList ::= SET OF ObjectInstance

ArcAlarmDetail ::= SEQUENCE {
  problem            ProbableCause,
  alarmStatus        AlarmStatus,
  perceivedSeverity  PerceivedSeverity OPTIONAL,
  -- must be present unless <unassigned> (i.e. not an alarm)
  eventTime          EventTime OPTIONAL

ArcAlarmDetailSet ::= SET OF ArcAlarmDetail

ArcControlRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
  time            ArcTime DEFAULT noAdjustment:NULL,
  newState        ArcState,
  additionalInfo  AdditionalInformation OPTIONAL

ArcDefaultNALMCDInterval ::= ArcTime

ArcDefaultNALMTIInterval ::= ArcTime

ArcInterval ::= INTEGER(0..5940) -- minutes (max of 99 hours)

ArcProbableCauseList ::= SET OF ProbableCause

-- empty set means all object probable causes
ArcState ::= ENUMERATED {
  alm(0), nalm(1), nalmQualifiedInhibit(2), nalmTimedInhibit(4)}

ArcQIStatus ::= ENUMERATED {
  notApplicable(0), nalmNotReported(1), nalmCountDown(2)}

ArcTime ::= CHOICE {
  noAdjustment  [0]  NULL,
  time          [1]  ArcInterval -- minutes

NotSupportedProbableCause ::= SET OF ProbableCause

-- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D