-- ASN module extracted from ITU-T X.509 (10/2016)

AlgorithmObjectIdentifiers {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1) algorithmObjectIdentifiers(8) 8} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All /* The values defined in this module are primarily taking from various specifications and collected here for easy reference by other specifcations. Wen values are copied form an IETF RFC, the IETF RFC number is shown. When values are copied from the NIST Computer Security Objects Register (CSOR), the label CSOR is used. */ IMPORTS algorithm, authenticationFramework FROM UsefulDefinitions {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1) usefulDefinitions(0) 8} ALGORITHM, AlgorithmIdentifier{}, SupportedAlgorithms, SupportedCurves FROM AuthenticationFramework authenticationFramework; ID ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- Object identifier allocations -- Object identifiers allocated by this Specification (but not used) nullAlgorithm ID ::= {algorithm 0} encryptionAlgorithm ID ::= {algorithm 1} hashAlgorithm ID ::= {algorithm 2} signatureAlgorithm ID ::= {algorithm 3} -- synonyms id-ea ID ::= encryptionAlgorithm id-ha ID ::= hashAlgorithm id-sa ID ::= signatureAlgorithm -- the following object identifier assignments reserve values assigned to deprecated functions id-ea-rsa ID ::= {id-ea 1} id-ha-sqMod-n ID ::= {id-ha 1} id-sa-sqMod-nWithRSA ID ::= {id-sa 1} -- object identifiers allocated by other organization us-iso ID ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) } ansi-x9-57 ID ::= { us-iso ansi-x9-57(10040) } ansi-x9-62 ID ::= { us-iso ansi-x962(10045) } ansi-x9-42 ID ::= { us-iso ansi-x942(10046) } iso-standard ID ::= { iso(1) standard(0) } iso9797 ID ::= { iso-standard message-authentication-codes(9797) } iso-organization ID ::= { iso(1) identified-organization(3) } certicom ID ::= { iso-organization certicom(132) } certicom-curve ID ::= { certicom curve(0) } teletrust ID ::= { iso-organization teletrust(36) } ecStdCurvesAndGen ID ::= { teletrust algorithm(3) signaturealgorithm(3) ecSign(2) 8} versionOne ID ::= { ecStdCurvesAndGen ellipticCurve(1) versionOne(1) } us-joint ID ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) } usgov ID ::= { us-joint organization(1) gov(101) } dodAlgorithms ID ::= { usgov dod(2) infosec(1) algorithms(1) } csor ID ::= { usgov csor(3) } nistAlgorithms ID ::= { csor nistAlgorithm(4) } -- CSOR aes ID ::= { nistAlgorithms 1 } -- CSOR hashAlgs ID ::= { nistAlgorithms 2 } -- CSOR sigAlgs ID ::= { nistAlgorithms 3 } -- CSOR rsadsi ID ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) } pkcs-1 ID ::= { rsadsi pkcs(1) pkcs-1(1) } digestAlgorithm ID ::= { rsadsi digestAlgorithm(2) } -- Symmetric key algorithm object identifiers id-aes128-CBC ID ::= { aes 2 } -- CSOR id-aes192-CBC ID ::= { aes 22 } -- CSOR id-aes256-CBC ID ::= { aes 42 } -- CSOR -- AES key wrap algorithms from IETF RFC 3394 id-aes128-wrap ID ::= { aes 5 } id-aes192-wrap ID ::= { aes 25 } id-aes256-wrap ID ::= { aes 45 } -- Pubkic key algorithm object identifiers rsaEncryption ID ::= { pkcs-1 rsaEncryption(1)} -- IETF RFC 4055 id-keyExchangeAlgorithm ID ::= { dodAlgorithms id-keyExchangeAlgorithm(22)} -- IETF RFC 3279 id-dsa ID ::= { ansi-x9-57 x9algorithm(4) 1 } -- IETF RFC 5480 id-ecPublicKey ID ::= { ansi-x9-62 keyType(2) 1 } -- IETF RFC 5480 id-ecDH ID ::= { certicom schemes(1) ecdh(12) } -- IETF RFC 5480 id-ecMQV ID ::= { certicom schemes(1) ecmqv(13) } -- IETF RFC 5480 dh-public-number ID ::= { ansi-x9-42 number-type(2) dh-public-number(1) } --IETF RFC 2631 -- Hash algorithms object identifiers -- The OID for SHA hash algorithms are specified in NIST FIPS PUB 180-4 id-sha1 ID ::= {iso(1) identified-organization(3) oiw(14) secsig(3) algorithms(2) 26} -- IETF RFC 3279 id-sha256 ID ::= { hashAlgs 1 } -- CSOR id-sha384 ID ::= { hashAlgs 2 } -- CSOR id-sha512 ID ::= { hashAlgs 3 } -- CSOR id-sha224 ID ::= { hashAlgs 4 } -- CSOR id-sha512-224 ID ::= { hashAlgs 5 } -- CSOR id-sha512-256 ID ::= { hashAlgs 6 } -- CSOR hashAlg ID ::= { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) kudelski(1722) cryptography(12) 2 } -- BLAKE2, RFC 7693 -- SIGNATURE ALGORITHM IDS -- RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature algorithm object identifiers (From IETF RFC 3447) sha1WithRSAEncryption ID ::= { pkcs-1 sha1WithRSAEncryption(5) } sha256WithRSAEncryption ID ::= { pkcs-1 sha256WithRSAEncryption(11) } sha384WithRSAEncryption ID ::= { pkcs-1 sha384WithRSAEncryption(12) } sha512WithRSAEncryption ID ::= { pkcs-1 sha512WithRSAEncryption(13) } sha224WithRSAEncryption ID ::= { pkcs-1 sha224WithRSAEncryption(14) } -- RSASSA-PSS signature algorithm object identifiers (From IETF RFC 4055) id-RSASSA-PSS ID ::= { pkcs-1 10 } id-mgf1 ID ::= { pkcs-1 8 } -- DSA algorithms object idntifiers id-dsa-with-sha1 ID ::= {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) x9-57(10040) x9algorithm(4) dsa-with-sha1(3)} id-dsa-with-sha224 ID ::= { sigAlgs 1 } -- CSOR id-dsa-with-sha256 ID ::= { sigAlgs 2 } -- CSOR -- From IETF RFC 5758 ecdsa-with-SHA224 ID ::= { ansi-x9-62 signatures(4) ecdsa-with-SHA2(3) 1 } ecdsa-with-SHA256 ID ::= { ansi-x9-62 signatures(4) ecdsa-with-SHA2(3) 2 } ecdsa-with-SHA384 ID ::= { ansi-x9-62 signatures(4) ecdsa-with-SHA2(3) 3 } ecdsa-with-SHA512 ID ::= { ansi-x9-62 signatures(4) ecdsa-with-SHA2(3) 4 } -- Object identifier for curves -- From IETF RFC 5480 secp192r1 ID ::= { ansi-x9-62 curves(3) prime(1) 1 } sect163k1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 1 } sect163r2 ID ::= { certicom-curve 15 } secp224r1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 33 } sect233k1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 26 } sect233r1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 27 } secp256r1 ID ::= { ansi-x9-62 curves(3) prime(1) 7 } sect283k1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 16 } sect283r1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 17 } secp384r1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 34 } sect409k1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 36 } sect409r1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 37 } secp521r1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 35 } sect571k1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 38 } sect571r1 ID ::= { certicom-curve 39 } -- From IETF RFC 5639 brainpoolP160r1 ID ::= { versionOne 1 } brainpoolP160t1 ID ::= { versionOne 2 } brainpoolP192r1 ID ::= { versionOne 3 } brainpoolP192t1 ID ::= { versionOne 4 } brainpoolP224r1 ID ::= { versionOne 5 } brainpoolP224t1 ID ::= { versionOne 6 } brainpoolP256r1 ID ::= { versionOne 7 } brainpoolP256t1 ID ::= { versionOne 8 } brainpoolP320r1 ID ::= { versionOne 9 } brainpoolP320t1 ID ::= { versionOne 10 } brainpoolP384r1 ID ::= { versionOne 11 } brainpoolP384t1 ID ::= { versionOne 12 } brainpoolP512r1 ID ::= { versionOne 13 } brainpoolP512t1 ID ::= { versionOne 14 } X509Curves OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { secp192r1 | sect163k1 | sect163r2 | secp224r1 | sect233k1 | sect233r1 | secp256r1 | sect283k1 | sect283r1 | secp384r1 | sect409k1 | sect409r1 | secp521r1 | sect571k1 | sect571r1 } -- Object identifiers for Integrity Check Value (ICV) algorithms id-hmacWithSHA224 ID ::= { digestAlgorithm 8 } -- IETF RFC 4231 id-hmacWithSHA256 ID ::= { digestAlgorithm 9 } -- IETF RFC 4231 id-hmacWithSHA384 ID ::= { digestAlgorithm 10 } -- IETF RFC 4231 id-hmacWithSHA512 ID ::= { digestAlgorithm 11 } -- IETF RFC 4231 id-gmac ID ::= { iso9797 part3(3) gmac(4) } -- ISO/IEC 9797-3 -- =============== ALGORITHMS ======================================== -- Hashing alogorithms mD5Algorithm ALGORITHM ::= { PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) digestAlgorithm(2) md5(5)}} -- Note that the MD5 algorithm is not considered secure sha1Algorithm ALGORITHM ::= { PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-sha1 } -- Note that the SHA1 algorithm may not be considered secure sha224 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5754 IDENTIFIED BY id-sha224 } sha256 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5754 IDENTIFIED BY id-sha256 } sha384 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5754 IDENTIFIED BY id-sha384 } sha512 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5754 IDENTIFIED BY id-sha512 } HashAlgorithms ALGORITHM ::= {sha1Algorithm | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } -- Symmetric encryption algorithms aes128-CBC ALGORITHM ::= { -- CSOR PARMS AES-InitializationVector IDENTIFIED BY id-aes128-CBC } aes192-CBC ALGORITHM ::= { -- CSOR PARMS AES-InitializationVector IDENTIFIED BY id-aes192-CBC } aes256-CBC ALGORITHM ::= { -- CSOR PARMS AES-InitializationVector IDENTIFIED BY id-aes256-CBC } AES-InitializationVector ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) -- Public key algorithms rsaEncryptionAlgorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 4055 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY rsaEncryption } keyExchangeAlgorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 3279 PARMS KEA-Parms-Id IDENTIFIED BY id-keyExchangeAlgorithm } KEA-Parms-Id ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) dsa ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5480 PARMS DSS-Parms IDENTIFIED BY id-dsa } DSS-Parms ::= SEQUENCE { p INTEGER, q INTEGER, g INTEGER, ... } ecPublicKey ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5480 PARMS X509Curves IDENTIFIED BY id-ecPublicKey } ecDH ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5480 PARMS X509Curves IDENTIFIED BY id-ecDH } ecMQV ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5480 PARMS X509Curves IDENTIFIED BY id-ecMQV } dh-public-numberAlgorithm ALGORITHM ::= { PARMS DomainParameters IDENTIFIED BY dh-public-number } DomainParameters ::= SEQUENCE { p INTEGER, -- odd prime, p=jq+1 g INTEGER, -- generator, g q INTEGER, -- factor of p-1 j INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- subgroup factor validationParms ValidationParms OPTIONAL, ... } ValidationParms ::= SEQUENCE { seed BIT STRING, pgenCounter INTEGER, ... } -- SIGNATURE ALGORITHMS -- RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature algorithms sha1WithRSAEncryptionAlgorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF 7427 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY sha1WithRSAEncryption } sha224WithRSAEncryptionAlgorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5754 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY sha224WithRSAEncryption } sha256WithRSAEncryptionAlgorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 7427 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY sha256WithRSAEncryption } sha384WithRSAEncryptionAlgorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 7427 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY sha384WithRSAEncryption } sha512WithRSAEncryptionAlgorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 7427 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY sha512WithRSAEncryption } -- RSASA-PSS algorithms rSASSA-PSS ALGORITHM ::= { PARMS SEQUENCE { hashAlgorithm [0] AlgorithmIdentifier {{HashAlgorithms}}, -- maskGenAlgorithm [1] AlgorithmIdentifier {{MaskGenAlgorithms}}, saltLength [2] INTEGER DEFAULT 20, trailerField [3] INTEGER DEFAULT 1 } IDENTIFIED BY id-RSASSA-PSS } -- -- DSA signature algorithms dsa-with-sha224 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5754 IDENTIFIED BY id-dsa-with-sha224 } dsa-with-sha256 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5754 IDENTIFIED BY id-dsa-with-sha256 } -- ECDSA signature algorithms ecdsa-with-SHA224-Algorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC IDENTIFIED BY ecdsa-with-SHA224 } ecdsa-with-SHA256-Algorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5758 IDENTIFIED BY ecdsa-with-SHA256 } ecdsa-with-SHA384-Algorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5758 IDENTIFIED BY ecdsa-with-SHA384 } ecdsa-with-SHA512-Algorithm ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 5758 IDENTIFIED BY ecdsa-with-SHA512 } -- HMAC algorithms hmacWithSHA224 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 4231 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-hmacWithSHA224 } hmacWithSHA256 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 4231 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-hmacWithSHA256 } hmacWithSHA384 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 4231 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-hmacWithSHA384 } hmacWithSHA512 ALGORITHM ::= { -- IETF RFC 4231 PARMS NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-hmacWithSHA512 } END -- AlgorithmObjectIdentifiers