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ITU-T Q.1238.3 (06/2000)

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Interface Recommendation for intelligent network capability set 3 : SCF-SRF interface
The Q.1238.x series of ITU-T Recommendations defines the Intelligent Network (IN) Application Protocol (INAP) for IN Capability Set 3 (IN CS-3), the INAP for IN CS-3 based upon IN CS-2 Q.1228 specification (1997) and the general rules for INAP provided in ITU-T Q.1208, and is consistent with the scope of IN CS-3 as defined in ITU-T Q.1231. Within the Q.123x series of ITU-T Recommendations, the Q.1238.x series describes the protocol realizing the Q.1231 Distributed Functional Plane in a service and vendor implementation independent manner, as constrained by the capabilities of the embedded base of network technology. This provides the flexibility to allocate distributed functionality into multiple physical network configurations and to evolve IN from IN CS-3 to some future CS-N. This Recommendation belongs to the Q.1238.x series of ITU-T Recommendations for IN Capability Set 3. It covers the SCF-SRF interface including the description of the aspects of the SCF Functional Entity which are relevant to this interface. This Recommendation includes an electronic attachment containing clause 12 ASN.1 definitions.
Series title: Q series: Switching and signalling, and associated measurements and tests
  Q.1200-Q.1699: Intelligent Network
Approval date: 2000-06-15
Approval process:TAP
Status: In force
Observation:This Recommendation includes an electronic attachment containing the ASN.1 definitions for the IN CS-3 SCF-SRF interface
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 11
Further details: Patent statement(s)