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 ITU Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change
 Quito, Ecuador 8-10 July 2009
Ingeniero Jorge Glas, Representante del Presidente de la Republica del Ecuador, Economista Rafael Correa

Dra. Zoila Ramos, Directora de CITIC

Ingeniero Jaime Guerrero, Presidente de Conatel

Ingeniero Juan Cordova, Superintendente de Telecomunicaciones

Dr. Mauro Florez

Excelentísimas Autoridades

Distinguidos invitados, señoras y señores,

Es para mí un gran honor estar hoy aquí en Quito con motivo de la celebración de este Simposio sobre las TIC y el cambio climático.

Me complace enormemente que el Sr. Embajador Montalvo esté con nosotros. Fue para mí un un gran placer moderar la reunión del Grupo Especial de Alto Nivel durante el WSIS Foro en Ginebra en mayo, donde el Embajador dio un discurso sobre la contribución de Ecuador a la lucha contra el cambio climático en el marco del proyecto Yasuni.

Ecuador debe su famoso nombre a la línea del Ecuador que atraviesa el país. La línea simbólica que divide al planeta en el Norte y el Sur.

Para luchar contra el cambio climático, el mundo debe estar unido. América Latina NO es una de las regiones que más contribuyen a las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, pero sufre los efectos de las emisiones de otros países. El cambio climático es un problema mundial que exige soluciones también mundiales.

Durante su visita a la UIT, el Sr. Ban Ki-Moon, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, declaró que "el cambio climático es el desafío moral de nuestra generación" y que la UIT es "uno de los interesados más importantes en la lucha contra el cambio climático".

El efecto de las TIC sobre el medio ambiente es un tema que preocupa a la UIT hace mucho tiempo, pero en estos dos últimos años la UIT se ha ocupado más activamente del cambio climático.

Al principio me preguntaban a menudo "qué tiene que ver la UIT con el cambio climático". Me complace afirmar que ahora no se nos pregunta eso tanto. Estoy convencido que la importancia de las TIC para el cambio climático es clara.

Ladies and gentlemen

We are making every effort therefore to convey the message to global leaders of the importance of recognizing the role of ICTs in any future agreements, such as the one expected to be agreed in December in Copenhagen.

Meeting agreed commitments includes the need for common reporting formats and methodologies to calculate national GHG emissions. In turn, agreed methodologies for calculations in the ICT sector can now be based on an ITU global standard. While it was not formally part of the Kyoto process, now we have a common approach to calculating the impact of ICTs on climate change, ICTs can be taken into account in future agreements.

Last year’s World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly adopted the first ever ITU Resolution on ICTs and Climate Change (Resolution 73) which emphasizes the importance of this work and calls on the ITU membership to work towards the reduction in emissions of GHGs arising from the use of ICTs that are necessary to meet the goals of the UNFCCC

The recent World Telecommunication Policy Forum also adopted an Opinion which calls for the study by ITU of environmentally safe disposal and recycling of discarded ICT equipment and facilities. I am pleased to say this has been included in the terms of reference of a new study group on Environment and Climate Change.

In order to achieve our own commitment to climate neutrality, ITU has introduced a number of initiatives:

o Many of our meetings are now totally paperless and we make extensive use of remote participation tools
o For example our Focus Group on Climate Change had 28 teleconference meetings and only three physical meetings
o Our Recommendations are now freely available on-line
o We have conducted an energy audit and are actively seeking to reduce our carbon footprint
o We webcast most of our workshops and seminars including this one
o And we are organizing the first virtual Symposium on Climate Change in September with the Korean government

This event In Quito will be a Symposium of firsts. It is the first ITU Symposium on Climate Change in Latin America and the first to be held in a developing country.

We know that tackling climate change is a critical issue in the region and this Symposium will consider key issues for Latin America that were not discussed in our previous Symposia in London and Kyoto.

At the recent UN negotiations in Bonn on a new global agreement, countries from Latin America were at the forefront of the debate. Mexico proposed a new funding mechanism to pay for climate change mitigation and adaption programs. Ecuador, Bolivia and other countries in the region emphasized the importance of protecting indigenous peoples. Costa Rica has made a public commitment to make the entire country climate neutral and already has increased its forest cover from 21% in 1986 to 51% in 2006.

Latin America contains 5 of the 10 most biodiverse nations in the world, including Ecuador. Deforestation is a critical issue, as it contributes some 17-20% of total GHG emissions. When forests disappear the earth loses a carbon sponge. According to one calculation, during the next 24 hours the effect of losing forests in Brazil and Indonesia will be the same as if 8 million people boarded airplanes at Los Angeles and flew to Quito.

To make the best use of ICTs to combat climate change, developing countries must make every effort to expand their infrastructure to provide affordable access to communications for all citizens and to increase broadband levels. Financing the cost of combating climate changes is also a key issue for the region, as well as projects under the clean development mechanism.

To address these issues, the program for the Symposium has been significantly changed and our background report was revised to address these important topics. The Report also describes the activities of our 3 sectors on climate change, and you will be hearing more about that during the Symposium.

Damas y caballeros

Para terminar, les ruego me permitan dar las gracias al CITIC por acoger este Simposio. La UIT trata de fomentar la participación de la académia en sus trabajos, y nos complace contar con la ayuda de este instituto de investigación en este evento. Deseo agradecer a todos los estudiantes que presentaron documentos de investigación y a los seleccionados para hablar.

También quisiera agradecer al Gobierno de Ecuador el habernos invitado a Quito. En particular al apoyo recibido de CONATEL, Senacyt y CNT. El sector privado tiene una función esencial en la labor de la UIT y me complace que empresas tales como Telefónica y Deutsche Telecom estén en este evento.

Tenemos un programa extenso y contamos con magníficos oradores, así que todos estamos ansiosos por empezar estos dos días y medio de debates.


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Updated : 2009-07-22