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ITU-T F.515 (04/2003)

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Unified Directory specification
This Recommendation provides a directory specification to fulfil the service requirements of ITU-T Rec. F.510. The directory specification is named Unified Directory Specification (UDS) to reflect that it allows a great variety of database structures to be supported. The ITU-T Rec. F.510 service is realized by the Unified Directory Access Protocol (UDAP). This protocol is expressed using the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) schema notation.UDAP has been designed in a way that facilitates an easy mapping to ITU-T Rec. E.115.The structure of this Recommendation follows the structure of ITU-T Rec. F.510. Certain clauses in ITU-T Rec. F.510 do not require a corresponding specification and are left void.
Series title: F series: Non-telephone telecommunication services
  F.500-F.549: Directory services
Approval date: 2003-04-22
Approval process:AAP
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 17
Further details: Patent statement(s)
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