-- Module NLM (X.283:12/1997)
-- See also ITU-T X.283 (12/1997)
-- See also the index of all ASN.1 assignments needed in this document

NLM {joint-iso-itu-t network-layer(13) management(0) nLM(2) asn1Module(2) 0}

-- EXPORTS everything 
    FROM Attribute-ASN1Module {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) smi(3) part2(2)
      asn1Module(2) 1}
    FROM CMIP-1 {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) cmip(1) modules(0) protocol(3)}
    FROM GMI-AttributeModule {joint-iso-itu-t ms(9) smi(3) part5(5)
      asn1Module(2) gmiAttributeModule(0)};

network-layer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t network-layer(13)}

nl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {network-layer management(0)}

nloi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nl nLM(2)}

sseoi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi standardSpecificExtensions(0)}

moi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi managedObjectClass(3)}

poi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi package(4)}

proi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi parameter(5)}

nboi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi nameBinding(6)}

aoi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi attribute(7)}

agoi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi attributeGroup(8)}

acoi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi action(9)}

noi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nloi notification(10)}

dBitModification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 139}

defaultPacketSizes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 103}

defaultThroughputClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 112}

defaultWindowSizes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 104}

extendedPacketSequenceNumbering OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 49}

fastSelectAcceptance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 145}

flowControlParameterNegotiation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 119}

incomingCallsBarred OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 148}

nonStandardDefaultPacketSizes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 151}

nonStandardDefaultWindowSizes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 152}

onlineFacilityRegistration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 158}

outgoingCallsBarred OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 159}

packetRetransmission OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 161}

throughputClassNegotiation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {aoi 168}

--  value assignments for specificProblems
  {sseoi specificProblems(3) pDUDiscard(1)}

pDUDiscardReasonNotSpecified OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard reasonNotSpecified(0)}

pDUDiscardProtocolProcedureError OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard protocolProcedureError(1)}

pDUDiscardIncorrectChecksum OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard incorrectChecksum(2)}

pDUDiscardHeaderSyntaxError OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard headerSyntaxError(4)}

pDUDiscardSegmentationNeededButNotPermitted OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard segmentationNeededButNotPermitted(5)}

pDUDiscardIncompletePDUReceived OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard incompletePDUReceived(6)}

pDUDiscardDuplicateOption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pDUDiscard duplicateOption(7)}

pDUDiscardDestinationAddressUnreachable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard destinationAddressUnreachable(128)}

pDUDiscardDestinationAddressUnknown OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard destinationAddressUnknown(129)}

pDUDiscardUnspecifiedSourceRouteingError OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard unspecifiedSourceRouteingError(144)}

pDUDiscardSyntaxErrorInSourceRouteingField OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard syntaxErrorInSourceRouteingField(145)}

pDUDiscardUnknownAddressInSourceRouteingField OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard unknownAddressInSourceRouteingField(146)}

pDUDiscardPathNotAcceptable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard pathNotAcceptable(147)}

pDUDiscardLifetimeExpiredWhileDataUnitInTransit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard lifetimeExpiredWhileDataUnitInTransit(160)}

pDUDiscardLifetimeExpiredDuringReassembly OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard lifetimeExpiredDuringReassembly(161)}

pDUDiscardUnsupportedOptionNotSpecified OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard unsupportedOptionNotSpecified(176)}

pDUDiscardUnsupportedProtocolVersion OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard unsupportedProtocolVersion(177)}

pDUDiscardUnsupportedSecurityOption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard unsupportedSecurityOption(178)}

pDUDiscardUnsupportedSourceRouteingOption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard unsupportedSourceRouteingOption(179)}

pDUDiscardUnsupportedRecordingOfRouteOption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard unsupportedRecordingOfRouteOption(180)}

pDUDiscardReassemblyInterference OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {pDUDiscard reassemblyInterference(181)}

  {sseoi specificProblems(3) iSO9542PDUDiscard(2)}

--  for communication information notification
iSReachabilityChange OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {sseoi informationtype(4) iSReachabilityChange(1)}

eSReachabilityChange OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {sseoi informationtype(4) eSReachabilityChange(2)}

successfulConnectionEstablishment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  {sseoi informationtype(4) successfulConnectionEstablishment(3)}

--  for SNPAAddress type
  {sseoi sNPAAddressType(5) dTEAddress(1)}

sNPAMACAddress OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sseoi sNPAAddressType(5) mACAddress(2)}

BidirectionalValues ::= SEQUENCE {
  incoming  [0]  ChoiceInteger,
  outgoing  [1]  ChoiceInteger

Boolean ::= BOOLEAN

callRequestResponseTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 200

ChoiceInteger ::= CHOICE {
  dontCare  [0] IMPLICIT NULL, --  The 'I don't care' value 
  integer   [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER

clearRequestRetransmissionCountDefault INTEGER ::= 1

clearRequestResponseTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 180

cLNSId-Value GraphicString ::= "CLNS"

cONSId-Value GraphicString ::= "CONS"

DefaultTCA ::= SEQUENCE {
  subscription               [0]  BOOLEAN,
  supportedThroughClasses    [1]  SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL,
  selectedThroughputClasses  [2]  BidirectionalValues OPTIONAL

dataPacketRetransmissionCountDefault INTEGER ::= 0

windowRotationTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 200

DTEAddress ::= SEQUENCE {
  numberingPlanId  [0]  ENUMERATED {unknown(0), x121(1), e164(2)},
  addressDigits    [1]  OCTET STRING

Direction ::= ENUMERATED {incoming(0), outgoing(1)}

DiscardReason ::= INTEGER(0..255)

EndToEndDelay ::= INTEGER(0..65535)

--  Note that according to ISO/IEC 8208 or ITU-T Rec. X.25 a value of 65535 indicates that the delay is 
-- unknown or exceeds 65534 milliseconds.
false BOOLEAN ::=


FastSelect ::= ENUMERATED {
  notSpecified(0), fastSelect(1), fastSelectWithRestrictedResponse(2),

GraphicStringBase ::= GraphicString

holdingTimerMultiplierDefault INTEGER ::= 3

HoldingTimerMultiplierPermitted ::= INTEGER(2..63)

HoldingTimerMultiplierRequired ::= INTEGER(3)

Integer ::= INTEGER

interruptResponseTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 180

iSConfigurationTimerDefault Timer ::= {exponent 0, mantissa 10}

ISO9542Subsets ::= BIT STRING {configuration(0), redirection(1)}

Lifetime ::= INTEGER(1..255)

LocalDistinguishedName ::= localDistinguishedName < ObjectInstance

LocalDistinguishedNames ::= SET OF LocalDistinguishedName

LogicalChannelAssignments ::= SEQUENCE {
  pVC       [0]  SET OF LogicalChannelId,
  incoming  [1]  LogicalChannelRange OPTIONAL,
  twoWay    [2]  LogicalChannelRange OPTIONAL,
  outgoing  [3]  LogicalChannelRange OPTIONAL

LogicalChannelId ::= INTEGER(1..4095)

LogicalChannelRange ::= SEQUENCE {
  low   [1]  LogicalChannelId,
  high  [2]  LogicalChannelId

ManualISSNPAAddress ::= SET OF SNPAAddress

MaxActiveCircuits ::= ChoiceInteger

NotificationDataSyntax ::= SEQUENCE {
  channel         [1]  LogicalChannelId OPTIONAL,
  packetHeader    [2]  OCTET STRING,
  diagnosticCode  [3]  OCTET STRING,
  causeCode       [4]  OCTET STRING

NAddress ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..20))

--  up to 20 octets
NAddresses ::= SET OF NAddress

networkSubsystemId-Value GraphicString ::= "NetworkSubsystem"

NonStandardDPS ::= SEQUENCE {
  subscription          [0]  BOOLEAN,
  supportedPacketSizes  [1]  SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL,
  selectedPacketSizes   [2]  BidirectionalValues OPTIONAL

NonStandardDWS ::= SEQUENCE {
  subscription          [0]  BOOLEAN,
  supportedWindowSizes  [1]  SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL,
  selectedWindowSizes   [2]  BidirectionalValues OPTIONAL

NUI ::= OctetString(SIZE (0..255))

nullBidirectionalValues BidirectionalValues ::=
  {incoming dontCare:NULL, outgoing dontCare:NULL}

nullChoiceInteger ChoiceInteger ::= dontCare:NULL

OctetString ::= OCTET STRING

PacketSequencing ::= INTEGER

PDUFormatErrorSyntax ::= PDUHeader

PDUHeader ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..255))

PDUOtherErrorSyntax ::= SEQUENCE {
  errorCode  [1]  INTEGER(0..255),
  header     [2]  PDUHeader

ProtocolVersion ::= ENUMERATED {iSO8208V1(0), iSO8208V2(1), x2584(2), x2588(3)}

ReachabilityChangeSyntax ::= SEQUENCE {
  newState     [1]  ENUMERATED {down(0), up(1)},
  nAddresses   [2]  SET OF NAddress,
  sNPAAddress  [3]  SNPAAddress OPTIONAL,
    [4]  ENUMERATED {holdingTimerExpired(0), circuitDisabled(1)} OPTIONAL
} -- Down only

RedirectHoldingTime ::= INTEGER(1..65535)

redirectHoldingTime-Default INTEGER ::= 600

RedirectHoldingTime-Permitted ::= INTEGER(1..65535)

RedirectReason ::= INTEGER(0..127)

registrationRequestRetransmissionCountDefault INTEGER ::= 1

registrationRequestResponseTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 300

registrationPermittedDefault BOOLEAN ::= FALSE

rejectRetransmissionCountDefault INTEGER ::= 0

rejectResponseTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 60

resetRequestRetransmissionCountDefault INTEGER ::= 1

resetRequestResponseTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 180

restartRequestRetransmissionCountDefault INTEGER ::= 1

restartRequestResponseTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 180

ROASequence ::= SEQUENCE OF NumericString(SIZE (0..4))

-- each numeric string limited to 4 decimal digits
-- an empty sequence is permitted
SDUSize ::= INTEGER(0..65535)

SNPAAddress ::= SEQUENCE {
  type     [1]  OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  address  [2]  OCTET STRING

suggestedESConfigurationTimerDefault Timer ::= {exponent 0, mantissa 600}

SupportedProtocol ::= SEQUENCE {
  protocol         [1]  OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  versions         [2]  SET OF ProtocolVersion,

SupportedProtocols ::= SET OF SupportedProtocol

SystemType ::= ENUMERATED {eS(1), iS(2)}

SystemTypes ::= SET OF SystemType

windowStatusTransmissionTimerDefault INTEGER ::= 60

X25PLEMode ::= ENUMERATED {dTE(0), dCE(1), dTEasDCE(2)}

-- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D