-- IDL module extracted from ITU-T Z.145 (03/2006)

// ****************************************************************************** // * Interface definitions for the TTCN-3 Control Interfaces // ****************************************************************************** module tciInterface { /* Forward declaration */ interface Value; interface Type; // ****************************************************************************** // * Data types taken from the TRI definitions // ****************************************************************************** // Connection native TriPortIdType ; native TriPortIdListType; native TriComponentIdType ; native TriComponentIdListType; // Communications native TriMessageType; native TriParameterType; native TriParameterListType; native TriAddressType; native TriAddressListType; native TriExceptionType; native TriSignatureIdType; // Miscellaneous native TriStatusType; native TriTimerIdType; native TriTimerDurationType; // ******************************************************************************* // * General Abstract Data Types // ******************************************************************************* // Basic definitions native TBoolean; native TFloat; native TChar; native TInteger; native TString; native TUniversalChar; typedef sequence <TString> TStringSeq; native TObjid; struct QualifiedName { TString moduleName; TString baseName; }; // General TCI abstract data types typedef QualifiedName TciBehaviourIdType; typedef QualifiedName TciModuleIdType; typedef QualifiedName TciModuleParameterIdType; typedef QualifiedName TciTestCaseIdType; enum TciParameterPassingModeType { IN_MODE, OUT_MODE, INOUT_MODE }; struct TciParameterType { TciModuleParameterIdType parameterName; Value parameterValue; TciParameterPassingModeType mode; }; typedef sequence <TciParameterType> TciParameterListType; struct TciParameterTypeType { Type parameterType; TciParameterPassingModeType mode; }; typedef sequence <TciParameterTypeType> TciParameterTypeListType; struct TciModuleParameterType { TciModuleParameterIdType parameterName; Value defaultValue; }; typedef sequence <TciModuleIdType> TciModuleIdListType ; typedef sequence <TciModuleParameterType> TciModuleParameterListType; typedef sequence <TciTestCaseIdType> TciTestCaseIdListType; enum TciTestComponentKindType { MTC, PTC, CONTROL }; enum TciTypeClassType { ADDRESS_CLASS, ANYTYPE_CLASS, BITSTRING_CLASS, BOOLEAN_CLASS, CHAR_CLASS, CHARSTRING_CLASS, COMPONENT_CLASS, ENUMERATED_CLASS, FLOAT_CLASS, HEXSTRING_CLASS, INTEGER_CLASS, OBJID_CLASS, OCTETSTRING_CLASS, RECORD_CLASS, RECORDOF_CLASS, SET_CLASS, SETOF_CLASS, UNION_CLASS, UNIVERSALCHAR_CLASS, UNIVERSALCHARSTRING_CLASS, VERDICT_CLASS }; // ************************************************************************** // * Abstract TTCN-3 Data Types And Values // ************************************************************************** // Abstract data type "Type" interface Type { TciModuleIdType getDefiningModule (); TString getName (); TciTypeClassType getTypeClass (); Value newInstance (); TString getTypeEncoding (); TString getTypeEncodingVariant (); TStringSeq getTypextension (); }; // Abstract TTCN-3 Values interface Value { TString getValueEncoding (); TString getValueEncodingVariant (); Type getType (); TBoolean notPresent (); }; interface RecordOfValue : Value { Value getField (in TInteger position); void setField ( in TInteger position, in Value value ); void appendField (in Value value); Type getElementType (); TInteger getLength (); void setLength (in TInteger len); }; interface RecordValue : Value { Value getField (in TString fieldName); void setField ( in TString fieldName, in Value value ); TStringSeq getFieldNames (); }; interface VerdictValue : Value { TInteger getVerdict (); void setVerdict (in TInteger verdict); }; interface BitstringValue : Value { TString getString (); void setString (in TString value); TInteger getBit (in TInteger position); void setBit ( in TInteger position, in TInteger value ); TInteger getLength (); void setLength (in TInteger len); }; interface OctetstringValue : Value { TString getString (); void setString (in TString value); TInteger getOctet (in TInteger position); void setOctet ( in TInteger position, in TInteger value ); TInteger getLength (); void setLength (in TInteger len); }; interface FloatValue : Value { TFloat getFloat (); void setFloat (in TFloat value); }; interface HexstringValue : Value { TString getString (); void setString (in TString value); TInteger getHex (in TInteger position); void setHex ( in TInteger position, in TInteger value ); TInteger getLength (); void setLength (in TInteger len); }; interface ObjidValue : Value { TObjid getObjid (); void setObjid (in TObjid value); }; interface EnumeratedValue : Value { void setEnum (in TString enumValue); TString getEnum (); }; interface IntegerValue : Value { TInteger getInt (); void setInt (in TInteger value); }; interface CharValue : Value { TChar getChar (); void setChar (in TChar value); }; interface CharstringValue : Value { TString getString (); void setString (in TString value); TChar getChar (in TInteger position); void setChar ( in TInteger position, in TChar value ); TInteger getLength (); void setLength (in TInteger len); }; interface BooleanValue : Value { TBoolean getBoolean (); void setBoolean (in TBoolean value); }; interface UniversalCharValue : Value { TUniversalChar getUniversalChar (); void setUniversalChar (in TUniversalChar value); }; interface UniversalCharstringValue : Value { TString getString (); void setString (in TString value); TUniversalChar getChar (in TInteger position); void setChar ( in TInteger position, in TUniversalChar value ); TInteger getLength (); void setLength (in TInteger len); }; interface UnionValue : Value { Value getVariant (in TString variantName); void setVariant ( in TString variantName, in Value value ); TString getPresentVariantName (); TStringSeq getVariantNames (); }; // ************************************************************************** // * Abstract Logging Types // ************************************************************************** interface TciValueTemplate : Value { boolean isOmit (); boolean isAny(); boolean isAnyOrOmit(); TString getTemplateDef(); }; interface TciNonValueTemplate { boolean isAny(); boolean isAll(); TString getTemplateDef(); }; typedef sequence <Value> TciValueList; struct TciValueDifference { TString desc; Value val; TciValueTemplate tmpl; }; typedef sequence <TciValueDifference> TciValueDifferenceList; // ******************************************************************************* // Coding Decoding Interface // - Required // ******************************************************************************* interface TCI_CD_Required { Type getTypeForName (in TString typeName); Type getInteger (); Type getFloat (); Type getBoolean (); Type getChar (); Type getUniversalChar (); Type getObjid (); Type getCharstring (); Type getUniversalCharstring (); Type getHexstring (); Type getBitstring (); Type getOctetstring (); Type getVerdict (); void tciErrorReq (in TString message); }; // ******************************************************************************* // Coding Decoding interface // - Provided // ******************************************************************************* interface TCI_CD_Provided { Value decode ( in TriMessageType message, in Type decodingHypothesis ); TriMessageType encode (in Value value); }; // ******************************************************************************* // Test Management Interface // - Required // ******************************************************************************* interface TCI_TM_Required : TCI_CD_Required { void tciRootModule (in TciModuleIdType moduleName); TciModuleIdListType getImportedModules(); TciModuleParameterListType tciGetModuleParameters (in TciModuleIdType moduleName); TciTestCaseIdListType tciGetTestCases (); TciParameterTypeListType tciGetTestCaseParameters ( in TciTestCaseIdType testCaseId ); TriPortIdListType tciGetTestCaseTSI ( in TciTestCaseIdType testCaseId ); void tciStartTestCase ( in TciTestCaseIdType testCaseId, in TciParameterListType parameterList ); void tciStopTestCase (); TriComponentIdType tciStartControl (); void tciStopControl (); }; // ******************************************************************************* // Test Management Interface // - Provided // ******************************************************************************* interface TCI_TM_Provided { void tciTestCaseStarted ( in TciTestCaseIdType testCaseId, in TciParameterListType parameterList, in TFloat timer ); void tciTestCaseTerminated ( in VerdictValue verdict, in TciParameterListType parameterList ); void tciControlTerminated (); Value tciGetModulePar ( in TciModuleParameterIdType parameterId ); void tciLog ( in TriComponentIdType testComponentId, in TString message ); void tciError (in TString message); }; // ******************************************************************************* // Component Handling Interface // - Required // ******************************************************************************* interface TCI_CH_Required : TCI_CD_Required { void tciEnqueueMsgConnected ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdType receiver, in Value receivedMessage ); void tciEnqueueCallConnected ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdType receiver, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parameterList ); void tciEnqueueReplyConnected ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdType receiver, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parameterList, in Value returnValue ); void tciEnqueueRaiseConnected ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdType receiver, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value except ); TriComponentIdType tciCreateTestComponent ( in TciTestComponentKindType kind, in Type componentType, in String name ); void tciStartTestComponent ( in TriComponentIdType comp, in TciBehaviourIdType behavior, in TciParameterListType parameterList ); void tciStopTestComponent ( in TriComponentIdType comp ); void tciConnect ( in TriPortIdType fromPort, in TriPortIdType toPort ); void tciDisconnect ( in TriPortIdType fromPort, in TriPortIdType toPort ); void tciTestComponentTerminated ( in TriComponentIdType comp, in VerdictValue verdict ); TBoolean tciTestComponentRunning ( in TriComponentIdType comp ); TriComponentIdType tciGetMTC (); void tciMap ( in TriPortIdType fromPort, in TriPortIdType toPort ); void tciUnmap ( in TriPortIdType fromPort, in TriPortIdType toPort ); void tciExecuteTestCase ( in TciTestCaseIdType testCaseId, in TriPortIdListType tsiPortList ); TBoolean tciTestComponentDone ( in TriComponentIdType comp ); void tciReset (); }; // ******************************************************************************* // Component Handling Interface // - Provided // ******************************************************************************* interface TCI_CH_Provided { void tciSendConnected ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdType receiver, in Value sendMessage ); void tciSendConnectedBC ( in TriPortIdType sender, in Value sendMessage ); void tciSendConnectedMC ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdListType receivers, in Value sendMessage ); void tciCallConnected ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdType receiver, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parameterList ); void tciCallConnectedBC ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parameterList ); void tciCallConnectedMC ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdListType receivers, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parameterList ); void tciReplyConnected ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdType receiver, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parameterList, in Value returnValue ); void tciReplyConnectedBC ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parameterList, in Value returnValue ); void tciReplyConnectedMC ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdListType receivers, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parameterList, in Value returnValue ); void tciRaiseConnected ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdType receiver, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value except ); void tciRaiseConnectedBC ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value except ); void tciRaiseConnectedMC ( in TriPortIdType sender, in TriComponentIdListType receivers, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value except ); TriComponentIdType tciCreateTestComponentReq ( in TciTestComponentKindType kind, in Type componentType, in String name ); void tciStartTestComponentReq ( in TriComponentIdType comp, in TciBehaviourIdType behavior, in TciParameterListType parameterList ); void tciStopTestComponentReq ( in TriComponentIdType comp ); void tciConnectReq ( in TriPortIdType fromPort, in TriPortIdType toPort ); void tciDisconnectReq ( in TriPortIdType fromPort, in TriPortIdType toPort ); void tciTestComponentTerminatedReq ( in TriComponentIdType comp, in VerdictValue verdict ); TBoolean tciTestComponentRunningReq ( in TriComponentIdType comp ); TriComponentIdType tciGetMTCReq (); void tciMapReq ( in TriPortIdType fromPort, in TriPortIdType toPort ); void tciUnmapReq ( in TriPortIdType fromPort, in TriPortIdType toPort ); void tciExecuteTestCaseReq ( in TciTestCaseIdType testCaseId, in TriPortIdListType tsiPortList ); void tciResetReq (); TBoolean tciTestComponentDoneReq ( in TriComponentIdType comp ); }; // ******************************************************************************* // Test Logging Interface // - Provided // ******************************************************************************* interface TCI_TL_Provided { void tliTcExecute( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciTestCaseIdType tcId, in TriParameterListType pars, in TriTimerDurationType dur ); void tliTcStart( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciTestCaseIdType tcId, in TriParameterListType pars, in TriTimerDurationType dur ); void tliTcStop( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); void tliTcStarted( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciTestCaseIdType tcId, in TriParameterListType pars, in TriTimerDurationType dur ); void tliTcTerminated( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciTestCaseIdType tcId, in TriParameterListType pars, in VerdictValue outcome); void tliCtrlStart( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); void tliCtrlStop( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); void tliCtrlTerminated( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c); void tliMSend_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TriAddressType address, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriMessageType msg, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliMSend_m_BC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriMessageType msg, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliMSend_m_MC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TriAddressListType addresses, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriMessageType msg, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliMSend_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TriComponentIdType to, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliMSend_c_BC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliMSend_c_MC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TriComponentIdListType toList, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure); void tliMDetected_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriMessageType msg, in TriAddressType address ); void tliMDetected_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TriComponentIdType from ); void tliMMismatch_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TciValueTemplate msgTmpl, in TciValueDifferenceList diffs, in TriAddressType address, in TciValueTemplate addressTmpl ); void tliMMismatch_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TciValueTemplate msgTmpl, in TciValueDifferenceList diffs, in TriComponentIdType from, in TciNonValueTemplate fromTmpl ); void tliMReceive_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TciValueTemplate msgTmpl, in TriAddressType address, in TciValueTemplate addressTmpl ); void tliMReceive_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in Value msgValue, in TciValueTemplate msgTmpl, in TriComponentIdType from, in TciNonValueTemplate fromTmpl ); void tliPrCall_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TriAddressType address, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriParameterListType pars, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrCall_m_BC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriParameterListType pars, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrCall_m_MC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TriAddressListType addresses, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriParameterListType pars, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrCall_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TriComponentIdType to, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrCall_c_BC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrCall_c_MC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TriComponentIdListType toList, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrGetCallDetected_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TriParameterListType pars, in TriAddressType address ); void tliPrGetCallDetected_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TriComponentIdType from ); void tliPrGetCallMismatch_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TciValueTemplate parsTmpl, in TciValueDifferenceList diffs, in TriAddressType address, in TciValueTemplate addressTmpl ); void tliPrGetCallMismatch_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TciValueTemplate parsTmpl, in TciValueDifferenceList diffs, in TriComponentIdType from, in TciNonValueTemplate fromTmpl ); void tliPrGetCall_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TciValueTemplate parsTmpl, in TriAddressType address, in TciValueTemplate addressTmpl ); void tliPrGetCall_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TciValueTemplate parsTmpl, in TriComponentIdType from, in TciNonValueTemplate fromTmpl ); void tliPrReply_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value replValue, in TriAddressType address, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriParameterType repl, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrReply_m_BC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value parsValue, in Value replValue, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriParameterType repl, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrReply_m_MC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value parsValue, in Value replValue, in TriAddressListType addresses, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriParameterType repl, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrReply_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value replValue, in TriComponentIdType to, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrReply_c_BC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value parsValue, in Value replValue, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrReply_c_MC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value parsValue, in Value replValue, in TriComponentIdListType toList, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrGetReplyDetected_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TriParameterType repl, in TriAddressType address ); void tliPrGetReplyDetected_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value replValue, in TriComponentIdType from ); void tliPrGetReplyMismatch_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value replValue, in TciValueTemplate replyTmpl, in TciValueDifferenceList diffs, in TriAddressType address, in TciValueTemplate addressTmpl ); void tliPrGetReplyMismatch_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value replValue, in TciValueTemplate replyTmpl, in TciValueDifferenceList diffs, in TriComponentIdType from, in TciNonValueTemplate fromTmpl ); void tliPrGetReply_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value replValue, in TciValueTemplate replyTmpl, in TriAddressType address, in TciValueTemplate addressTmpl ); void tliPrGetReply_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value replValue, in TciValueTemplate replyTmpl, in TriComponentIdType from, in TciNonValueTemplate fromTmpl ); void tliPrRaise_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value excValue, in TriAddressType address, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriExceptionType exc, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrRaise_m_BC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value excValue, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriExceptionType exc, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrRaise_m_MC( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value excValue, in TriAddressListType addresses, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriExceptionType exc, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrRaise_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value excValue, in TriComponentIdType to, in TriStatusType transmissionFailure ); void tliPrCatchDetected_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TriExceptionType exc, in TriAddressType address ); void tliPrCatchDetected_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in Value excValue, in TriComponentIdType from ); void tliPrCatchMismatch_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value excValue, in TciValueTemplate excTmpl, in TciValueDifferenceList diffs, in TriAddressType address, in TciValueTemplate addressTmpl ); void tliPrCatchMismatch_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value excValue, in TciValueTemplate excTmpl, in TciValueDifferenceList diffs, in TriComponentIdType from, in TciNonValueTemplate fromTmpl ); void tliPrCatch_m( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value excValue, in TciValueTemplate excTmpl, in TriAddressType address, in TciValueTemplate addressTmpl); void tliPrCatch_c( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in Value excValue, in TciValueTemplate excTmpl, in TriComponentIdType from, in TciNonValueTemplate fromTmpl ); void tliPrCatchTimeoutDetected( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature ); void tliPrCatchTimeout( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port, in TriSignatureIdType signature, in TciParameterListType parsValue ); void tliCCreate( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType comp, in String name ); void tliCStart( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType comp, in TciBehaviourIdType name, in TciParameterListType parsValue ); void tliCRunning( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType comp, in TBoolean status ); void tliCAlive( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType comp, in TBoolean status ); void tliCStop( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType comp ); void tliCKill( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType comp ); void tliCDoneMismatch( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciNonValueTemplate compTmpl ); void tliCKilledMismatch( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciNonValueTemplate compTmpl ); void tliCDone(in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciNonValueTemplate compTmpl ); void tliCKilled( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciNonValueTemplate compTmpl ); void tliCTerminated( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in VerdictValue verdict ); void tliPConnect( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType c1, in TriPortIdType port1, in TriComponentIdType c2, in TriPortIdType port2 ); void tliPDisconnect( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType c1, in TriPortIdType port1, in TriComponentIdType c2, in TriPortIdType port2 ); void tliPMap( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType c1, in TriPortIdType port1, in TriComponentIdType c2, in TriPortIdType port2 ); void tliPUnmap( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriComponentIdType c1, in TriPortIdType port1, in TriComponentIdType c2, in TriPortIdType port2 ); void tliPClear( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port ); void tliPStart( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port ); void tliPStop( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port ); void tliPHalt( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriPortIdType port ); void tliEncode( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in Value val, in TriStatusType encoderFailure, in TriMessageType msg, in TString codec ); void tliDecode( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriMessageType msg, in TriStatusType decoderFailure, in Value val, in TString codec ); void tliTTimeoutDetected( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriTimerIdType timer ); void tliTTimeoutMismatch( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciNonValueTemplate timerTmpl ); void tliTTimeout( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciNonValueTemplate timerTmpl ); void tliTStart( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriTimerIdType timer, in TriTimerDurationType dur ); void tliTStop( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriTimerIdType timer ); void tliTRead( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriTimerIdType timer, in TriTimerDurationType elapsed ); void tliTRunning( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TriTimerIdType timer, in TBoolean status ); void tliSEnter( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TString name, in TciParameterListType parsValue, in TString kind ); void tliSLeave( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TString name, in Value returnValue, in TString kind ); void tliVar( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TString name, in Value varValue ); void tliModulePar( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TString name, in Value parValue ); void tliGetVerdict( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in VerdictValue verdict ); void tliSetVerdict( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in VerdictValue verdict ); void tliLog( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TciValueList log ); void tliAEnter( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); void tliALeave( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); void tliADefaults( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); void tliAActivate( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in TString name, in TciParameterListType pars, in Value ref ); void tliADeactivate( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c, in Value ref ); void tliANomatch( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); void tliARepeat( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); void tliAWait( in TString am, in TInteger ts, in TString src, in TInteger line, in TriComponentIdType c ); }; };